Blurring the line between the two, is it healthy? Should spiritual matters entertain our senses? Organized religion serves a social function, is this a draw to a percentage of those that are involved (perhaps less then devoted) are drawn not to the faith, but to the acceptance of a group, even converting to fit in.
So would they be more likely to fall from the fold if another attractive (entertaining faith,or philosophy) comes along.. some questions I have been pondering.. as an Apostate from several faiths, and practices.. I have seen sensationalism break up churches.
Screw every one that thinks they are so spiritual, and that they have some esoteric key others can not have, and that if others claim to have as well, they claim theirs is better, screw those who declare monopoly on soul matters, the losers that lord their piety over others. Wanting nothing but to create conflict. Yea Screw them.. and those that are easily swayed by them. How interesting that they get away with religions indoctrination, one a site that discourages it.
Screw hypocrites.
Luckily not every religious person is like that, but really many people are getting away from religioins because of many people who do harm 'in the name of god'. Meaning they give the excuse of religion for their ignorance and harm they provide.
When one person has an assurance to something in their after life, that is sacred, yet if they press that upon others.. then that is wrong. To present ones beliefs to another is acceptable to most. Yet to be beat with their beliefs.. and denounced for not sharing them.. to the letter 100% that is a grievious matter. When an annoying person gets a hold of a dogma bone, that person does not become any less annoying, the only thing that changes is that now they are shunned because of their assumed religion.
I agree, Dab...I agree.
The last line is a bit off in context.. Those that accept the faith of others for the wrong reasons.. that is who I address.
On this I have to agree with you.
We suffer from those who question our core faith by claiming we are ignorant,and unenlightened if we don't accept their beliefs and their interpatation or exact thing to believe, we suffer because others think that everybody should be open minded and clutter their open mind with unsettled and undefined "possibilities". We suffer from uncertainty created by people that expand on their "religion" as they go along tailoring it to popular sensational expectations. We can no longer just pass on and see the after life we have to suffer not knowing if we will be enlightened if we don't see aliens or a ghost before we die.. so we are tormented as we die by those who insist on persistantly pushing their faith on us so that they can settle us to their faith, instead of being asked what we expect after here, to assure that we have assrance, we suffer (nonbelievers) from people pressing us to change our faith, then we suffer from people denouncing us as ignorant for not believing, even on our death bed.
well said dabbler!
well stated , dabbler
But then you also find non-believers that want to push their opinion on believers and want to assure them that their beliefs are fake because there are no proofs of them.
Anyway my biggest rant about religions is that, us non-believers have to respect believers, but then I can't say my opinion because that would not respect their faith.
Respect should go on both sides, doesn't it?
Some insist that others accept that Urban Legends could be actual events, I find that this is connected with fears, they may want others to acknowledge their irrational fears, most urban legends are worse case senario, people with grand fears, find comfirmation in such things, then they want others to "fess-up" to ackknowledge those fears.. more later..
The last time I heard someone say that they hated someone, who they had called a friend the day before, I began to wonder. Then I hear the word love, get stuck on every crush. So I wondered more. Sometimes we have associates we call friends. Annoying people we call enemies. yet we still tend to seek the extreme output of those emotions related to that situation. I can handle that, with maturity we learn to interact with those emotional surges, yet it is the expectation of such swooned, or infuriated people to seek others to be just as entuisastic as they are. They even block out caution from others to practice moderation.
I had a blast at a gallery closing party last night, there was progressive canvases, D.J. (though no poetry, or spoken word) a guy that converted a shovel to a guitar, a burlesque show, fire dancers.. man what i blast, I found someone that wants me to rig his studio, for an opening as well. What a night to remember (even if a bit fuzzy.)
Now that sounds like a party! I'd like to see a guitar made out of a shovel. The whole thing sounds cool.
04:47 Jul 30 2008
dabbler, you have a way with words. if only more people could be more like yourself.