Finished the last scene of a grad student's thesis film tonight.
Highly gratifying knowing that I can help someone achieve their dreams. The student is from Kazakhstan, and has been studying film and theater in the USA for about four years now. An opportunity she wouldn't have been afforded if she stayed in Kazakhstan.
No, student films don't pay, but they're fun, and I can lend my talent to someone who otherwise might not have been able to fill the need she had. The role I had was complex; It was a movie, about a film maker making a movie, about making a movie. Very creative, and challenging as I had to play a role in a movie, which was someone playing a role in another movie, and with a bit of just being my self on the side.
Monty Python theater!
Can't wait to see the final results. I just hope I did a solid enough job for her throughout it.
Spent the entire weekend on set with a movie being filmed. Just BGE work, but I made some good contacts, and will probably at least be recognizable in this one, unlike A Quiet Place 2 where I feel that I'll just be a blur in the distances in most scenes I was in....
So you're a movie star now? Things have changed since I've been lost. I hope your life is exploding with happiness. Stay well, B. The world is a dangerous place.
I've decided I absolutely prefer working from home with my dog.
Dealing with people is no longer my thing....
Finished audition reels for a commercial role, and two potential movie roles.
Strange how things arrive in clumps.