Είμαι έτσι μητέρων που κουράζεται γάιδάρο της του bullshit επιθυμώ ακριβώς η ζωή θα μπορούσε να πάρει τον κλωτσημένο για μιά φορά. Γιατί άνθρωποι παίρνουμε πάντα κλωτσημένοι γύρω από αλλά το γεγονός ότι η ζωή όχι να πάρει τίποτα σε αντάλλαγμα fucking καθυστερεί. Είχα αρκετών με τη ζωή που μένει ατιμώρητη με το
I dont see why marriage is such a big deal I mean its great to be legally connected to someone as well as physically but now a days people dont take marriage seriously. So whats the point in it if alot of people cannot be faithful?
I mean if I ever got the opportunity to get married I dont know if I would take it because how would I know if the guy actually truly loved me. I mean the word love gets thrown around so much how do you know if a person knows the real meaning behind it. And would a guy be willing to go far enough to actually show the woman they love the truth of his affections or would he view it as to much work?