Something I have known for quite a while, confirmed.
Is Goth Synonomous with belief in the occult?
Yes 7 12.5 %
No 49 87.5 %
Still rising against the notional assumption!
Absolute ignorance!
How blank is the mind of people who are so desperate for something to br supernatural, so oblivious to obvious reasons why something is a explained as natural.
A putts mantra, " Noone can say for sure." Duh!!
They claim to have "open minds" but open minds are apparently cluttered by crap ideas. Petty Crap ideas.
Such people demonstrate Fallacies of Logic in every statement they post.
Come on, Dab!
Don't forget the ultimate (and most oft used) fallacy....
Anything is possible!
ha ha ha ha ha
Oh I knew it..
I guess it is possible I forgot..
I negate anything is possible.. simply by saying.
It is equally possible that such possibilities are not possible.
or as an educated person would say," Not all things are probable." With imagination " all things are possible, but not practical.
Can I get a cheer for probability?
You probably could,,,hehe