algeriapython's Journal

algeriapython's Journal


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11 entries this month


01:20 Oct 26 2016
Times Read: 213

Acceptance is something we all strive for, and there are so many identities that still need to be accepted. I suppose people don't always accept things because if they are strange and misunderstood then it creates culture clash. We live in a world that is very much ignorant and not always understanding. Many cultures are marginalized and targeted because of what they believe. This can be very painful for an individual. One culture people probably don't think of when thinking of marginalized cultures is otherkin. For me my identity as a vampyre is a very serious thing and I rarely ever speak of it openly from fear of ridicule. It's a very painful thinkg in the otherkin community when we are targeted simply because of our identity. I think people don't always understand it and target members of the community because they fear we are mentally ill. If people are transgender though couldn't people technically be transspecies as well? I think its all a matter of how one percieves their own reality. I think it would be nice one day to live in a world where people who feel that they were born into the wrong body species wise could be accepted. I mean it is quite a farfetched idea, but nothing is impossible.An identity doesn't necessarily have to be solid fact because an identity is psychological and being a witch I have seen that the human mind can create reality. People who are otherkin are fully capable of functioning in human society, but I think they should be recognized as their prefered identity. If people can be born into the wrong sort of body gender wise than who's to say people can't be born into the wrong kind of body species wise. My human body I believe is just a masque hiding my true identity. It is a disguise over who I really am so I can simply belnd into society for my own goals. I think it would be nice though if I could shed this masque and truly be myself openly in public. It would be nice if people addressed my identity based on how I feel inside. What a nice world it would be if people saw me as I really am and that was considered normal.




Quite Wonderful

03:19 Oct 20 2016
Times Read: 225

It feels like things are finally going to get better for me. It seems in math I have thrusted forward a lot somehow and have gotten ahead in my work. The teacher even says that I will be exempt from going to labs soon. It would be nice to lighten the work load anyways as I really need to focus on my model UN final papers as they've been quite difficult to master. Sort of struggling with the concepts so i'm going to look at it in closer detail tomorrow. I also finished the final Ethnography draft for english class tonight which helps lighten the work more. Hoefully I will have time soon to keep working on the sketch sheet of my new character. Its coming along, but i haven't had much time to work on it more the past few days as I am almost always busy and or exhausted, but i'm sure it will be finished sooner or later. The higlight of today though was buying my plane tickets so I can see my love in December. The feeling is quite wonderful as this has been stressing me out for several weeks. It just seems like i've been piling on stress so it will be nice to take this vacation. I am very excited to partake in the many fun things to do in Orlando. Especially excited to visit the ocean. The ocean runs in my veins it does. There is great magicks found in those waters. Even from Colorado I can feel those sea magicks pulsing within me. Also Ironically I am excited to experience many of the great seafood restaurants in Orlando. Apparently conch fritters are really good. Wasn't even aware that people ate conch, but i'm usually down to try anything really. Also I love the environment of Florida and would love to see if there's any cool parks to visit. I went to Orlando when I was 10 to go to DisneyWorld and I loved it. I am certainly excited to see Orlando again. This time I have a greater reason to visit though. Dinner was also nice tonight as I went to a British pub and had an appetizer of fried mushrooms as well as Italian mussels with fries and a french baguette as the main course. It was quite a wonderful day.




Late Afternoon

03:05 Oct 19 2016
Times Read: 231

I was sluggish at school today because I stayed up till one in the morning last night. The late afternoon was good though after I came home from school. Turns out a good friend that I've known since freshman year of high school moved in down the street. So I went over there to chill for a few hours. It was funny really because they didn't have much to do so I took it upon myself to put makeup on Malik. He usually wears makeup anyways so he didn't really care. At first I had a strategic plan for the makeup, but after awhile I got lazy and went wonton on his eye and yes I only ended up doing one eye. XD So basically he ended up with really thick winged eyeliner, dripping tears, and a swirly that extended above his eyebrow that kind of looked like a plant growing out of his eye x). I couldn't stop laughing. It wasn't too bad of a makeup job, but he wouldn't stop squirming when I was applying it so it was a bit rickety. It made me laugh so hard because he kept the makeup on while walking me home and he got so many weird looks from people. The neighbor kids just sat on their bikes in my driveway and eyeballed him till he left. Hahah bet they were wondering why a guy was wearing makeup XD haha bet that will be a splendid thing for their parents to explain to them. Haha surprise surpise kids...makeup isn't just for girls! Also my sketch page for my new character seems to be going well. Really getting his personality down. I'm excited to save for his partial suit even though it will take me a good amount of time to get enough. Looking at how much I need for a pro suit I may be able to buy one from someone awesome such as Clockwork Creatures. I will see when the time comes though. I still need to save some money for extra expenses on my trip, buy Rune's ref, and buy a few more Christmas gifts for my friends. After that I can save for his suit. Probably gonna have to get a better job though so I can get the money together faster. I don't have much money at the moment, but to be honest i'm really happy that I was able to snag a commission spot with one of my favorite artists. Literally been checking for months and finally he opened for commissions and I made sure to get one. I'm really excited for him to draw my troll character as he draws absolutely amazing fantasy characters. I know I will not be dissappointed. Just hoping the stress from this week will ebb and everything will flow as it usually does.





