...I thought Deirdorf retired and went to the old, mush-mouthed former color commentator retirement home with Madden...
I'm so annoyed I put this in the wrong section. Double FEH!
...dump the temporary internet files BEFORE you do a profile backup...
oooh, I bet you found some good stuff. Do tell!
I'm with Thothy.. do share! ;)
No, not looking for anything... it just took an hour to transfer a windows profile across the network because of all the cached files...
..rollercoaster ride of positive outlooks and negative realities. Making difficult decisions and reaping rewards of continued persistence.
It wasn't an easy day.
It wasn't a good day.
It wasn't a bad day.
I can't decide what I want right now though... to stay in and sulk or party all night.
I suppose I should shower and figure it out from there...
...well, never left the ground, but we "flew low."
And avoided all the troopers, if you know what I mean.
Made great time - got to Boston in just about 7 hours with one stop for coffee and one stop for gas. The Jetta cranked a sweet 32MPG so we covered the first 300+ miles on one tank.
Been a long time since I've had to drive myself a distance and worry about such things... I'm pretty impressed with that little car.
That is a sweet car. Good choice heh heh.
You guys... "Oh I don't need to stop to eat, it's only been 72 hours, I'll just chew on the inside of my mouth for a while. We're making great time!"
Glad you speed demons made it alright. Now go enjoy happy hour!
*rubs a sore lip*
How did you know????
ya know, $10 worth of SlimJims will keep you from going all Hannibal Lecter on yourself for 7 hours.
Just sayin.
You know Thoth... for some reason you knowing that doesn't surprise me...
Mister wood chipper man ;)
Yay, 7 hours is good time coming form Buffalo.
So, how ya liking the dirty water? :P
...off to Boston for a couple days for a vendor training.
I'll be checking in along the way...
Be safe. :)
Have a wonderful trip! :)
I'm already not wearing pants. WOOOH for having the office to myself!!!
What ever you do Birra- Do not drink the tap water or swim in the Charles...
Seriously, you will grow like a third eye or something.. :P
...if you're calling me from Salt Lake City, please stop hanging up right after I answer. Thank you.
Just doing some calculations for a customer that we're moving into the 21st century by interconnecting all of their locations, and one of their vendors, using VPN's...
This was something I proposed to do for them two years ago, but now it is necessitated by their technology and software upgrades...
The VPN install is complete and now they are working entirely without the use of their old Dial-Up RAS devices, terminal servers and a lease-line that direct connected their two locations (at a whooping 56Kbps). It is an awesome advancement for them.
The sad part is, we're under a time crunch and trying to get this all done on deadlines, which is costing them more.
If they would have taken my advice two years ago, there wouldn't have been deadlines and it wouldn't have cost them as much.
Plus, they would have been able to eliminate up to 5 phone lines between their 3 locations AND their lease-line... at a savings of over $350/month...
..for two years.
$8,400 in savings... at a minimum. Almost double the cost of the VPN install....
Why is it so hard for people to see these things and take my advice?
Some people really have trouble looking down the road and calculating these things.... They can only see the NOW. They're not spending money NOW so they MUST be getting a good deal.
The problem is we're always offering a "good deal" if you compare it out to what other companies offer. For what we're charging to practically being their project management... install everything, configure everything and working with this vendor that likes to play hide-n-seek with the information we need from them... they're getting off cheaper than a sailor in Saigon.
People need better management skills- money, time, and possible outcomes of what they choose for their companies and for themselves as well.
Sometimes people can only learn through trial and error, not really a good way of doing it- even when they have a person who knows what they are talking about is giving them the heads up, but that is how so many people learn these days.
But soon they will learn and your advice will be invaluable to them. They will come to light as to what needs to be done and how it should be/have been done.
*winces* Next time you give me advice, I'll take it! Yikes!
Funkalicious, man... It's "That '70s Template!"
Is Morri good, or what?
She is good, wow. Thatis an amazing template...
Ahh! I'm having flashbacks to my senior year in high school!
I read 'funkalicious' wrong 0.o. But yeah, way cool :)
One of the largest yet most invisible costs to any business is printing. The cost of supplies, paper, energy consumption and the administration of all the documents created.
71% of all businesses are completely unaware of their printing costs.
What if a business could reduce the upfront cost by over 50%, have a fixed, measurable cost to printing and virtually eliminate the administrative time it takes to file and retrieve documents?
Wouldn't that be invaluable to a business in a time when saving money is a huge priority?
You do? Man could you save the goverment some cash then.
We do. We work with a military facility in Florida and they purchase printer supplies from us monthly.
We just need more government agencies to discover us!
Hrmmm, lemme see what I can do. I'll let you know next week. I have a meeting with IT.
19:50 Sep 30 2009
Go! Quickly! Check them out!
:) It is worth it! :)