The deception of such perception
Sits within precision and persistence
When we do our best to pass each test
And it doesn’t make a difference
Details given every thought and attention
Yet success still lies in the distance
Hands are wrought, offers fought
Do this, do that, try this we ought
Sweat on brow, and deepening furrows too
Do more we vow and make these dreams come true
Many to please, like the hungriest bees
Buzzing about their own sweeter brew
The taste of which was only a tease
It takes more than a thought or an idea, we knew
To lasso stars and see these dreams on through
And now we see the mountains are high
And the rivers run so deep
But more important are the secrets that they keep
We needn’t travel to the depths or heights
When we do, we lose these dreams from our sights
Stay on the way that we know every day
With what is in our reach, will be our delights
There is so much detail that exists right under our noses that we simply cannot see. The beauty of a simple machine - one that has existed longer than we can imagine, yet we cannot replicate.
Technology offers us what our imagination can dream of, but fails in the practicality and simplicity of what was created before us.
I really like that picture, especially how one is captured in mid flight.
Oh my god that came out so well. Wow! It is so beautiful.
"Well hi! What'cha doin' down there? Gosh this is just a beautiful day isn't it? That food you have there sure looks delicious. I'm just hovering here. You know I've spent a lot of time looking for food around in this area. You'd think there would be more just waiting around but it seems like these days it's tough to get your feelers on anything worth a darn.
So you know, if you're not going to finish what you're eating there, just let me know and I'll take care of it. Waste not, want not, that's what my mother always told me.
I know what you're thinking, you're wondering how long I can hover here? I have a LOT of practice in hovering, sometimes I impress myself with how long I can just hover over people waiting for something to happen. Sure I get tired but talking helps me forget how tired I'm getting. Either talking or thinking about food, both of those things help me forget how tired my wings are.
Thankfully I'm not tired yet, I'm just making conversation and offering to help a fellow friend out with some waste management. ha ha!
Gosh this is just a beautiful day, isn't it?"
wow these things actually look pretty close up.
You're right, for all the technological advances, replicating nature still eludes us but I'm not complaining, some things should never be tampered with. Catching that one hovering is pretty damn cool. Beautiful colours too :D
07:36 Jun 30 2011
20:37 Jul 01 2011
You had me at "deception of such perception"