when u smoke u feel good but your stupid
when u drink u feel good but your kiling your self
why do we do these scenceless activities
when we cheat we hurt another
when we steal we hurt our selves
why do we do these scenceless activities
when we think wrong thoughts we are sining
when we kill we go to hell
why do we do these scenceless activities
we do these things because there fun so fuck it lol
what the fuck i just deposited my money in the bank and now they say im over drawn waht the fuck
ready for this i no i am
la la la la la la la la la la la la la la
u cant catch me u cant catch me
la la la la la la la la la la la la la la
im not touching u im not touchin u
this time it lasted for three days
we worked we played and we drank
frist came the work
we cleaned the hoouse
then we played
video games movies and music
then we drank
we hardcore ddanced moved and had some late night fun
now i wake up and she is gone but then i think and think
was she really there or is this just my twisted imagination is it
this time...