It's almost time for Halloween and I am so ready. I have a digital camera and I'm taking pictures of all the neighborhood kids in their costumes tomorrow when they come up to see me!
I'm helping my next door neighbor pass out the treats, so I got to hit Walmart tonight and grab a few bags of candy.
Come on in and join me:
Halloween in a week and I have no idea what to dress up as. I'm off work that night, but no real ideas.
The gals in my neighborhood are all trick or treating as prom queens (they're all 12 and 13 yr olds) The guy across the street is wearing a Jason hockey mask and his grandson is also dressing up as Jason Voorhees (which will be cute, Larry's grandson is
My neighbor Randy is going as Herbert West...whoo-boy...can't decide.
I was thinking maybe Vampira, the old horror host???
Well, I have 5 days to think of something!
With Halloween comes horror and with horror comes horror movies, old and new...
Brenda Bailey's pick for awesome horror movies:
1. Re-animator
2. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
3. Return of the Living Dead
4. Night of the Living Dead
5. Dracula (1932)
6. Friday the 13th pt. 1 thru 3
7. A Nightmare on Elm Street
8. The Thing
9. Basket Case
10. Frankenstein (1931)
11. The Wolfman (1941)
12. The Evil Dead
13. Carrie
Brenda Bailey's worse horror list:
1. Friday the 13th pt 7 thru 10
2. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, the next generation
3. Return to Horror High
4. Sleep Away Camp (ok, I love the 80's horror, but the acting in this one is really bad!)
5. Squirm
6. X-tro
7. The Slumber Party Massacre 2
8. Dr. Giggles
9. Death Tunnel
Brenda Bailey's stupid Horror movie list, but horror movies that I like anyway:
1. The Puppet Master
2. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 (1986)
3. House of a Thousand Corpses
4. Demonic Toys
5. The Seed of Chucky
6. The Army of Darkness (viva Bruce Campbell!)
7. Beyond Re-animator
8. The Toxic Avenger
Anyone want to add any to the above lists, comment away...
Nice blend of classic, camp, low budget, and cult. A very eclectic horror list.
cool , a lot of my favorites there.
The scariest movie of all time is the Exorcist! A 12 yr old girl violently possesed by a demon, or the devil! Ghoulish! Horrible!
yeah, they showed that on AMC last night where I old folk's home.
I was surrounded by lights, people and noise, watching, of course, the cencored version and I was still scared!!!
These 90 some year old grandma's and grandpa's weren't even phased by this horrible movie.
One eldery lady asked me what was wrong with that girl in the movie when it showed Reagan projectile vomit on the priest.
I said, "She's possessed by the devil."
The old lady said, "She's what?"
Me, "I said, she's possessed!"
Old lady, "She's what?"
I shouted, "SHE'S POSSESSED!"
Old lady, "She's professing what?"
Another old lady called out. "That girl isn't possessed, she has that swine flu."
Yeah, that old lady was being serious too.
**exorcist facts and me**
I first saw that movie when I was 8, scared the crap out of me!
to this day, I have to watch that movie with the lights on.
I believe in God and the devil and the theory of good vs evil.
I still don't understand what the devil actually wanted to accomplish by possessing a small kid.
the head spinning still gives me nightmares
I will this the Exocist alone! even if it's with my elderly patients, I have to be with someone!!!
When I first saw this movie, I cried.
My friends on VR who have:
made me smile: 32
made me angry: 3
hurt me: 1
read my journal: 12
made me laugh: 13
said nice things to me: 26
kept me company: 5
role played: 3
made me feel special: 4
were kind: 7
romantic: 1
understood me: 2
has my cell number: 2
agrees with me: 15
tells good jokes: 2
is actually a vampire: 3
is psychic: 2
is full of shit: 3
loves me: 1
been good friends: 17
been selfish: 2
from another country: IDK ( 5, I think)
written books: 0
written great short stories: 12
bewitched me: 1
not made sense: 2
been silly: 8
made me glad to b here: all of them, so there. lol.
I was invited to eat breakfast at the casino this Sunday by my friend Randy. I told him I can't go, because I will end up putting my hard earned money in the damn slot machines and then I'll be sorry later on.
he tells me, "I'll pay for your breakfast, just don't bring any money with you then."
Oh its that easy.
Can I do this?
Lord, give me the strength to stay away from those one-armed bandits!!!!
Ok, now that I've got your attention, don't forget my erotic horror novels are for sale and just the thing to get you into the sexy Halloween mood!
order at and key word Brenda Bailey, or order direct from my website:
Went out with my mom, we found some really good deals. I actually found and Optimus Prime shirt...but now I can't make myself wrap it for my cousin....I want that shirt!
"Autobots, roll out!" - Optimus Prime
It's true, my bathroom spider and I have finally settled our differences.
I have noticed that she hasn't been dropping her dried up bug remains in my bathtub anymore.
Of course, when I stand up on the ledge and look over her web...I found the dried up "bug trash" all stuffed in the small space above the shower head.
Surely this space was "out of sight" as you can't tell there are dried up bug corpses unless you actually climb up there and look.
Yes, May the spider was actually trying to do me a favor.
She continues to sit in her web, she watches over me while I bathe for potential mosquitoes or annoying flies.
I don't have to clean up the tub anymore, we finally came to an understanding.
Great Milenko, you waved your wand for this lette today!
What I think is funny is all the people here that go out of their way to torment juggalos and lettes when they know they listen to ICP in secret...yeah, they know they do!
