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8 entries this month

Where are we likely to find spirits..

00:33 May 19 2008
Times Read: 838

Spirits of loved ones, if they are some how faintly attracted to or metaphoricaly attached to some one. I could imagine that attachment could conect them.. so in a passage (portal beyond) effort and focus by an entity us (soon to be either drawn into a continium or re-reflecked down to a terrestrial vessel. To have an attachment or tether, or a weighted entity us it could be enough to allow us passage through turbulent static and vacumm now that they are through they may regain a residual "conciousness, memory that lingers in those left behind, Imagine they have been using the time after passage to 'journey back estemate the urgency or streght of the "call"

and that they may have not gone over at all into the equation

How is that "linmgering spirit" find their loved one? me I imagine it would be in my favorite chair or the vista spot we shared. some would say the cemetary I think that if you went to that same cemetery with a loved one then they would have a hint that you would 'meet them thewir, even for something as subtle as a brush of rememberance.



00:51 May 19 2008

If, indeed, we can ever "return" then I do not doubt at all ...nor ever will doubt... that if my daughter ever needed me I would hear her and appear. I would move Heaven and Earth for her.


What Do they Show you ?

02:14 May 18 2008
Times Read: 848

What is shown to you to provide proof that of what they may not even believe what they claim. The pamplets they pass out, all pasted together from digest. Flattery. A bdge to stir common discussion among the social element a bi-product of an attractive church/study group operation. Yet you notice that there are no indicators of deception in the members you do communicate with. This is atributed to secondary degree effect. If I decieve someone to gain benefit for myself and others in the inner circle, I will use a secondary, to remove myself from a direct review of things. A charismatic convert will even likely fill in laps in my "cover song", or "draw pitch"

If I went to a church pray meeting and started to attend out of church home studies. With the first group setting one person to be led to believe I am intrested in a fund raiser opurtunity for a missionary group (maybe have phamlets, with a collection of retreate training for missionary blah blah..

With that I pitch, that selling candy bars. (bought whole sale or even bin dived) stripped of their regular wrappers and rewrapped with charitable wrappers. add a 25 cent comishion to the groups and wham run it to the ground if you want. you can even have them drive you to the air port to go off to your training.



03:20 May 18 2008

This reminds me of the fake ones at the airports years ago and the the ones still knocking on doors on my days off wakeing me up annoyingley or solicitating door to door withn tho0se phoney fund raisers.


Shaky Structures

20:40 May 16 2008
Times Read: 853

What comes after life is open to individuel acceptance, a persons assiurance is sacred that is understood, yet what concerns me is how and what others will show someone as proof of what they may not even believe but want others to believe for their benefits that come from dependency (comfirmation performances).




Professionally Despondant People

21:30 May 12 2008
Times Read: 866

Healthy people solve their own problems as they share them, with others, Emos create problems as the seek suggestions to dismiss, making their "situation" appear hopeless, so that people will be more attentive to how "uniquely hellish" their life is, they seek academy awards for being more miserible then you can fix, If you say some like , Man You life sucks!" that is applause to them.



21:33 May 12 2008

Hah incredible how kids are these days.

A competition who as the most miserable life, pheh.


Would you Want to be around some one that changed their emotions on a whim?

21:19 May 12 2008
Times Read: 869

People that simple call Emo clique and a life style are enablers.. I sincerly hope they see the suicide pacts that emo kids share "out of fun"(more like to get attention) see most emo kids have no talents or hobbies, so they are shunned by other kids and since they are shunned "like other out cast" they think they are a sub culture< and along come fringe groups to coddle them. Encouraging their antics, when no one is watching emos are happy at the fact that everyone thinks they are miserible, and that people will go out of their way to "cheer them up, but only momentarily, because if they act it out again they can be consoled again. Yea they attatch a collective element with Idie rock and how that Makes them So Happy and every body should be so happy (artificially) about them being happy. If you don't like a person that happens to be Emo(even if you have no idea how to identifiy Emo, then you are "down on them" because they are Emo. Not because they are a kill joy or Whimsy Moodical , playing on a Mood Swing Set.



21:32 May 12 2008

I am not Emo yet I don't dislike them, if they have chosen that life style their business.

What I can't stand is kids who who to get soemthing threaten others to kill themselves.

Or say: ''because of you I am going to kill myself.''


How I see Goth

20:52 May 11 2008
Times Read: 876

I see Goth as Custom not costume, non comformist that seek not to be excepted for not conforming, the curios tendency for theatrical shock role playing (usually relate to the noir follies of human nature) standing out but not blending in. Shade from an artificially bright world , That is what I find so alluring bout goth.

I like the curious (dears in the head light) effect on would be nonconformist.. like they peer into a shadow and act surprise to find that people dwell there, and they have no problem not being "happy" all the time.



21:06 May 11 2008

Hehe the topic of goth, the never ending one on here and never tired of discussing it.


It is true...everything you want to believe is true

23:28 May 08 2008
Times Read: 886

regardless of what may be exposed about your beliefs is a lie and you should forget about thinking there is a hidden agenda because there isn't , all the money made off of your blind faith is spent to make others believe like you do it is not used to live those that give you something so devine and holy such signs that are 100% real. So please feel free to believe in such things that are mysteriously draining your wallets.



21:30 May 12 2008



If I told Such Tales

03:14 May 07 2008
Times Read: 897

In a way that only left a clue of fiction to veil the distractions I created in my life and the lives of my friends with the subtle craft I practice there would be laughs and there would even be a few grudges restored in that tale for sure. I learn something of human nature that has laid dormant for centuries and I have been tempted to tell yet knowing if i do it will fade from me. I have hidden it in fiction, but I am limited in that craft. What gets me is that people sit in front of a device that destroys the same thing , how that one thing flucuates in us stirring our creativity yet people want to be stimulated by others, some that seek to stimulate others are hopeful that the replys of others stimulates them. well to seperate and become Anonymous is a bold step some will take to advance to a geist.



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