I have no decorating skills! I mean, zero skills in this dept! But today, a friend of mine who decorates funky, little boutique hotels along the eastern seaboard said, " Your living room makes my mouth water! Let me get my camera. I'm taking pictures of this!"
I feel all jittery inside! She likes it! Hey Mikey!!!!!!!!
Today I argued the existence of God! What a waste of time. Unfortunately, most of those who claim to be Atheists are simply looking for a way out of being held responsible for their actions. You know, no harm, no fowl! But, I've felt the power of God! And just because YOU don't be!ieve it doesn't mean it isn't true!
If there truly were no God, might as well just do anything they want to do. Because, nothing means anything and everything is pointless.
Intelligence cannot be produced where there is no intelligence. The same goes for life. There is no way around this.
That said, there had to be life and intelligence in existence before the existence of man.
Well said! And, AMEN!
Beautiful day! I'm really beginning to (for the first time) embrace the fall season. Which is so totally out of character for me! Bring it, fall! I'm apple pie ready!