I enjoy the doors and I enjoy covers but oteps cover of not to touch the sun is really awesome. And if any The doors fan read this I will be hacked and beaten but that's just my opinion.
I have come to believe you are what you do, it does not mean that you are your job. It's a very christian value, that means that the world doesn't decide what you make of it, but that you decided what you make of the world. It has allot to do with why people are evil (like a christian explanation for why there is evil).
I take it more like you are a good person because you do good deeds. The tricky part is ho decides what is a good deed, and here is where I part from the christian view. According to them god is the judge, but I believe that we are the judges of our own actions.
Meaning that no one but you have to live with the consequences of your action, I've done things that brings me great shame when I think of them. However when I share these things with other people they don't see as I did anything wrong. That does not matter because I feel that what I did is wrong.
The same applies when you do something that feels good and other think it's dead wrong. Doesn't matter what other people think just as long as you feel good. This seems to imply that I believe you can do what ever you want as long as it feels right.
But it's not just a feeling you get in the moment of doing, but being able to live with the consequences of that action and owning up to it.
Like now I am at work, doing a kind of waiting game. Trying to work as hard as I can to make time go by faster, but it is all in vain... a big lump in my heart doesn't allow me to forget time...
I've been writing in this journal since I've started work, don't really know what my point was......
All I know is that whatever I do I have to be sure I can face myself in the mirror the next day. This is also true for all the things I do not do......
well I am going home now.... I only have one wish for when I get home, but that wish won't come true...