05:11 Oct 18 2016
Times Read: 241

I'm sorry for this week and the stress I caused you. There's not enough sorrys in the world to give to you. I just want to make your days wonderful, but it seems that all i've done is made them horrible. I feel like a horrible person right now. I just got so worried about finances that I overlooked your happiness. I really am a mess. I hope you love me enough to let it go. I want to return to our normal state of bliss. Also I am really getting aggravated with people hitting on me. I am happy with who i'm with... so stop. Its really annoying when you are clearly in a dedicated relationship and people still act like dogs. You have no respect and men like that would never have a chance with me anyways. When men disregard your relationship and act like pigs you know all they care about is lust.... they are the ones that are never worth your time. I only pay attention to people with good hearts and good intentions. I know for a fact no good man would try to drag me away from my squishy....just realize that I am truly happy. If you do care about me you would leave me be. Some men are foolish and think they could make me happier, but alas this is selfish and self absorbed. You only believe this for your own benefit because I assure you you could not make me that happy. Try to make me happy when I am single, but don't do it when I love someone. That is low and distasteful. Just because I am attractive doesn't mean you need to sink to such trenches of disgust and insult. Seriously though... respect the rights of others and check their relationship status before you start flirting hardcore. Those who disregard a person's relationship and explicitly flirt...shame on you.





03:48 Oct 17 2016
Times Read: 247

I was so very bitter this morning. Yesterday I learned that my fursuit maker would not be able to get to making my fursuit head and hands which made me very dissappointed. I worked very hard to save up the money to buy my gecko suit. So Monday I will be receiving a refund I guess.I'm also still holding a grudge against my friend. He's been a real jerk as of late. A few weeks before my birthday he asked what I wanted for my birthday and I told him to just give me a little money so I could save for my tickets to Florida to see my love, but he seemed to lash out at me when I asked about it again. Honestly, I think he's jealous and doesn't want me to go. It's the middle of October and he still hasn't given me a cent and my birthday was at the end of september. At the moment I am struggling to get the money together to buy nonstop roundtrip tickets before their gone. The refund should help at least. I am still mad at my friend though. He told me not to forget him, but he seems to have forgot me so I don't think he deserves my time anymore. I've been working my ass off.... I think I deserve time with Shane in December. Every day of the week i'm either at school or at work. I don't get one day off. I just want ten days to snuggle, lay on a beach, and shove hot wings in my face. Is that too much to ask for? So for the first half of work today my eyes were crusty and I kept almost bursting into tears. I just felt like I couldn't rely on anyone today. I always go out of my way....even to the point of extremes to help others. Sometimes I just wish when people made promises to me they would actually come through with them. I wasn't thrilled about the suit thing either. I was so excited to run around acting like a lunatic in a gecko costume. Life is always just too serious for me. I barely get down time. I barely even get to see my friends anymore so trying to make my weekly effort to socialize is rough. When I got a little downtime yesterday I worked on some sketches of my new character Rune. As soon as I get my expenses sorted out this year I plan on saving for a pro suit of him next year. Hopefully I can get that done so I can be happy. Hopefully I can also get to Florida in December. It's been very stressful as of late...




Blessing Ritual in Progress.

