butterflyycutie09's Journal


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19:09 Mar 31 2007
Times Read: 633

*she closes her door to her car and starts to walk towards her house when she look up an sees a stranger at her front door. She walks up an ask "who or why are u at my house?" The stranger looks up at her with his slivery green eyes an was just staring at her like he's thinking of an excuse to say to her. "I'm here looking for the person that lives here that why I'm standing here at the door. So I'm guessing ur the one that lives here. She looks at him with the evil eye, Maybe or maybe not why do u want with her? The stranger says well that none of your business if ur not the one that really lives here. As he walks down the stairs he looks back and say give her a message for me then. He took a note out of his pocket and gives it too her and don't read it just give it too her. Walks straight to the streets and headed south instead of north. She though, (how strange) and that just pisses her off even more. How come some guy or just stranger walks up to my house and just stares like there's no one but then gives me a stupid note an don't say shit about it or what's it about. So she went inside and put her things down and open the damn note and read it anyways. This is what the note said, Um mm ......... i don' t know you but i do know of ur repetition of heard of it. My boss wanted to know if u can do a job for us. He won't take no for an answer we will give u 3 days to think about ur answer an one the 3rd day we will get our answer. sincerely, darkness. She thinking to herself what the hell, why would he call himself darkness it like coming out of a horror story . People these days thinking they're some kind of creature of the night. While she laughing about the note she threw it in her fireplace and decided to clean herself up for awhile. Smiling to herself wondering really if that note was serious or not. If not, why was that guy really at her door, I hope no one knew what i really did to my poor sorry for a excuse lover. That fucker deserved what happen too him an the whore he pick or been probably seeing for awhile. Taking the shower didn't help much but it help hide the tears she was crying for the lost of a man (if u call him that) for breaking the heart an just leaving it where ever. She got out of the shower and started to get dress when she heard a noise coming from her living room. She finish putting on her clothes and got her knives out and started going towards her living when she stop and stared. There was no one there in her living room at all. The paper that she threw away in the fire was siting right on the table like she never threw it in the fireplace at all. What the hell, she claimed. Who in goddess name would come into her house and lay a piece of paper that she put in the fire on her table. She goes slowly into her living room an near the table to examine the piece of paper it was brand spanking new. Alright, she said, that's it so she starts looking into the rooms that were empty and no one was in it. She goes into her room and what does she find.......... What the hell she find a damn fucking red rose left on her bed with another note attached to it. oh yea like she wanted a rose on her bed. She goes over there and reads the damn note. The note was like the first one but different some how. REads: You may want to think about wht u just did by throwing that note into the fire it's not wise to mess with the great man that's trying to help you get a job with his boss, so some damn respect. If you find this rose think of it as a present if u throw away let just say be careful when you sleep cuz u might not wake up the next morning. sincerely, X. *smiles*comes upon her and thinks well he wants to play games well play games. She threw the rose into the fire and the 2 notes she received into the fire and went to bed like nothing. Acting like those threats didn't bother her at all she fell asleep. Waiting patently for her to sleep soundly the stranger crept quietly by her window looking at her so still and peaceful just like the dead. Just waiting there watching her really be sleeping, he kept inside the room. (don't ask how he got her window open just think of ways he'll be able to get out). Ready to draw his sword outta his back pouch, he hunches over ready to strike and then it hits. *boom* just like that he's thrown into the wall and something pierce his shoulder. Now, Now, don't cry like a baby it isn't fun playing with a strange man in my room if he's crying like a baby. The stranger looked up at the young girl an realized he just got out smarten by a 15 year old. Lol (laugh out Loud) she sits down and looks at him evilly. So why are u trying to break into my parents house and trying to kill me my i ask. Now the stranger has never been caught or even been trapped like he was now. Oh what shall he do?? The stranger looks up and says,"it's my job to kill those into powers an messing with stuff they shouldn't be messing with. The girl laughs at the stranger. You think I've been messing around with some stuff that really bad for me. What kind of damn excuse is that. No tell me stranger do u have a name? My name is not of important to u what is important is that you better get me from outta of this spot with our swords or u'll have more problems to deal with than just pushing ur sword deeper in my skin. The young girl looks at the stranger and saids, You think i don't know who you are and what your capable of about. I've seen your kind destroy families and their love ones. Why don't i do those ppl the favor by destroying you and the boss you work for. Before she knew it he got of the choke hold from the swords and stab her in the stomach. The young girl looks at her own blood and the sword that was inside her. She just laugh at him, "oh come on now don't u think you can just get away with that. I don't think so hunny. The young girl just smile her smile and before the stranger knew what hit him she just disappear right in front of him. The blood still on the sword but he just stood there amaze an shock on how she disappear. He mumbles to himself, She wasn't even a witch or warlord. How the hell did she just disappear like that. No vampire has ever did that, they just turn to dust and that it but no she wasn't that either he could tell. What bother him even more was that she had a smile of a angle that knew something he didn't.

