chelley2772's Journal

chelley2772's Journal


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forgive&forget spells.

14:58 Jun 04 2012
Times Read: 421

You are completely right in saying that when you engage in fighting, you are only empowering THE FIGHT, not those things you want out of life, whatever they are.

So here is a "Forget & Forgive Spell" written especially for you but certainly something we can all use when someone has annoyed us to the point that we're thinking about it all the time and it gets us stressed and angry or fearful.

I'd like to make the point that to "forgive and forget" is not "letting the other guy win". They're not winning here. They want to fight, and we're not giving it to them. Thereby we have won the whole game, and on the greater levels as well, when we refuse to fight and turn to a different kind of energy instead.

Also, this is energy magic. This spell will strengthen you, empower you, make you more powerful. It basically turns our energy from being a victim to being a hero or champion.

Which then leads to these people who are looking for a fight going off and trying someone else instead.

Good riddance!

Learn this Spell/Chant by heart:


Write out the spell on a nice piece of paper and carry it with you. That in and of itself is a magical act and creates a magical object while you are learning the spell.

Make sure you learn the spell by heart! and you know it well. Practice it until you have it word perfect and know exactly what the feelings are and the energies that go with that spell.

Once you have learned the spell by heart:

Say the spell as soon as you start thinking of the person again.

Close your eyes, hold both your hands on your heart center (Heart Healing Posture), breathe deeply three times, say the spell with meaning out aloud and in your mind at the same time, put some effort into it, that's evoking the energy beyond speaking the words. At "This is my will, so shall it be" you open your eyes and make an outward giving gesture with both hands, then walk away.

Once you have done this spell once, you can re-evoke it at any time you need to stop obsessing by saying it in your mind, or out aloud and in your mind together if you need more power on the spell.

With a little practice, it is enough to think "Forgive and forget" and you can feel the process happening that takes negativity out of you and leaves you powerful and forward flowing, like the river to the sea, indeed.

If you meet the person in the hard, think the spell in your mind and walk away from them.

If you want to use this spell for something more dramatic, like forgiving an abuser or a war criminal, you can keep it exactly as it is for the core of a wider ritual, one in which you might invoke guardians, angels and ancestors, cast a circle, and/or burn the person's name before you speak the spell.

Finally and apart from anything else, using this spell gives you one thing that money can't buy - the moral high ground. Priceless!

Flow beautifully,





love spell

14:55 Jun 04 2012
Times Read: 423

First off i would like to remind everyone that you should never messwith someones free will. When doing a love spell you should not think of one person in general, on the other hand you can think of what characteristics youd like in your lover. Anyways ill post the spell now^-^

Good morning, Sandra.

There is so much that could be said or done, but what I kept getting over and over, even as I was thinking of all kinds of love spells and this and that, one single message:


I think that's what we have to do when these things happen, just to re-affirm that.

When thoughts come, or loneliness, or doubts that you will ever find anyone who'll love you, or memories of past injuries, to stop, take a deep breath, put your hands on your heart as though you are giving a pledge of allegiance and to say out aloud,


Three times and with absolute intention.

People are people, we know they come and go. But if you can hold steady and believe in love, and your power to give and receive love, then all will be well.





to relieve stress

14:49 Jun 04 2012
Times Read: 424

One of the best first aid spells against stress is the Storm Spell Chant.

It goes as follows:

Storms within and storms without storms above and storms below, in my center only stillness Its my will, and it is so.

This spell against stress is a chant so you do this round and round again until you can start to feel yourself getting calmer, feeling stress flow out of your body, or radiate out; it works best done standing and moving, clapping your hands; if you are doing this sitting down, at least rock backwards and forwards as you clap your hands and find the rhythm.

Once you feel like you have stepped down and out of the fast oscillation of high stress, you can take a deep breath and now we can think about what other spell against stress we can do, or rather, what other magical action is needed for you to turn the tide on stress and start being proactive again.

"In the center only stillness" - we are now standing at a crossroads, right in the middle, and now we have magical choices as what we want to do next.

There are four ways you can go with spells against stress from here.

The first is to find a spell that is specific to that which causes you the most stress, such as a money spell if you're stressed about money, or a protection spell if you are stressed about being bullied at work, or under some kind of attack; a health spell if the main source of your stress is fear around health and sickness.

Most people try to do these spells whilst they're still under super high stress and that's never going to work. If you find yourself getting stressed out again as you think about what causes you stress, repeat the storm spell a few more times to calm down again before you do something more specific.

The second way you can go with magic is to draw more positive things into your life that will also alleviate the stress.

For example, if you are worried about losing your job and that's the main source of stress in your life, consider casting a spell (or having one cast) to find a job where you do not have to be worried about losing it.

If you are being bullied at work or at school, think of a positive quality that if you had it, you wouldn't be bullied anymore; or if you are sick, what positive energy forms you could draw into your life that would help the situation and relieve your stress.

As you can imagine, you have to be a lot calmer to even think in such positive terms, looking for positive solutions; and these kinds of spells against what causes you the most stress are in fact many times more powerful than the simpler, tit-for-tat money and protection spells.

