Silent But Deadly
If Poison Doesn't kill me..
Then I know what will ..
those silent e-cars will
someone will stand out in front of me answering a cell phone,
I'll lurch to avoid them while still walking. Bamm the silent car
squeezing into the parking spot does me in. Silent But Deadly
Anybody can Hate, Do you feel your hate is more valid then those who hate you?
I have no need to hate. Those who hate me are obviously miserable for it, and that makes me happy! ;P
Sage Insight Bones..
At times... *smiles*
yes, since I am not naturally a hateful person, my hatred is something which must be earned honestly. It will require effort. This makes it more valid, as those who hate me do so as a knee-jerk reaction.
I have other things that require my energy..
Why bother, life is far too short.
Some people "Win" when we choose to hate them. Mostly Socio-paths. You are right it is a waste of energy. I seek the general reason the person sought me out, and then withdraw from the matter. Sometimes offering a way for that person to save face. Losing face is a trigger to some.
What is validity really? Pain is our own, love is our own, hate must be the same. If it matters to you whether someone "hates" you, then I suppose you just made their emotion valid.
Can a Master Piece be painted, on a salvaged canvas?
Yes it can. One brush stroke at a time...
i don't see why not.
Even with Salavage Brushes!
Yes, even with Salvaged brushes...
Why of course
Are we all not indeed a salvaged canvas?
None of us are perfect, without carbon based life forms minds, spirit - our beings itself.
I am very worried that this has come out to the public. I understand how some people might think this will help us come out of the coffin, but really look at the harm it could cause. The people who get to watching it and want to get involved in something over their heads and get hurt. But all I can do is bow and accept how things are happening.
Profile for cadrewolf
Sire (28)
Posts: 1149
Member of The Coven of Complicit Dualities
cadrewolf carries the Mark of The Prince.cadrewolf carries the Mark of Sire PandorasBx.
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Vampyre 2007
Posted: 12:04:58 - Feb 09 2009
Times viewed: 4
Very true it may do harm than good, there is always that vairable to deeal with when we work with the cultures of society, many may find this against laws or state regulations and now persicution has once again started.
Profile for dabbler
Incendiary (24)
Posts: 3969
Member of The Coven of Festival of Decay
dabbler carries the Mark of Sire atyourwindow.
Member is a Dark Network Premium Member.
New Dark Network Forum Message
Vampyre 2007
Posted: 13:37:57 - Feb 09 2009
Times viewed: 1
A parade is likely to draw staring glances, as well as cheers.. those who feel special for being " self created outsiders" should get a clue.
Learning to interact with dying people.
I have had plenty of incedents this year so far, a few pedestrians vs cars (One lived, two died) and even a dumster camper being dumped ( he lived), but I have been first responder to trauma, I toiled over my response to the situation ( I have settled since), but it brought up a question I asked the people involved ( they stay at the shelter dorms) "How did the first person
Interact with you?" " How would you respond to a trauma situation?" First aid has taught me mechanics, but there are a few humanity , perhaps etiqutte that I dwell on later.
01:57 Feb 24 2009
Whats an e-car?
19:53 Feb 24 2009
Electric, they are silent running.