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22:45 Mar 30 2007
Times Read: 668

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October 25, 2010, it’s a gloomy but crisp day. Why you ask because today is Pricilla birthday. She turned 25. Pricilla was all happy about this day because it was her birthday and her gurls were going out to the gothic clubs in Denver, Colorado. Pricilla was walking to her car when she started noticing a sweet smell coming from outside somewhere. She couldn’t put her finger on it but, I smelled that smell before but, where?” she asked herself. “Oh well”. After she left work she went home and started taking a shower. She got out of the shower and went to her room. Damn what is that sweet smell I smell?” This smell is really starting to annoy me. Not thinking of the smell anymore she got dress and was starting to head out when her boyfriend or lover pulls up in the driveway. “Hey sexy, why are you doing home so early?” I got off a lil bit early because I and the girls are going out to the clubs for my b-day today. You didn’t forget did u? That today is my b-day. Her lover/boyfriend looked at her, no I didn’t precise and I got ur present in the car. “Yea, Pricilla said. So her lover goes to his car and looks in the front seat. Damnit! What’s wrong dear? Your present isn’t here I must’ve left it at my mom’s house. Oh no! It’s okay I can get it later. Oh, thank you darling for not getting mad I will have it here at ur house when you get home okay. After her lover left to do whatever he does, she got into her car and drove off to meet her friends at one of the clubs. Later on that evening Pricilla been feeling a lil weird. She couldn’t put her mind or the thought together but she couldn’t shake this feeling she was having for some time now. Pricilla was a normal girl you can say, she like hanging out with her friends, being with her lover/boyfriend, and just enjoying life. Since she turned 25 weird things have been happening to her. Pricilla never notice it before. Until now that is. Pricilla was talking her friends when one of them said too her “Pricilla u look like a ghost?” What’s wrong? I don’t know something is wrong all of sudden I feel sick and I haven’t really drank anything lately. I’m srry you guys I need to leave. So, Pricilla left the club Bounce and went home. She pulled into her driveway and found out that her lover/boyfriend car was parked there. How strange, she said. Maybe he does something for me for my birthday. Good he’s here, she said.” I need to talk to him about something. She puts her key into the door and when she came in the sweet smell hit her like a ton of bricks. Pricilla step back a bit. What the hell is that damn smell coming from? Why or what is making my house stink? I’m going to have to call plumber or the landlord about this. Pricilla put her purse down and takes off her shoes. She doesn’t call out her lover name because she wants to surprise him that she home early. She crept toe into her room when all of a sudden she finds her lover in bed with a he/she? Pricilla couldn’t scream or even moved. She was so shock on how the hell this fucker brings another person into her house and fucks in her bed. That sweet smell she smells was coming out of her room like no other. The smell was making her so nausea that she had to leave immediately before he finds out that she was there. Pricilla couldn’t think or even cry for that matter. That’s why I’ve been smell that sweet smell that asshole been sleeping around on me and I couldn’t even see it. Now by this time it’s 3:30 am. I need to wind down. So she call her girl Porky (nickname for Sue). “I need to talk to you about something.” She goes over to her friend’s house and tells her everything trying not to cry. Her friend’s Sue was telling her she could stay the night here and then goes home and confronts him. Pricilla said no thank you. Its okay, I’m fine I won’t do anything stupid. I promise. She left her friend’s house around 5:30am. Pricilla got at her house and decided to take her shoes off and lay her purse down. She walks into her room and could smell that sweet smell but it was faded away. Hi Honey she yelled I’m home. I’m in the shower I’ll be out. She could