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23:34 Feb 28 2006
Times Read: 599

Okey.... I have been REALLY bored and therefor made a list of all the books I have in my bedroom.

It's made like this: first the genre of the books, then the author, the name of the book in the language I own it, and if it's in Swedish and exist in translation to English the English name will be written in a parenthesis ( )..

Here goes:

Horror/Vamire/Fantasy/Sience Fiction

1. Anne Rice En vampyrs bekännelse (interview with the vampire)

2. Anne Rice Mörkrets förste (the vampire Lestat)

3. Anne Rice De fördömas drottning (Queen of the damned)

4. Anne Rice De dödligas förförare (Tale of the body theif)

5. Anne Rice Djävulens frestelser (Memnoch the devil)

6. Anne Rice Queen of the damned

7. Anne Rice The vampire Armand

8. Anne Rice Merrick

9. Anne Rice Blood and gold

10. Anne Rice Blackwood farm

11. Anne Rice Vittorio the vampire

12. Anne Rice Pandora

13. Anne Rice The witching hour

14. Laurell k Hamilton Guilty pleasures

15. Laurell k Hamilton The laughing corpse

16. Laurell k Hamilton Circus of the damned

17. Laurell k Hamilton The lunatic café

18. Laurell k Hamilton Bloody bones

19. Laurell k Hamilton The killing dance

20. Laurell k Hamilton Burnt offerings

21. Laurell k Hamilton Blue moon

22. Laurell k Hamilton Obsidian butterfly

23. Laurell k Hamilton Narcissus in chains

24. Laurell k Hamilton Cerulean sins

25. Laurell k Hamilton Incubus dreams

26. Laurel k Hamilton Micah

27. Various Authors Cravings

28. Various Authors Bite

29. Various Authors Nights edge

30. Charlane Harris Dead until dark

31. Charlane Harris Living dead in Dallas

32. Charlane Harris Club dead

33. Charlane Harris Dead as a doornail

34. Charlane Harris Dead to the world

35. Charlane Harris Grave sight

36. Kim Harrison The good the bad and the undead

37. Kim Harrison Every which way but dead

38. Kim Harrison Dead witch walking

39. Chelsea Quinn Yarbro Blood games

40. Various authors Dracula in London

41. Various authors The time of the vampires

42. James a Moore Writ in blood

43. James a Moore The pack

44. James a Moore Dark carnival

45. Sarah a Hoyt Ill met by moonlight

46. Frederick Forsyth The phantom on Manhattan

47. Stephen King The gunslinger

48. Stephen King Salem’s lot

49. Stephen King Desperation

50. Stephen King Drömfångaren (Dreamcatcher)

51. Stephen King Benrangel (Bag of bones)

52. Amelia Atwater Rhodes I nattens djungler (In the forests of the night)

53. Amelia Atwater Rhodes Skuggornas demon (Demon in my view)

54. Amelia Atwater Rhodes Shattered mirror

55. Meredith Ann Pierce Vidundrens väg(A gathering of gargoyles)

56. Meredith Ann Pierce Ravenas dotter (The pearl of the soul of the world)

57. Meredith Ann Pierce Den fjortonde burden (The dark angel)

58. Terry Brooks Running with the demon

59. Terry Brooks A knight of the word

60. Terry Brooks Angles fire east

61. Various Authors Out of Avalon

62. Andreas Roman Drakväktare

63. Andreas Roman Demonet

64. Andreas Roman Dräparen

65. Andreas Roman Vargen och kättaren

66. Tad Williamns Den vindlade vägen (To the green angel tower part 1)

67. David & Leigh Eddings Belgaraths dotter (Polgara the sorceress part 1/2)

68. David & Leigh Eddings Hertiginnan av Erat (Polgara the sorceress part 2/2)

69. David & Leigh Eddings Belgarath besvärjaren (Belgarath the sorcerer)

70. Christopher Moore Lamb, the gospel according to Biff, Christ’s childhood pal.

71. Christopher Moore Bloodsucking friends, a love story

72. Christopher Moore Island of the sequinned love nun

73. Various Authors (The sandman) Book of dreams

74. Various authors The Thackery T Lambhead pocket guide to eccentric & discredited diseasses

75. Neil Gaiman Stardust

76. Neil Gaiman American gods

77. Neil Gaiman Neverwhere

78. John Ajvide Lindquist Låt den rätte komma in (Let the right one pass)

79. John Ajvide Lindquist Hanteringen av de odöda (The handling of the undead)

80. Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman Goda omen (Good Omens)

