bunk56's Journal

bunk56's Journal


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6 entries this month

This week is too damn long!

08:06 Aug 31 2006
Times Read: 689

Today is Thursday. I should be glad, only two more to go. For once I caught a break, a three day weekend with the holiday. Yes, people-that means alot of drinking! Trouble is, I have two parties to go to on the same day. No-I'm not THAT popular, but I do have lots of friends. I used to have a house, but had to give it up, I could not find any roommates. I really miss that place, I had a shitload of great parties. My annual halloween party is coming up, so there is alot to do. I am having it at a cabin in the middle of no where, so it is just perfect. If anyone has any ideas to share, just let me know, I really want this one to be special. Anything, anything at all, recipes, gags etc. would help. I don't want this to be lame, so I gotta really think of some cool shit. The countdown is on!




At last, a day off.

08:53 Aug 29 2006
Times Read: 694

Hello fans, I at least get a day off. But good news, I start weekends off. I really wanted to get messed up, but I got too much to do tommorow. My ex girlfriend started shit this weekend, parading around some dude at the bar."oh it was nothing, he just bought me a drink" Well that was a long fucking drink, about two hours worth! I'm running around sweating my ass off doing my job, and she's just like-fa la la la having a great time. If your gonna do something, just don't lie, come out and say it. I hate games, at the fucking least be honest. Don't play games about it, have a little common courtesy! Well enough about that crap, I should just give her the boot, but when I'm drunk, I keep calling her. I tried to erase her, but I still remember her number for some reason. ANYONE-please comment on my rave, I need some guidence badly! Why would someone treat another like shit? I would never do that, I don't think I deserve it, why is it always fucking like this? She is still married, I am trying to be responsive to that-why fuck me over like this? Tonight is Tuesday- I have a long night of drinking ahead of me, hope it pans out. Anyway-talk to y'all later.




Ok It could be worse........

09:09 Aug 22 2006
Times Read: 700

Ok, I have been looking forward to tonight. It was not too bad, saw the show I've been looking forward to seeing. But I got kicked out of the bar early. Got half a package on....could have been better. Tonight is Tuesday, it should be alot better- I hope. I hope everyone is not tuning in just to see how sucky my life is. Ehh, they probably would enjoy it, it happens all the time. Lately, I've been liking hinder and breaking benjamin. Holy crap! What have I become? Am I becoming normal? No I think not. Just a phase perhaps. I will shake it off tonight. Time to get back to reality, I hope. I am done hoping-I shall never use that word again! Things will change, I know it. That-or I will take more booze and pills. STAY tuned!




Its Friday!

06:02 Aug 21 2006
Times Read: 702

All I gotta do is get through this shit just one more night! It's been a rough past four days, I should just call in sick today, but everyone will be pissed. With any luck it'll be uneventfull, just wanna get to the bar. Hope my buds are there, maybe go up on the mountain and get really toasted. It is kinda fucked up-wishing to just get drunk, but there is nothing else to do after midnight. Not too many other people I know stay up all night, after all it is my "friday" night. Can't wait to go back to weekends off, more people out. Having off during the week sucks.




Another sucky night

22:04 Aug 09 2006
Times Read: 705

Went out last night, thought it would be a good time. Big block party in the city, got to see some people I have not seen in awhile. Did'nt really make me too happy-makes me miss the street. Some people thought I was dead or moved away, they have'nt seen me in so long. I guess it's the price to pay to remain in darkness. Even though I wish I could keep normal hours or even a normal job, I don't think I would ever change. I don't see it making anything easier. At least I got to talk to some friends, drink some beer, but I did'nt get no damn beelenies! The line was crazy long, just as well, I don't think my body could handle all the grease. I hoped to meet up with my bud, but he did'nt show. We normally go up on a secluded mountain top, it would have been great with the start of the full moon. Just chilling, getting drunk, and listning to some hard music. The place would be a great spot for "the others" to come down and take us away from all this boring crap(I don't know if I'm allowed to really curse on this site or not) Would that be cool or what? Just go out of this universe and visit other places/life forms! Who knows, ya gotta believe theres something else out there. Tonights the full moon, it should be clear out, maybe tonights the night to go up there-we'll see.




When hell is full the dead shall walk the earth.

08:44 Aug 08 2006
Times Read: 706

I always liked this saying. The way the world is today, it won't take too long. I read the newspaper every day-and think to myself, holy crap, my life is great compared to other people. Maybe I just need an excuse to justify that my job is not all that bad-but truth be told, it is. I have to tell myself that each new night, it will get better. After all, it's not a lie if you believe it.



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