03:16 Oct 14 2016
Times Read: 265

I recently aquired a really nice 18 pipe set of authentic andean bamboo pan pipes for my boyfriend for his Christmas present this year. My boyfriend just plays pan pipes for some reason. Which honestly I think is really cool because pan pipes always remind me of the god and his gentle energy that always makes me feel so joyous inside. Come to think of it my boyfriend really reminds me of the god himself which is nice because I always felt such a connection to that masculine side of energy despite my sex being female. Anyways back to the point. My boyfriend is really musically talented and pan pipes is one of the instruments he excels at playing. I'm just really excited to hear him playing it's sweet music when he receives it from me. Seems like it would be a calming sound to fall asleep by.Their really nice also as they have his favorite colors, red and black on a band across them.It also came with a really nice carry case with tribal designs on it. I am really excited to bring him this wonderful gift, but before I do I plan on cleansing it of former energies and attachments, as well as sprinkling holy water over it and bestowing it with blessings from several dieties and animal totems. Then I will wrap it in nice paper and decorate it with pine branches and holly leaves to bless him with the energies of the winter solstice. I just want it to be full of light and joy for my love. First I will cast the circle and bring the pipes over the sacred sage smoke to cleanse them of negativity. Then I will sprinkle my special water over them so they are blessed with purity. Then I will invoke my deities and totems. Then I will ask each to give a specific blessing to the pipes. I think these pan pipes will be really nice for my love. I just want to carry with them on my trip full of love, peace, and potential. Sometimes it is nice to infuse things with love for those we care about so we can bring true joy to their hearts. I plan to weave these beautiful panpipes with all of my love.





05:53 Oct 13 2016
Times Read: 275

My cat has an odd habit of curling up right next to me and laying his head on my shoulder and falling asleep. I doubt anyone could receive fluffier cuddles. Its nice how he keeps that side of my torso warm and you can hear him lightly purring as he sleeps. I don't understand why there are people who really loathe cats. Cats all have different personalities, but there's always the select few that are snuggle monsters. Cats are really therapeutic animals and we can really learn a lot from them. They teach us so many wonderful things such as being independent, being playful, and being tact. I've always had an innate love for cats I guess. Their subtle personalities just bring me such joy.



06:38 Oct 13 2016

Your cat show you his love and care. To him you are his family and friend and with the cuddle and purrs he is showing to you.

I have dogs that like to snuggle to mine and my family feet wile we sit on the living rooms and stray cats that they were born between four yards of newborn that we take care and raise. When they look in your eyes you can see how grateful they are that you love and care for them


Reflection On My Characters

04:00 Oct 12 2016
Times Read: 286

The characters a person creates can tell you a lot about the psychology behind a person; at least that's what I believe. They say your fursona takes on traits that you would desire to possess, while that's partly true for me, I don't think its the whole story though. I have four anthropomorphic sonas now as well as one troll character. Each one embodies aspects of my personality and cultural aspects I admire. We will start by analyzing my first fursona: Celandine Whyte the ermine stoat. She was my first fursona ever and I remember creating her in my junior year of high school. I learned about the furry fandom from my two good friends John and Jonathan. I admired the culture and so began designing a fursona. I based my first sona off of my spirit animal. I suppose this was a unique way to connect with that totem. This sona impacted some important aspects of my life, though I don't connect with her as well now. I gave her a highly spiritual name and so this name became my magickal name for use in ritual because of its personal connection to my totem and the winter. Also at the time I became very interested in street art culture and began a life long initiation into the culture. Whyte became my tag from that point on. Her personality became very much like my own. She would develop into a white ermine stoat with black tipped hands, feet, and tail, as well as floppy rainbow bands, and indigo eyes. I made her to be goth, a metalhead, bloodthirsty, a tagger and rowdy. I think because of this it was easy to see that I created her to take on my darker and more mischievous aspects. I designed her to be very cute, but dangerous nonetheless. I assume that perhaps in some strange way she represented a desire to show people that although I am cute on the surface I have much darkness within the interior. One can also assume that she represents the rebellious side of me that likes to break the rules as well as taboos of society. The next character I created became my main character of which I will have a fursuit of soon. His name is Brutal TheGecko and he is a Madagascar Giant Day Gecko. His main gist is that he's a metalhead who is famous in the inner city and plays heavy beats on his NJ beast guitar. Despite his heavy music, hardcore clothes, and undying love for metal he is quite sweet and gentle. He also can be very shy, but enjoys travel as well as spending time in nature. He also loves to eat rasberries. I think this character was really a blend of my love of metal and the gentler side of my nature. I am a very calm and peaceful person and I think this translated into Brutal.My third character is the son of Cthulhu named Magus Bloodrite. He is part human and part old one. It's a bit obvious where this idea spawned from. I absolutely love the literary works of H.P Lovecraft. Besides the fact that I love H.P Lovecraft I believe this character embodies my love for the occult, magick, spirituality, and the unknown. The last fursona i've created was thought up about a month ago. He is a Cornish Rex cat named Rune Elwood. I definetely can infer that he is the more serious side of myself as he is quite antisocial as well as asexual. He represents the rough side of me, but with the soft heart beneath the hard exterior. This may be a bit of a tangent, but it seems I am really excited about him and connect well with his personality. His outward bitterness and love for chain smoking cigarettes I guess is what attracts me. He's a pretty boy. A romantic and enchanting noir representation of myself. He's the loner in me, but he still retains a touch of the mystic that can be found in me as well. He's a mixture of the darkness of bitterness and sadness, but he still retains the light of creativity and helpfulness. As he is a new one I will have his description below to explain him more. Enjoy the strange creations of my mind:

Name: Rune Elwood

Species: Cornish Rex cat

Coloring: Albino

Height: 5”7

Weight: 145 ibs.