81. Terry Pratchett Magins färg (Colour of magic)

82. Terry Pratchett Det fantastiska ljuset (The light fantastic)

83. Terry Pratchett Trollkarens stav (Equal rites)

84. Terry Pratchett Mort (Mort)

85. Terry Pratchett Häxkonster (Wyrd sisters)

86. Terry Pratchett Pyramidfeber (Pyramids)

87. Terry Pratchett I lagens namn (Guards! Guards!)

88. Terry Pratchett Döden ligger lågt (Reaper man)

89. Terry Pratchett Häxor i faggorna (Witches abroad)

90. Terry Pratchett Herrskap och häxor (Lords and ladies)

91. Terry Pratchett Levande musik (Soul music)

92. Terry Pratchett Spännande tider (Interesting times)

93. Terry Pratchett Små gudar (Small gods)

94. Terry Pratchett Masker (Maskerade)

95. Terry Pratchett Svartkonster (Sourcery)

96. Terry Pratchett Erik (Eric)

97. Terry Pratchett På lerfötter (Feet of clay)

98. Terry Pratchett Svinvinternatt (Hogfather)

99. Terry Pratchett Carpe Jugulum

100. Terry Pratchett The truth

101. Terry Pratchett Vi far (Truckers)

102. Terry Pratchett Deaths domain

103. Terry Pratchett Nanny Ogg’s cookbook

104. Terry Pratchett The Diskworld Almanak

105. Robert Rankin The witches of Chiswick


106. Shakespeare Comedies

107. Poe Tales of mystery and imagination

108. Tolkien Bilbo

109. Tolkien Sagan om de två tornen (Tale of the two towers)

110. Tolkien Sagan om konungens återkomst (The return of the king)

111. David Lindsay A voyage to Arctarius

112. Leroux The phantom of the opera

113. Shakespeare En midsommarnattsdröm (A midsummernight dream)

114. Shakespeare Hamlet

115. ? Eddan

116. Dumas De the musketörerna (the three musketeers)

117. Dumas The man with the iron mask

118. Homeros Illiaden/Odysseen (the Iliad/the Odyssey

119. Ovidius Konsten att älska (Ars Amatoria)

120. Voltaire Candide och optimismen (Candide)

121. Oscar Wilde The works of Oscar Wilde

122. Oscar Wilde The picture of Dorian Grey

123. Mary Shelly Frankenstein

124. Mikhail Bugalkov The Master and Margarita

125. E.B White Charlotte’s Webb


126. ? Tarot

127. Hanson - Roberts tarot deck

128. Ann Petrie Lejonet (leo)

129. LaVey The Satanic Bible

130. Jennifer Hunter En wiccas handbok (21st century wicca)

131. Arlebrand det okända

132. Thomas Jönsson Tarot – Den inre världsomseglingen

133. Jette Holm Kristallnyckeln

134. dePullford Magi (spellbook)

