life goes on
i got a new job and quit the old one, now im working in the bakery dept of a shoprite, i havn't started yet, hopefully ill start next week, my cash flow is gone and i got bills to pay.
why is life so hard???
i just want my own place, my own space, to take care of myself i hate depending on others. i feel like a free loader and i hate it but i cant afford to leave.
i feel 2 grown to live off some ones mom especially wen its not my own,but my own has her own life and isn't interested in helping me
i hate laying around but i've got nothing 2 do...
i have never left a job without giving notice, never... but yesturday i had just about had it the work load has doubled since i started the ppl who do my job when i have off do crappy prep work for me making my 1st day back the worst, and yesturday i got called in the the head of human resourses office (mind you i was praying he was gonna fire me) and he tells me they have been over payingt me for 7 months and thier taking it back now! i numbly left the office and after it sunk in about 5 minuties i went upo to my mom on the second floor (shes a nurse at my job) half crying and asked her to remind me again of why i need this job and shouldnt quit right now??? i take a few minutes upstairs to calm down, my mom talks to the human resources guy and instead of taking 100 out of eack pay for 4 months thier gonna take 40 dollars out of each pay for tyhe next 7 months and i dont even plan on being here in the next 7 months so screw em, oh yeah on top of all that i have my period so i had cramps every 5 seconds, soooo glad i have off today, gonna spend it job hunting lol
i visisted my cousin today to deliver her dautgers ariel cake that i made for her birthday,
my mom talks to my cousin allot, i basically got to here exactly what lies she had been telling my family,
that my bf is abussive, that he tried to control my life that i tried to commit suiside because of him, she paints my bf as a monster and puts the real monster on a pedestul and gives him a halo.
my father continues to threaten us in emails, i havent seen them yet because slain is trying to protect me but eventually i will....
i can only hope he dissappears in to the darkness from whence he came, until then i shall continue to life my life, and try to be happy and not dwell on things i can not change