My mind used to destroy me,
My heart used to deceive me,
My mirror used to underestimate me,
My friends told me that there was someone out there,
Someone just for me,
My belief in anyone shattered,
My hope tarnished,
My heart lay apart from my chest,
It’s beat faint,
You found a key,
A key to closet inside me where all hope and belief lye,
You opened it,
You didn’t give up,
Didn’t give up until my heart had a beat fully visible,
Didn’t give up until I was all one piece,
My mind doesn’t destroy me,
It tells me what I already know,
Because my heart doesn’t deceive me,
It beats at the thought of you,
My mirror is trash,
Because you make me feel beautiful enough,
And I don’t need to look for myself,
The way I look in your eyes is reflection enough.
If cliché didn’t ruin expression of true feelings,
I would tell you what sums it all up,
I love you.