Eye color: white schleras, light pink iris, dark red pupil

Hair color: Platinum blonde

Fur is pale white in coloring

Ears are large and a pale cream color on the inside

Nose is light pink

Eyes are large and round, the scleras are light pink and the iris is a crimson color

Hair is platinum blonde in coloring, hair is long and reaches to the middle of his abdomen, the tips of his hair are dyed dark red and then black, his hair is shaved on the right side and is long on the left side and in the back, he also has side bangs on the left side

Has hands with five fingers like a human and white claws as well as light pink paw pads

Has four toes and feet like a cat as well as light pink paw pads and white claws

Has a long sweeping tail that is pointed at the end

Wears a long sleeved, black button up shirt that rolls up at the wrists

Wears a black vest with red swirls and black buttons over the shirt

Wears black high heeled platform boots that are lace up with two studded bondage straps on the top

Wears skin tight black and red striped trousers

Wears a leather collar with o rings on the side and a medium sized silver kitty bell on the front

Wears blood gauges on each ear

Has two silver hoop piercings above gauge on the left ear

Has a nose bridge piercing on the top of the nose, two silver balls adjacent from one another

Likes: gardening, reading classic literature, smoking cigarettes, writing poetry, the Victorian era, Victorian Goth clothes, carnival Goth clothes, painting, theatre, fencing, crystals, the ocean, cooking

Dislikes: liars, his tail being pulled, tangles in his hair, uneven eyeliner wings, excessive socializing with strangers, being hit on

Talents: Growing wildflowers and carnivorous plants, writing poetry, painting, acting, fencing, magick, making jewelry, cooking seafood

Favorite color: Crimson

Favorite music: Death rock, darkwave, symphonic metal, progressive metal, folk Metal

Favorite bands: Iron Maiden, Dead Can Dance, Sex Gang Children, Astrovamps, Kamelot, Sopor Æternus & the Ensemble of Shadows, Dimmu Borgir, Cradle of Filth, Cruachan, Alestorm, Eluvietie, Týr,Ensiferum

