I am starting a new school this week to finish my graphic design degree. I don't know why I seek it because I truly don't need it. Hopefully this time my schooling will not fall through like many times in the past. I would and will graduate in late August of 09'. I will await that moment patiently!
When that time comes I'll be ready to move out of Texas (I will leave my thoughts about Texas to the side for now) and arrive back home to Jersey. The good ol' Garden State.
23:11 May 24 2008
Good luck
03:20 May 28 2008
I know you're going to do splendidly.
Hopefully you won't be leaving all of Texas behind ;)
18:20 Jun 05 2008
Wish you all the best :)
07:38 Sep 01 2009
Well, a little off on the date, but October of '09 to be sure :)
I am so proud of you, you've done so well. You deserve a lovely treat ;)
Now.....where are we going to be moving to?