The third type of spell we can use against stress is to call in the support of higher forces, or request luck, miracles, hope or joy in general, ask to be looked after, taken care of, and for our guardians, ancestors, angels, friends and guides to manifest in our lives to protect us and help us when stress is high and the going is tough.

The fourth type of spell against stress is to remove stress from your systems altogether by binding, repelling, changing or destroying the cause of stress. This includes one of my all time favourites, which is burning your stress; if people are the cause of your stress, they can be magically bound or protection can be placed between you and them.

Our "crossroads of anti-stress magic" illustrate nicely that once you aren't totally stressed any longer, MANY choices and options become apparent; we stop spinning our wheels, going into action, and it is eventually action (including magic action!) that will change the situation and put you back in control.

There was a reason why magicians of old used to meditate for hours before casting a spell; in the middle ages, they were well stressed out what with war, famine, plague and demons around every corner, and magic just doesn't work when the witch or magician is stressed.

So remember the 1st rule of spell vs stress - use a de-stressing spell first of all, like the Storm Chant above, find yourself at the crossroads and then pick one direction in which you want to go with your magic today.

Do this every night for a week, and you will build up a magical support network where the spells actually work together, your stress will start to diminish significantly, and your reality will take a shift for the better.

Sending a sparkling green waterfall filled with tiny sparks of light of stress clearing energy also,


Meditation works too everyone. Im hoping im helping everyone in the best ways i can.




for bigger breast

14:46 Jun 04 2012
Times Read: 425

For all the flat chested girls like me.

Oh I have many spell, Winnie ...

Spell For Bigger Breasts

(also works for smaller breasts, the whole point is transformation!)

1st time out, wait for darkness.

Strip naked, turn off the lights, and stand before a window.

Hold out your arms and say:

Venus, Goddess of Beauty, Goddess of Power, Goddess of Women, Goddess of Love

I call upon thee.

Hear me.

Transform me in your image.

Like your beauty, mine shall be unsurpassed.

Venus, Goddess of Beauty Goddess of Power, Goddess of Women, Goodess of Love

Fill me with your radiance

Transform me.

Transform me.

Transforme me

in your image.

This is my will.

Bow, get dressed and go outside. Place a flower in a special place as a gift to Venus.

In the days after, every time you think of your body being the wrong shape, say out aloud or say in your head the reminder:

Venus, Goddess of Beauty, Goddess of Power, Goddess of Women, Goddess of Love, Transform me in your image. This is my will.

You should be able to notice a real difference in a week, if you do it diligently and a lot.






hair growth

14:39 Jun 04 2012
Times Read: 427

Say this chant three times as you hold the part of your body that you wish for hair to grow on...

Stretch it Twist it Make it grow Like a river Let it flow Three times fast shall this hair grow This is my will So mote it be


Comment from a spell-caster about this spell:

"....I do really thank you for sharing your knowledge. I must say, I've been practicing the "hair growing spell" and I have to say that I'm really surprised because it does work. I mean, I've been doing it for 3 weeks and my hair is longer, so thank you very much.

Blessings, Sarah B.





miscarriage ritual

14:36 Jun 04 2012
Times Read: 428

"Dust in the Wind"

Memorial for Unborn Children

Items needed:

White candle Flowers A stone to represent the life lost A pot, or jar with a lid, containing earth

Creature of fire and creature of air, take this circle into your care. Creature of water and creature of earth, hold us, protect us, grant

Cast the Circle

The Circle is cast. We stand between the worlds.

EAST: Guardians of the eastern watchtower, spirits of air, creatures of thought and communication, we bid you join us and protect this circle from all peril approaching from the east.

SOUTH: Guardians of the southern watchtower, spirits of fire, creatures of faith and will, we bid you join us and protect this circle from all peril approaching from the south.

WEST: Guardians of the western watchtower, spirits of water, creatures of dreams and emotion, we bid you join us and protect this circle from all peril approaching from the west.

NORTH: Guardians of the northern watchtower, spirits of earth, creatures of strength and endurance, we bid you join us and protect this circle from all peril approaching from the north.

CENTER: Guardians of the central watchtower, spirits above and below, the spirit of humanity, creatures of identity, we bid you join us and protect this circle from all peril from within.

Invoke the Goddess: Great Mother, by your thousand names we call upon you. Persephone, Queen and Mother of the Dead, we ask that you witness this rite.

Invoke the God: Horned One, by your thousand names we call upon you. Hades, King and Father of the Dead, we ask that you witness this rite.

Drawing Down the Goddess: We call upon the goddess of perfect Love, who purifies the seas in which worlds are born, and brings to flood and ebb the rivers flowing beneath all manifest being. Behold now in her Image, crowned with the deepest glory of the sunset, robed in blue and green and silver. We call upon the Goddess who sets the stars in motion upon the endless mirror of night. Behold her now, Lady of the silver Wheel, crowned with silver and crystal, robed in deepest black. As Guardian of the Deepest Mysteries of Death and Birth she opens now the Way, and fills the Circle with her blessing, her power, and the unseen presence. Listen...listen for her heartbeat. Feel her warm and gentle breath as she enters the circle. Be still, and listen.

