It started with a simple set of cells.
They're inside of me. Running through me. Growing, racing, devouring .
And I have to wonder, where did they come from? Where do they get their power from? How is it that something so microscopic has the ability to rage through my body and destroy evey organ, every bit of what I am?
I can't see it, but I can feel it, almost hear it. It's like the distant hissing flow of a mountain river as it echos from a mile away. It's there, you sense it, hear it, even smell it. But like the cold, flowing waters of the river, you can't stop it. Everytime you put up a levy, , it somehow finds a way around. A tiny break or trickle of a drop, somehow manages to continue the flow. And before you know it, that leak, that minute drainage, finds strength. And before long, it becomes a river. And then, it simply washes you away.......