Where ever so
Pulls loose flesh
This discontent
Where within is spent
On lapsing faux blanks
Licking stones
Hiding in river banks
Where laughter sings
At the destruction time brings
Fleeting moments
Over fleshy torments
And teases so cruel
Unravel the nerves once so cool
We giggle in the caves
House built by the ocean waves
Pointing and gasping
Hating this mechanical clasping
Covering our solemn souls
Coveting that which holds
Lies and truths dashed upon our rocks
With a salty foam our only stocks
Spending this energy of youth
On finding life’s only truth
Once around, is all you get
Spend your time wisely we meant
Taking your turn to hold this sand
Pouring through your imperfect hand
Slipping away with each passing day
Love and passion will be all you save
No pride, dignity or lies
Until your final breath dies
A higher reach than mine
Keeping an eye
Trained on the sky
With an aching in my spine
Collapsing again
Broken to the ground
Set my sights up high
You can’t keep me down
I’ll rise up to kiss this wind
To propel me on my way
A kite, a wing, a push, I grin
Taking another step today
I lift my hands high in prayer
Begging these forces not to stay
To leave behind my fear
And join them as they stray
Seeking the wisdom that they find
Rolling here and there
Seeing more than can my mind
Through these closed eyes where I stare
Learning by feel, learning by scent
Crashing and tumbling bare
Hobbled legs and wings are bent
But try again I must
To catch more wind between
And ever increasing thrust
Flying with the gods unseen
Clouds, sky, stars and skin
Nary a feather clean
Before my next try will begin
Scattered I lay strewed
Collecting all my sin
Behind an eyes to the ground mood
Waiting for the wind
To come my way again
wow I liked it :)
Love this, so so so love this. But, instead of waiting...go find it. *hugs*
You have a way with words. Seriously. I like this one a lot as well.
12:07 Sep 06 2009
I love this.
Truly, I do.
It is beautifully written and is so good.
You truly did a great job with this.
19:05 Sep 06 2009
I confess to having to read it three times to 'get' it, but it was worth it.
23:03 Sep 06 2009
Cool... now, uh... can you explain it to me?
01:51 Sep 07 2009
I am in love with this...
03:08 Sep 13 2009
Like light on a faceted stone, there are so many shiny places here. Just wonderful.