how is it that you can get along with someone better when you not "with" them, then when you are? its crazy how your expectations of a person skyrocketwhen your with them
ok, the surgery was on friday, sat and sunday i was drugged up, slept right through, monday had to use numbing eye dropps every hour because my left eye was bothering me, the right was fine, tues stopped using numbing drops but started using lots of artifical tears, i can see for the most part, some stuff that far away is still bleary but the doctor said the healing process wont be done for about 5 more days..... most ppl think i just got contacts, over all i don't know if i'm happy with the results but i'm gonna wait till tues to deciede, god i hope it works.... hhhmmm dont know what to do with the extra perkasets, they gave me 17 and i only needed 4.
hhhmmmm think thats it bye