Spring is finally come to Norway, the snow is gone for good (we hope)... Now is the time for cleaning up after winter, since I always keep my room nice and shiny I have only my body left.
So I have bought some Tonidren to purge the body of toxins and other things that is not abt to be there... I love this tonic since it is so gentle to the body and you don't have to make a whole lot of changes to your foodhabits. It's made out of te herbs and green tea, they come in capsules too but, I prefer the freshness of liquids;o)
And to support this "purging", I have bought enough soup to sustain life in a small third world country for a year... And it cost over 300 crowns!!! But, my body is my temple ...
::solemn qiuetness::
Now if I could only get my body my in tune with my meditationhabits!!! Aaaaargh!!! ::actually laughing::