I have been learning to forgive others for they have done to me. It's a slow, but steady progress. Now the only thing I must do is to finally forgive myself for all the sins I have committed.
I feel strength growing inside me. My power is becoming more focused and expanding. THis is a step into the moonlight.
I'm feeling lifein my heart again. Despite certain events, my strength is returning; I can finally move on.
I'm so lost in the shadows. My memory of bella is fading quickly. I can't remember any happiness during that time. In a way it's relieving, but makes me feel i'm losing more of myself.
I've had enough of feeling pain in my heart. Love is crusching it until it's no more. Someone please help me see a light, even a moonlight. All I ask if you love me, guide me into the moonlight so that I can finally heal.