As the wind blows, and the day fades
I wait for the call
The call that will make my heart melt
The call that will show me why I live
Till then I will watch the day fade
And night rise
Let the wind blow
Let the rains come
Till then I will miss you
A storm is coming
It is dark and strong
The winds are picking up
Are the gods angry
What have we done
Time may come to an end
Here come the rains
The thunder
The lightening
The bloodshed
Can we stop this storm?
Or are we doom to die?
I hear the sound of the clock
A constant ticking noise
But it seems to be picking up in pace
What can this mean?
Is time running out?
The sand in the hour glass in falling to quickly
Quick run to the shadows before it is to late
The shadows will keep you safe
In the shadows I shall stay
In the shadows I will rule
Until the time comes when you need me
I will step out and offer my help
It is your choice to take it
When my hand is offered to you, you have a choice
Take it or leave it
Until then I will wait in the shadows
Until my name is called
You have captured me
You hold me prisoner in your gaze
Never to be freed
Forever I shall stay
Every night I long to touch you
Every night I long to kiss you
I long to hold you
to feel you
to be near you
I want you
I need you
I love you
Forever you hold my heart
Forever you hold my soul
You hold my very life in your hands
Foreveer I am yours
I am yours till the end of time
i sit here alone in my room thinking
thinking will it ever be ok
will time ever stand still
will i ever have what others have
i sit on the sidelines
people are walking by
never noticing me as they pass by
can they hear my heartbeat
can they hear the faint sound of breath
can they feel my longing
will they ever notice i am alive
until this feeling can pass
i shall sit here in my room
and wait
hoping that one day this lonliness will subside
and i will be seen
My heart
My heart beats for you
My heart crys for you
It wants your ever loving touch
It wants to feel your heart beat close to it
My heart aches for your touch
your tender care
My heart belongs to you and you alone
Keep my heart safe
As I will forever keep yours
i love you now
and i will love you foever
please foever be mine
another second
another mintute without you is a lifetime of hell
I wait here to hear your voice
to feel your touch