So, I need to find a new contract/job within the next few weeks. That is about as long as I have, from what I can ascertain. I started this current one in July 2011. It was supposed to be a guaranteed contract through the end of 2012. We were hired with the proposition that the end user (the bank) signed a statement of work and paid upfront for these services through 2012 - therefore there are no worries that anyone will be let go before then.
As of today, they have released about 85% of the contractors hired for this project due to "cut backs" by the bank.
So, either they lied then, or they're lying now. Regardless of which, this contracting company is lying. And I'm less than appreciative of it.
I want to leave on my own terms before they have a chance to pull the rug out from underneath me. Fortunately I do have some leads, a few extra irons in the fire business wise. If I can make one opportunity pan out it would give me at least a few weeks of being able to be away from a 9-to-5 kind of gig, which would help give me time for some of the development projects I want to work on as well.
But I still need to find a new gig, and fast. That is the life of being an independent... nothing is ever truly guaranteed.
Then again, what these days is?
03:21 May 16 2012
What about government contracts/contacts? Tried any of those? Or maybe the hospital gigs. Last there might be something with the city, cable slinging and reconfiguring. Maybe make a proposal to them for some small work. Just spit balling brother, but that is where I'd start.
03:26 May 16 2012
Have a few similar options. One contract I'm hoping to interview for that is with a different bank, but an interesting job. Much more interesting than the current, although my commute will be about 30 more miles each way. Have another opportunity for that I might be interviewing for this week... less wanted, but I'll take it if it's offered, until something better comes along.
03:40 May 16 2012
Monkey Balls. More tequila when I visit next?
04:24 May 16 2012
I've got a job you could do but it involves leather, oil and mud. Pay's good :)
04:45 May 16 2012
Sounds promising if nothing else than to tide you over until you can align with the reality you want. Stick with it brother, you got a big crowd rooting you on.
14:26 May 16 2012
all in all.... hope you find what your looking for in the gigs.
16:47 May 16 2012
Fingers crossed for you ;)
00:03 May 18 2012
I got the same line of bullshit at my job- now everything is different, and I'm just supposed to put up with the lies and keep on pressing.
Craigslist is my
20:45 Jun 03 2012
really sorry about what has been done to you :((((((. hope you find a new one soon . fingers crossed for you