hear whispers in the bathroom. That she couldn’t’ explain but she didn’t have time to understand that. She notices the smell is more on her man and she tries to ignore it. Her lover is trying to get her into the mood to have sex. She looks up at him and says okay but I need to go to the bathroom. Her lover looks at her and says “What for May I ask?” I need to freshen up for u. She was going towards the bathroom when she could smell that sweet smell. That bitch I still in here. Hmmmmmmmmmmm….. I wonder where that huffer is. Her lover is coming up beside her and grabs her and kisses her face. What’s wrong with you? I’m just going to take a shower. No you don’t have to take a shower I like the way you smell though. Y don’t u want me to take a shower u always complain that I don’t take enough? What any I don’t her lover said. Anyway let go to our bed and have some quality time alone. Nope I don’t think so. Next thing happen she pulled the curtain back and there stood her lover’s play toy. Who the hell are u and y are u in my house and shower? That person couldn’t talk or say anything at all. Pricilla look so piss off and angry her lover could’ve sworn that her eyes just change to the color orange. Look honey it’s not what it looks like honestly. Oh no it don’t doesn’t it. Then something just snaps in Pricilla. She looked around and saw her butterfly sword hanging above the mirror in her bathroom. Without thinking she grabs her lover’s toy and pushes both of them in her room and then grabs her butterfly sword. See I don’t understand y would you decided to mess around on me when I did a lot for you. Her lover shiver and he’s toy looking around to see what he/she would hit Pricilla with. Don’t even think about it. What the lover toy said. I know what your thinking and it’s not going to happen. Before they both knew what was going on Pricilla decided to pounce on both of them and started to stab and cut them both. After she was done and settled down, she looked down at what she done and laid right next to her love and whisper in his ear…..*smiles* at her lover next to her side, "oh i wonder what u taste like being what u are." The man she ever loved as she thought would never hurt her and will always keep her safe. In her mind she thought this time and time again, but no matter what he put her through she stuck by him. Until that one night she caught him screwing another woman or man. She couldn't think straight cuz she has so much rage going through her that she didn't' realize what she did until it was too late. "oh darling how could u, baby why did u do this and upset me so." The woman looked at the 2 bodies on the floor just lying there puddles of blood. She crying to her lover and stabbing him 23 times and the person he was fucking was just staring at her in horror. But laughing to herself, it was for ur own good you know if u hadn't cheating on me i wouldn't have killed u an ur unwanted lover on the side. she lick the blood of the knife she use granted it was a (butterfly knife) deadly sucker. Then she looked at his sex love and decided to leave the he/she alone to dye where no one could hear them screaming or even bother coming to look for them. The woman decided to burn the house down an leave the city that she grew to love and cherish. It so happens that she found a car her lover bought and took it outta town. Her heart was broken into pieces and just shattered for what her lover did too her and so she thought if leaving this town and finding another would help her get over this tragedy then by the goddess of Lilith she'll do it. The woman drove outta of her small town and heading to the big city which is in New York but first she needed to get her important stuff in gear. She got herself into gear alright she called her family but never explainin y she leaving town. Just doing it that's all. Thinking to herself that all they need to know for right now. Y could he just be a man and tell me if needed space, no that bastard wanted his cake and eaten too. I'm not gonna be that same woman who lets a evil man into her life and take away what precious she has left. She took off and not looking back, listening to Jo De messina.



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