Th darkness of the world engulfs me all i see in the light is the sorrow of the world, all I feel is other peoples pain, is there a end to this madness? Is there a solitude from the pain all around me?
There is I come here to cheer up and be around people and others that are differant like me cause all we can be is here when the world abandens us. I love being at rave its my home where I fit in unlike the real world.
My children unfortunately are like me no real close friends they can talk too just people who are scared to be themselves and do what is expected of them. So we all blend when we are not here. We are a mixed drink our society has broken our spirits and caged us and we need to be freed. What gave them the right to take our freedom away.
Smoking banns hell if I want to give myself lung cancer I will to hell with them. I'm not killing people although there is a few who I would like to see dead.
If I want to squat and pea on the side of the road damnit I will, but that is illegal in most states also.
Oh yes my favorite self preservation is not allowed it is a crime to protect yourself from violence you go to jail for this for twelve hours.
Has anyone known when they were going to die, I am feeling as if death is laughing at me waiting and bidding his time for his new reward , my soul, I have faced him many times before and always came back.
The current events in my life have nerved me every day is worsining and the hate that grows here is unbearable. I hope I survive all this to help others.
I just want my friends to know how much they mean to me, I love all you guys you have been a open ear and have touched my heart in ways that no-one in my life has.
Please remember me if something happens and look after my children, maria and dustin. my real name is charlette fay monteiro, I live in missouri and Know that not one person in this area cares for me that I know of. its rural and stuck in the sixties click phase. If you are a outsider you will not be missed. They have killed them before and always got away with it.
sorry to bother anyone about this. I just want people to know who I am and that I love my children all of them.