The Goddess speaks: I am the Dark Mother. I am the Blood Mother. I am the Queen of all Creation, and I am the Guardian of the Graveyard. I have given birth to planets, to stars, to entire galaxies. All that is may call me Mother. Yet I have also birthed the empty husks of dead worlds, and seen the lightless voids in the universe where my children did not thrive. I have known the pain of losing a child unborn, or unconcieved, or of watching the dead body of my child emerge from between my thighs. My heart has stopped suddenly when I realized that my newborn child's cries had stopped. I, who am the Mother of all - I who am the Great Goddess - have cried bitter tears over the loss of my children. And to you who have shared in such loss, I say this: YOU DID NOT KILL YOUR CHILD!

Your seed is not poisonous... Your womb is not a house of death.

Your child's life ended before it was truly begun. But you did not kill your child. There is no blame. You gave all you could to your child, and now the child is gone. You did nothing wrong. The child did nothing wrong. There is no blame.

Every parent, even before the birth of the child, has dreams for the child, hopes of how the child will be treated and how the child will treat others. And each parent has a storehouse of love for each

In time you may find that your hopes and dreams, dulled by pain and disappointment, will fade. But do not let that love fade.

Do not do as others may tell you, and give this love to your other children. Do not do as others may tell you and dedicate this love to the creative works of your hands and of your mind. This love is a gift your child has given to you; use it wisely. Do not waste it where it is not needed. Save and cherish this love as love for yourself. Love your body, your mind, your soul. Learn to accept yourself. For the sake of your child, love yourself.

Look to the stars at night and know that they are your brothers and sisters. They know your grief, and will help you bear your anger and fear. Look to the Sun and see the bright face of the Lord of Light; He will always be there to warm you against the shivering cold of loss. Look to the Moon and see Me; I will always be there to share your sorrow and to hold you when the pain is

But look, too, within yourself, to find the God and Goddess within you, and to find the love that makes you whole. Feel the fullness of all the love you have within you. And know that your child loves you still.

Light Candle

Hold flowers in your hands: These flowers are a representation of my love for you, my child. I give them freely unto the earth, the sun and the moon in appreciation for this love. I will hold it near to me always.

Bury the flowers in the pot.

Hold the stone in your hand: This stone is a representation of my unborn child. There is no life in this stone, yet as I surround this child with the warmth of the earth, life is reborn. My child will live

Bury the stone in the pot.

Chant (begun slowly): In balance with the moon and the sun and

To my soul and body I will give rebirth.

Take time now to reflect on your feelings. Let all the pain go and fill your heart with love and happiness for the rebirth of your

Great Goddess and Horned God, I give my child back to you. I will no longer hold the pain of her loss in my heart as you have taken that from me as well. I hold now joy for her rebirth into your arms.

EAST: Spirits of the east, we thank you for your presence here tonight and for the qualities of thought and communication with which you have endowed this circle. Go in peace.

SOUTH: Spirits of the south, we thank you for your presence here tonight and for the qualities of faith and will with which you have endowed this circle. Go in peace.

WEST: Spirits of the west, we thank you for your presence here tonight and for the qualities of love and compassion with which you have endowed this circle. Go in peace.

NORTH: Spirits of the north, we thank you for your presence here tonight and for the qualities of patience and strength with which you have endowed this circle. Go in peace.

CENTER: Spirits of the center, bright spark of the self, we thank you for giving us the wisdom, the will, the love, and the patience to partake of the energy of this circle.

Great Mother, we thank you for your love and understanding. Be with us always.

Horned One, we thank you for your strength and compassion. Be with us always.

Take down the circle.

The circle is open, yet unbroken. Go with love in your hearts.

Keep the candle as a reminder of this ritual and burn it whenever pain seeps back into your heart for the loss you have suffered. Place the pot of earth, stone and flowers where the light of the moon and sun may shine upon it, or bury it in the earth near to your home.





14:33 Jun 04 2012
Times Read: 430

Supplies: Green and Black Double Action Candle Controlling Oil Tarot Cards: Emperor, Justice, Strength Taglock* of Intended "Talker"

Done on a Saturday or under Waning Moon

Cast your Circle and Call Quarters. Anoint Candle. Place Candle on Pentagram and then Taglock under Candle. Surround Candle with Tarot Cards. Visualize the gossiper shutting up while chanting:

Candle of Power, Candle so Bright I seek a need of change in your Light I call on the forces higher than I to release the energy that is held inside If words of cruelty be spoken of me May it return three times three If words of hate shall disgrace my name Bring it's sender guilt and shame By the powers of Moon and Sun From your lips there shall be none! So mote it be.

You could also burn this spell on a piece of parchment to give it strength. (Use Dragon's Blood)

Let candle burn until it extinguishes by itself.

~do not own spell http://www.everythingunderthemoon.net/spells/spell-to-stop-gossip.htm~



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