135. Francis Melville Kärleksmagi (spells and charms)

136. Cunningham Wicca

137. Cunningham Living Wicca

138. ? Sibyllans bok

139. ? Vägar till harmoni

140. Stephanie Harrison & Barbara Weiner Kristallernas visdom (Crystal Wisdom)


141. Joseph Cohen Penisboken (the penis book)

142. Lesley & Roy Adkins Läsa, tyda och skriva hieroglyfer (the little book about Egyptian hieroglyphs)

143. Britt-Marie Näsström Blot

144. Claes Lindskog Grekiska myter och sagor (Greek myths and tales)

145. Juliet Pegrum Ashtanga yoga

146. Melton The vampire book the encyclopedia of the undead

147. Ebbe Schön Älvor, troll och talande träd(faeries, trolls and talking trees)

148. Ebbe Schön Folktro om ödet och lyckan (Folklore about faith and happiness)

149. ? Bondepraktikan

150. Stig Linnell Gåtfulla platser i Sverige

151. Dominic Alexander Spellbound

152. ? Karma sutra

153. Brenda Love Encyclopedia of unusual sex practices

154. Michael Streeter Witchcraft: a secret history

Other novels in swedish

155. Ferenc Göndör A-6171 Ett judiskt levnadsöde

156. Mill Millington Saker min flickvän och jag bråkar om (things my girlfriend and I argue about)

157. Mill Millington Kärlekens Kemi (A certain chemistry)

158. Toby Young Hopplös och hatad av alla (How to lose friends and alienate people)

159. Kevin Folett Svärdet och Spiran (pillars of the earth)

160. Sandström Visdomsord och WC-klotter

161. Pär Lagerkvist Sibyllan

162. Varius Authors Independence Day

163. Ian Flemming Casino Royal

164. Wikingson & Hammar Två nötcreme och en moviebox

165. Various authors Mord i slutna rum

166. Agatha Christie Den gula hästen (The pale horse)

167. Jan Guillou Ondskan

168. Fredrik Lindström Vad gör alla superokända människor hela dagen

169. Maria von Trapp Sound of music

170. Johanne Hildebrant Freja

171. Johanne Hildebrant Idun

172. Johanne Hildebrant Saga

173. Margit Sandemo Sandemo Serien 1

Sagan om Isfolket 1 – 47

Häxmästaren 1-15

Legenden om ljusets rike1 – 20

(three Swedish series that are connected, ’ice people’ of 47 books, ’witch master’ of 15 books, ‘the legend of the realm of light’ 20 books, [I don't think] they do not exist in translation)

Children and young adult

174. Jostein Gaarder Sofies värld (Sophie's World)

175. Jostein Gaarder Spelkortsmysteriet (The Solitaire Mystery)

176. Jostein Gaarder Genom en gåtfull spegel (Through a Glass, Darkly)

177. Fiona Kelly Skumma affärer (Mystery Club 21 without a trace)

178. Fiona Kelly Vita damens gåta(Mystery Club 1 Secret clues )

179. Fiona Kelly Vita damen går igen (Mystery Club 20 betrayal)

180. Fiona Kelly Sammansvärjningen (Mystery Club 19 Conspiracy)

181. Fiona Kelly Häxjakten (Mystery Club 18 Hidden pasts)

182. Fiona Kelly Gömstället (Mystery Club 7 hHide and seek)

183. Fiona Kelly Den försvunna amuletten (Mystery Club 10 Crossed Lines)

184. Robert Graves Jag, Claudius (I, Claudius)

185. Kevin Crossley – Holland Arthur – Den magiska stenen (The seeing stone)

186. Kevin Crossley – Holland Arthur – Vid korsvägen (At the crossing rodes)

187. Robert Corimer Terror i natten (In the middle of the night)

188. Celia Rees Häxa (witch child)

189. Celia Rees Häxa – genom tiderna

190. Celia Rees Blodssystrar (Blood sinister)

191. Margret Mathy Trixlarna

192. Margret Mathy Skurken i datorn

193. John Vornholt The Troll King

194. kalla kårar Kyrkogården (Ghost beach)

195. kalla kårar Det onda ögat (say cheese and die)

196. kalla kårar Mardrömsläger (Welcome to camp nightmare)

197. Eddy c Bertin Trettonde natten

198. Eddy c Bertin Blodröda rum

199. Jim Sukach Knepiga deckargåtor

200. J.K. Rowling Harry potter and the prisoner of Azkaban

201. Shan The vampire assistant

202. Daniel Parker Omgiven av mörker (Alone in the dark)

203. Wolff Ryp Den utvalde (Temptation)

204. Wolff Ryp Den gyllene förföljaren (The Thrill)

205. Wolff Ryp Midnattsstriden (The Fury)

206. Peterson Den stora lilla boken om Puh (The big little book about pooh)

207. Susan Cooper Ovan hav och under sten (over sea, under stone)

208. Varius Authors Om livet och kärleken…


209. Roman Dirge Lenore – Noggies

210. Roman Dirge Lenore – Wedgies

211. Roman Dirge Something at the window scratching

212. Lise Mhyre Nemi I

213. Lise Mhyre Nemi II

214. Lise Mhyre Nemi III

215. Andy Riley Kamikazekaniner (bunny suicides)

216. Andy Riley Return of bunny suicides

217. MAD The indigestible MAD

Crafts/plants/florist insperation

218. Liz Dobbs Tulpaner, Tulpaner (Tulip)

219. ? Vilda behag

220. Kendal von Sydow Crafts

221. Björn Trygg Binda blommor – steg för steg

222. Karl – Dietrich Bühler Vandringar i skandinaviska trädgårdar

223. Peter Ødegaard Herr Peters blomster

224. Paula Pryke Levande färg (Living colours)

225. Gitte Schou Hansen Pärlor för pynt och prydnad

This is 307 books (the sandemo books where'nt mentioned one by one, thats 81 books. I'm not THAT bored..) but I own many more, these are just the ones that fit in the bookshelves in my bedroom)



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