I've just discovered that in my office, among my employees, flashlights are just cases for holding dead batteries.
I just attended a job walk-through with 2 of my techs and 2 clients. My techs each had at least 2 flashlights, all of them dead. The clients brought none. I had one live flashlight with me, and the 5 of us stumbled through a vacant, lightless building, crowded together like we were all wearing the same pair of pants. Somebody needed breath spray.
I've cautioned my techs not to let that happen ever again, or they will be left in the deepest bowels of whatever godforsaken abandoned building I can find, sans flashlight.
Better yet, I will leave them down there with their dead flashlights filled with dead batteries. It may come in handy when fighting off the zombies...
16:32 Aug 25 2009
"I see dead people"....
23:28 Aug 25 2009
...ahhh.. responsible employees...
15:28 Aug 28 2009
Roobie roobie rooo!
10:42 Sep 22 2009
*oooooooooh, zombies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yay!!!!*
16:39 Mar 23 2010
I've learned my lesson with battery operated flashlights. Now all of mine are crank or shake and light ones.
23:42 Jul 26 2011
After reading this I had to go test the three mag-lights I have in different places in my house (top utensil drawer in the kitchen, on the lip of the entertainment center in the second living room, and tucked under the headboard of my bed by my pillow) .. All of them work. I'll have to make a note to test them frequently.
It would suck to have the power go out and ::foom:: No. Light.
How juvenile is it to admit to being afraid of the dark?