wow I love drama who needs soaps hehe........................hmm a challenge? nope to be a challenge you would have tobe in with a shot and you really are not :) (not aimed at my guinness stealling bud) vain? ok maybe a little but hey wouldnt you be if you saw what i do? haha only messing ..........bitchy? yep very true I am a woman :P petty? nope I would have to give a damn enough tobe that...............crazy? well a wittle bit ,now wheres that straight jacket gone before they come check this padded cell hehe.....................I dont write in here much as most use it to either have a conversation with their selves on other profiles making it look like they have friends or to air their dirty washing well for the first 1 I talk to my self in real so have no need doing it virtually too and the 2nd I prefer to clean my washing before hanging it out to dry ;p hehe
18:54 Aug 25 2010
ok put your jacket back on sweetie , and join the rest of us , that's why we love ya. you're just like the rest of us.
19:41 Aug 25 2010
hehe :) just keep the caramel hose away from me its sticky lol xxxx
20:08 Aug 25 2010
Bella, well said...youre awesome and I loved this, you should write more often hehehe x
20:23 Aug 25 2010
hehe cheers hunny xxxx
23:32 Sep 12 2010
Cool but watch out for paper cuts tho you know you should be careful when not wearing your straight jacket, you kin borrow mine if yours needs washin LOL
23:43 Sep 12 2010
hehe thanks hunny :)