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2 entries this month

going bad - 6/11/07

15:12 Jun 11 2007
Times Read: 660

news of the apocalypse thing going on is pretty bad. news came to me that my friend might be leaving the school, but luckily, she escaped. she gets to stay here... we almost missed that one. LOL! but still...

i was right the first guess though. it really does have to do with my boyfriend. in fact, i broke up with him. he's making me angry, and i knew from the start that something was going on. it doesn't surprise me much really. it hurts like a bitch, but hey. don't we all have to deal with that sometime?

i'm alive, but i'm freaking miserable. so yeah. last week of school, and of course, i have to stay for 4 weeks of summer school in order to pass the grade. my grades aren't as great as most girls. in fact, i probably most resemble a boy when it comes to school work... -_- i suck at it, period, and point blank.

hopefully i get everything done so that way i can pass my grade, and go on to be a junior. (10th grade is tough...) i heard the next 2 years are going to be rather easy. let's just hope what everyone is telling me is right.

our student home vacation is coming up, wer're going to virginia to "bush gardens" or something like that. if any of you live out there somewhere, you should drop me a line. LOL! i'll be with about 200 other girls there.... maybe some boys, it all depends on if a boy's student home group is going or not. XP hopefully my EX doesn't show up, because i'm going to hurt him...




apocalypse - 6/2/07

15:12 Jun 02 2007
Times Read: 666

i've got a serious problem now. and maybe a few fo you will like to help me out with some ideas on how to tell if what i'm feeling is going to happen or not.

me and my best friend sam have been having this ominous feeling. i can feel it long before it's going to happen, but not as strongly as she does. she feels it closer to the time it's going to, and she gets it double worse than i do, because it's all crammed at one point. i get a foreshadowing, but we're both getting it.

this has been going on for about 3 weeks, and i'm sorry to say, i'm really afraid. i've never had the "bad feeling" this much before. ever. and now, whatever it is, after ignoring it so long, it's starting to affect my friends.

sam is psychic like me. so she sees things that humans don't normally see. and this bad feeling is getting WORSE as the days go on. the ominous feeling stretched to her last night, she was upset, and punched the wall. (i can read emotions, and feeling what she felt at that exact moment, the fear, the anger, everything, overflowed through me in a shocking wave.) i was actually so afraid, i screamed "sam! enough!" because i was sure something bad was going to happen if she continued.

i knew at that moment that she was feeling the exact same thing, but i didn't know how strong it was, and i could feel her fear come in sickening waves. i asked her what was wrong, and she told me her friend had tried to commit suicide, and that she'd been getting bad headaches, and nightmares about me and nick, her boyfriend.

my nightmare involved the theme park outside my school campus called "hershey park". i was standing at the bottom of the carosel, and the carosel was black, ominous, and rotted. instead of horses, there were very grotesque gargoyles, and there was a very sharp point, like a spyre, at the top of the carosel. a girl lay limp, and impaled at the top of the carosel, and it looked like sam. blood poured from her eyes, and her arms hung limply outward away from the spyre. my boyfriend, stoner, stood at the top, holding onto the spyre for support, and holding a sword down to the dead girls throat. he actually looked really angry...

i told her i've been having headaches, and nightmares too, about my boyfriend, stoner, and her. i told her that the ominous feeling i had was coming from a long ways away, and now that i'm around her, i can feel it more because i'm reading it from inside of her. it's like i get double the emotions when i read someone else. i can feel what they feel, and if what they're feeling is intense, it doubles up with mine, makes ME scared, and then i have an overload, and i freak out...

whatever it was, she picked up on my fear, and stopped. then she told me what she was feeling, what was going on, and all that she had goin through her head, and i told her, i had the exact same problem. she got afraid suddenly, and we both agreed, that something was going to happen. something bad... and it only happened between us so far. she's a vampire, and i'm a lycan. and the thing is, whatever is going on, it's targeting me and my friends.

it has no effect on the other humans. in fact, the only humans who are involved, are anthony, my friend, and sam's boyfriend, nick. they seem to be the only humans affected. anthony told me he's getting nightmares too, and that he's feeling depressed like something is going to happen. me and sam are NOT the only ones, we have proof from other members in our friendship.

i'm deathly afraid for my boyfriend, stoner, because i don't know what's going to happen to him. i'm positive if this keeps going, someone is going to die, because i've never felt this ominous feeling quite this strongly before. it's actually quite alarming... i sent an email to a friend of mine also who is a vampire, and asked if he's had any of the symptoms me, sam and anthony have had. i have yet to ask my boyfriend, and i won't see him until tomorrow, which gives him plenty of time to get hurt.

i don't know what to do. i had lunarwolf give me some tips on how to contact sam through some spiritual thing, and it might just help, but i'm really not too sure if i can do it. it seems to be some kind of out of body experience, and i've never done anything like that before.

i really hope it's not just me, sam and anthony, because if that's the case, then it could involve us three. i'd like a whole bunch of our kind to have this problem, so that we can work together to solve whatever it is. i'm REALLY afraid for my friends, i don't want them to get hurt, and each person so far has had a specific nightmare about a certain friend. sam had one about me and nick, me about sam and stoner, and anthony about his ex girlfriend that left him quite shaken...

my other friend, zach, may have been having dreams about his ex girlfriends, one of which left him a long time ago. he got sick over her, and eventually fell for his other girl, sara, again. but he was torn up about it for a really long time. now, out of NOWHERE, he gets a call from olivia, the girl who left. but instead of it being a good thing, he's been really stressed out, not knowing what to do.

none of these are good omens. not only are they friends, but they're about ex boyfriends/girlfriends, and about who you're with as it is... i'm not liking the feeling of this, i swear, someone could quite possibly die if i don't crack this strange code... PLEASE if anyone can send me some advice, or on how to crack this case, and save someone's life, PLEASE PLEASE either, pm me, or send me an email!! THIS IS SERIOUS!!



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