I just heard on the news that captain Lou Albano passed away! I grew up with him, I watched him when he was a wrestler and when he played Mario on the live action Mario bros. show on Saturday mornings.
He always kind of reminded me of my dad with the long beard and the beer gut!
sad...:( R.I.P. Captain Lou!
I have been trying to finish up chapter 10 of this novel and I can't quite do it! mind keeps wandering...but mostly (yeah, believe it or not) it's my mom that keeps holding me up.
I love her to death, but come on...sheesh!
She calls me this morning and wants to talk about my sister's boyfriend problems and then when i say "Ma, I'm a little busy writing." she gets all "Fine, I'll worry about her all by myself. I only wanted to talk, but you're waaaay too busy for your mother and I'm only responsible for bringing you into the world."
So, i end up listening.
Then she wants me to read a few chapters...then what does she say?
"That sounds awfully violent, do people really want to read that spooky stuff?"
THEN...she asks me to read her the erotica and then she says "Oh Brenda, how can you write such x-rated stuff, I mean really."
If you're a writer...don't mix moms with writing, they always have an opinion! lol !
I conversed with another spirit on his way to the other side today.
At work last night, I was on break and I had went down to the lobby to use my cellphone (yeah, my crappy free phone, lol) ok, but anyway...I was standing in the lobby with only a few people walking around (this was 3:50 a.m.) and I looked up in just enough time to see a man I was taking care of sitting in one of the lobby chairs, dressed in normal clothing, smiling at me.
I stared at him and he asked me very casually "How was I doing?"
I said "Your colostomy bag has been empty for a few days, your ribs are protruding through ur chest and you've been nonresponsive for 2 days."
He smiled and said. "Hmmm, I'll be damned, well thank you for seeing to my care when i was unable to to do it myself."
I said "Your welcome." and then I swear with one blink...he was gone.
I was like "Oh shit, I'm tired." so I shook it off and when i hit the elevator a bunch of nurse aids were going outside to smoke and i asked them if everything was ok and they said "yeah, but you may want to help Helen with Herman's family, Herman just died."
Herman was the patient i saw sitting in the lobby!
well, another soul on his way to the afterlife :)
(true story, happened last night)
BTW, for the guy who sent me the awesome story for my site, u forgot to give me a pen name!
I cant decide. The concept of bringing more history to Michael Myer's character was a good idea, but it also took away from his mysteriousness.
Did I like Halloween 2, by Zombie?
I don't know. I watched it, it was ok, but would I pay to see it again? No.
Not that this has any effect on my feelings for Zombie as an artist, his music is freaking awesome.
House of a Thousand Corpses...didnt like!
The Devil's Rejects...Loved!!
I thought Halloween 2 lacked Michael Myer's usual forte, it was more overkill Zombie-style.
They're remaking Nightmare on Elm Street (which I'm sure everyone knows) and Hellraiser, they've already remade the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, now I hear they're remaking RoseMary's baby and Suspiria...Geez, come on! Are all the filmakers in Hollywood running that short of ideas that they cant come up with something new and shocking, they just want to redo someone else's idea?
My neighbor, Randy looks just like Jeffery Combs, so I talked him into being Herbert West for halloween. He said he would on one condition, that I had to help him pass out treats for the children.
That i did, I volunteered!
I will have to get a picture of this...u will not believe the resemblance!
The old Friday the 13th series (movies) from the first one to the last one...Freddy vs Jason, which if u count down goes to 11 they made a re-make...ok. A friend from work told me that they are making Friday the 13th part 2 to be released by the year 2010, Aug 13th, which i take is probably a friday.
He said, that makes 13 sequels! BUT, does the remake and the part 2 remake actually count as sequels?
I feel like the brand new Friday the 13th is the running of a new series of Jason slashers and this new Part 2 is a sequel to the remake.
yeah, thats wat i think anyway.
I feel conflicted. Growing up, I was a huuuge fan of the whole F13 franchise and a supporter of Jason Voorhees. So, by extension, I'll watch anything with the name Friday 13th in the title.
but I really don't understand the idea of a re-make, nor do I fully understand the remake of a sequel or the sequel to a re-make.
If the tale has to be re-told to a new audience because they have higher expectations with entertainment -- with better effects, HD, better sound, and a more marketable soundtrack -- maybe a whole new movie franchise should be created with a whole new villain.
Like I said, I feel conflicted.
oh i'm sorry, I guess that wasn't a beard, its wat viridian refers as a "five day stubble" took him five whole days to get that..ok, im impressed (laughs)..oh well, thats ok, just think of the fun he's going to have making his (laughs) "smart ass remarks" about me...I'm sorry, i just cant quit laughing..(flicks tear from eyes...laughs some more)
and no, according to your journal, YOU did call that a beard! (chortle*)
wats up with Viridian's beard...seriously, my dad took one look at it and laughed. He said "I got thicker peachfuzz on my ass than that guy has on his f*cking face. You call that a beard, dude?"
My dad's beard is down to his groin, he's sporting the ZZ top.
I was leaving work this morning when another co-worker failed to stop at the stop sign and she rear-ended me. That woke me up, let me tell ya.
Thats the 2nd time this year! The 1st time was last winter around February, I was driving to work when a drunk driver smash into me, my whole trunk and all was smashed in, cost her insurance company 2800$ plus my doctor visits and another 1000$ medical compensation...this time as least the damage isn't so bad...looks like a small dent in the licence plate area and a dull headache on my end. I guess it could have been worse.