Save me, help me, keep me, hold me, kiss me, love me. These words are what I need in my life. I know nothing about "happiness", only pain sarrow, the cold, and hate. So I was send here with a message and here it is: Save me, Help me, Keep me, Hold me, Kiss me, Love me. Do not regret these words for thay are helpful. For I do not understand them and that will be my downfall. So please, Save me, Help me, Keep me, Hold me, Kiss me, and Love me.
or just Kill me.
(I have pics to this but I can't put them up yet)
Copyright 2005 -Chris-
Please if you can hear my plead save me from this life please I beg you save me.
For I am lost and alone without guidance, without emotion, just a cold blank stare
into the dark welcoming it into me to live as one. for I am a loner I gave up on
emotion, on life, on everything never to know happiness. So once again I beg of
you save me please before its to late please try. For I am lost for life, for eterity,
never nor allowed to know happiness so please...
save me from my living hell of which is life.
copyright2005 -chris-