bunk56's Journal

bunk56's Journal


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11 entries this month

Moving right along......

22:38 Mar 31 2008
Times Read: 645

Well after yesterdays escapade-no more pudding for me! I showed up at rehab today, not too bad. Only got about 8 or so more to go. Holy shit, its all but April already! But now I got too much to do, I need to move "again" This is really getting old! Like four different places in seven years, hopefully this move is permanant. Well, unless I hook up with an incredibuly rich old woman! Who knows.....it could happen. Knowing my luck, as soon as I finish the move! This will save me a boatload of money per year, but it will still suck. Lot more noise and pains, but worth it in the long run, I hope!




Update to the freaking pistacio pudding disaster....

02:52 Mar 31 2008
Times Read: 649

Holy shit! Now I got a big ass block of pudding! Well it ain't pudding now, its hard as a rock for cripes sake! Now what the hell do I do with it? Do I chop it into blocks and eat it like ice cream? This is absolutley rediculous......what the hell was I thinking..........




The freaking pistachio pudding disaster.......

00:27 Mar 31 2008
Times Read: 654

My god, how hard is it to make fucking pudding? I swear I am an idiot......there I am mixing the shit in a bowl, come to find out when I add the milk, the bowl is too freaking small! Then I gotta hunt down a big enough container to put the stuff in, I don't own alot of bowls and stuff........so all I could find is this big tupperware looking square thing. Transfer the stuff in there, then of course I read ya need a wire wisk......I ain't got that thing, so I use my absinthe spoon. I'm mixing it, it turns fucking green and shit goes spraying all over the joint! Is this stuff suppose to get more harder than soup? It looks like green vomit........with chunks in it. WTF? Did I use too much milk? Maybe if I stick it in the freezer......the box DID say it was pudding...Fuck it, I don't know what I'm doing....



01:29 Mar 31 2008

That has to be the funniest thing I've read all day.



21:59 Mar 24 2008
Times Read: 670

Believe it or not I decided to clean this place up a bit! Wow, it was really dirty! I know I am hairy and all, but SHIT! The bathroom was a fucking disaster......I had my glasses on for once, it was really crummy! I had to clean it, my buddy came in to fix the toilet....its been screwed up for months. I knew he did'nt want to smell my john, so I cloroxed the whole place! I should have been a serial killer-I love that shit so much! Washed the ruggies, then cleaned the kitchen and all.....even the stove and sink! I am insane! Like a cleaning bastard I am! The whole freaking place smells like clorox! I did such a good job, I deserve pizza and a cookie!





22:13 Mar 19 2008
Times Read: 676

Whoa baby........I looked down at the number of friends I have. It seemed kinda high, I know I added all my coven mates.....but thought I should just check to make sure. There was about eight to ten that I had not made! I know I'm drunk alot, but holy shit! I don't think I forgot that many.......I mean, I'm real appreciative and all....but ask for cripes sake! Help an ADD brother out once and a while! I can't remember everything!





18:31 Mar 17 2008
Times Read: 680

So I says to myself, lets give the old dive a call, let 'em know I'm comming back.........NO! They don't even know if they can find me a desk to drive! The nerve of the pricks......hurry up, get back here, we needs you.......then bang! Nothing! With any luck, they give me more time off, and I can go back to full duty......I hope. I would just fall asleep doing desk work. Who the hell knows whats gonna happen............




15 hours asleep!

17:16 Mar 13 2008
Times Read: 687

Holy crap! You would think by now I should know how much meds to take.......I was unconscious for 15 freaking hours! What the hell was I thinking! I was supposed to meet my buds at the bar last night, I woke up and it was daylight! People are calling me, leaving msgs, booping me and whatnot........slept right through all of it. I guess the anesthsia drugs make the vicodens a little more potent! Ahh but I needed the rest. It is a funny feeling though....you take a nap at 430 in the afternoon when it is still light out, you expect to wake in the dark....but no! It's daylight again, it really freaked me out!




What......me worry?

19:34 Mar 11 2008
Times Read: 696

Shit, laid around the preop for over two hours for a twenty minute procedure! Did'nt even snow me out the whole way! I was looking forward to getting me some quality sleep! And get this, I can stand with little to no pain....what the fuck? I guess the crutches are for just precaution to take weight off the poor old bones......but I gots the vicodens! Eighty more of the sweet little buggers! Be flying high for the next two months! Thank god the nurse knows me from the good ole street days, she took care of everything for me! Oh well, get to chill for at least three more weeks.....gonna get some pics up soon of this little disaster! Take it from me, it ain't pretty looking! But, hey, if my pants are off........there's better looking things to gaze upon! Muuhahhahh




Let's get to cutting!

09:43 Mar 10 2008
Times Read: 700

That's right folks, tommorrows the day! Get these fucking rods out of my leg! Yeah so I still need those freaking 14 dollar sticks for another six weeks....but I gotta fumble my ass into the office for desk duty. That is just plain embarrising! But the money calls me!




Billed for crutches?

00:37 Mar 05 2008
Times Read: 707

Can you believe this shit? $14.15 for these lousy sticks? Why even bother, they were used for 2 months then pitched to the corner.....why can't they take them back, and give to some poor slob who can't afford them, and spare me the 14 bucks? Where the hell does the 15 cents come into play? This is rediculous........screw the insurace companies......




March entry..........

09:15 Mar 04 2008
Times Read: 713

I GOTTA get back to work! This shit is killing me....I sleep at odd hours, stay awake when I should be sleeping! This is unbearable! It sort of nice being off all the time, but I can take no more! The surgeon is sending me back to work whether he knows it or not! Plus I need the freaking money......I ain't independantly wealthy ya know.......



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