Favorite foods: New England clam chowder, shrimp scampi, clam strips, Catfish

Favorite drinks: Vodka, Brandy, Scotch, Ale, Mead, Cream soda, milk, tea

Strength: 85/100

Speed: 100/100

Accuracy: 92/100

IQ: 160

Sexual Orientation: Asexual

Religious Affiliation: Asatru


Rune was born in the ancestral town of Cornwall in south England to a family that made their wellbeing as fishermen. At the age of fifteen his father employed him as his assistant, because of this Rune grew to love the ocean and eating seafood. Rune and his father would spend the whole day catching fish in their small boat. Half of the fish would be kept to feed the family and half would be sold at market. They made a meager profit from this trade. To provide more income for the family Rune’s mother would sell vegetables at the market as well as tell fortunes. When Rune wasn’t assisting his father with fishing he would tend to the vegetables and learn divintation from his mother. His mother instilled a love of gardening within Rune and Rune began to grow native wildflowers in the garden. Rune’s mother would teach him to make salves and brews from the plants he would grow. Rune began selling these at market as well, but there was much gossip amongst the Christian town folk about the Elwood family’s “heathen ways.” The gossip made Rune bitter and this is when he really began to learn that not everyone could be trusted. He didn’t like getting discriminated against so at sixteen years of age he abandoned divintation and formulary. He began to focus more on fishing. Through this he discovered he loved eating fish more than catching it and he began cooking elaborate seafood meals for his family. His family ate well for many years. Rune would spend his free time along the shore line collecting shells and gazing longingly at the ocean. With time Rune grew into a man and he desired to no longer be a meager fisherman of Cornwall, but to share the exotic tastes of seafood with the rest of England. Before he left his mother shared with him why their household practiced “the good craft” so frequently. It turns out that the Elwood family’s descendants had been Norse men from Scandinavia, and the religion of Asatru and its practices had been passed down throughout the ages. His mother then presented him with a set of quartz crystal runes. He had learned how to use wooden runes from his mother, but never had he seen a set of runes so beautiful. His mother explained the runes and said within the family there had been two types of natural mages. On her side of the family was tree mages and on his father’s side of the family crystal mages. Then she explained that these runes had special powers and had been passed down throughout the Elwood family lineage. She also explained that Rune had the special ability of absorbing the magickal energies from crystals to heal and create miracles. Rune asked her why she had hid this from him for so many years and she said that she didn’t want the townspeople hurting him; instead she desired for him to go somewhere where they wouldn’t see his abilities as workings of the devil. Rune took the quartz crystal set with him and soon fell in love with crystals when he discovered the amazing power of the runes. He began collecting them for their powers as well as their beauty. He traveled across the English country side using his powers to heal, but he would only help people that he trusted truly. He also embraced his Viking heritage and became devoted to the Norse gods. Soon he decided to travel to London to try and establish his own seafood restaurant. He didn’t want to go somewhere too crowded so he traveled to the area known as Camden town. Here he discovered gothic fashion and music and became enthralled. He particularly loved the Victorian and Carnival Goth movements and adopted this particular fashion as his own. He settled down in Camden town and opened his small restaurant called “Catch of The Day.” The restaurant became a hit amongst the locals and tourists. He made a few friends in the town despite the fact that he was very quiet and aloof. His friends knew though that despite this outward appearance he was actually very loyal and loving. When Rune had time off from work he would frequent the Goth clubs with his friends and drink in the wonderful music. At the clubs Rune developed an appreciation for Goth and metal music. His friends also instilled a common London custom within him: smoking cigarettes. Rune became a heavy chain smoker and he knew it was bad for him but he enjoyed it despite this fact. Rune became more and more enthralled with Victorian Goth culture as the years passed and began reading classic literature, painting, writing poetry, and sipping tea. He felt out of place doing these activities in Camden town though so within a year he used his saved money to buy a solitary Victorian mansion and he painted it black as night. This abode was his dream house and he was in heaven. In fact, he was thrilled to be all alone by himself in the huge mansion with little noise to bother him. He still worked at the restaurant though and occasionally he would invite over his friends for small scale masquerade dinner parties. He created a wondrous garden of flowers around his house and took up formulary again as his friends encouraged it. He no longer wanted to hide, but be proud of his pagan heritage. From that time on Rune made money performing magick, selling brews, and cooking in his restaurant. The culture of London was rubbing off on Rune and soon he also took up fencing and theatre performance with gusto. He became an avid fencer and actor to pass the time. Today he still lives in the same house. Though he partakes in many activities he socializes very little and mostly keeps to himself. He usually just stays within his small circle of friends. He labels himself as asexual and becomes quite angry if he gets hit on. He continues to garden outside of his house, but also seems to have adopted a love for growing carnivorous plants indoors. Various species of flesh eating plants can be found throughout his home in all manner of sizes. Within his home he is usually partaking in a fruitful activity while sipping tea or simply listening to music and guzzling large amounts of alcohol. Occasionally guests come to his house so he can assist them with his magick. He enjoys living in his home very much and now embraces his individuality and family roots completely with no shame.




Useless Prattle

04:31 Oct 06 2016
Times Read: 312

Today was a bit nicer than yesterday. Funny seeing me actually appreciating the sun and its rays. I am simply not ready for the sting that is the chiil of winter. I suppose I just like having a balanced temperature.Luckily in the heart of winter in December I will be with my love in Florida. I am quite enthusiastic about this trip as things have been quite stressful as of late. I could really use the salt of the ocean and the soft lips of my love to heal me. Winter is very beautiful though. There is something innately beautiful about the cold though I am not a big fan of it. I suppose I say this because winter is my time of power. My abilities always seem to be amplified at this time and it is also when I stay inside and begin intense spiritual study to learn new skills for the coming year. Winter is a time when we look within so perhaps that is why I am so full of life in winter. I look within to see where I can expand and grow for the good of the next year to come.

Today at my school they were having a lecture on mental health awareness. I am very proud of my school for talking about this subject as many people do not realize how truly important it is. My friend could use a good dose of this lecture because when he visited in summer he made fun of and talked very disrespectfully about my boyfriend who has

Schizophrenia. This wounded and angered me deeply and caused me to become quite distant from him. I am very protective over my squishy, and do not tolerate people hurting him. I wish people could just look beyound his illness to the beautiful person he really is. He is so much more. He has brought a smile to my face for quite sometime now. He is certainly many things including my best friend. We have built such a wonderful bond together and I am very proud of his achievements. We build each other up and heal each other's wounds inflicted by stress and pain. From this I know that I always want to be with him because I know we will contribute great things to the world together. This is why I am so bitter to my friend. He does not see. He may be right though. Maybe I trust too much, but this human body has shown me the wonderful power of loving. Even though I have been hurt many times to the point of bleeding nothing but pain I believe that it is right and just to keep loving. I am not blind,for love is a very powerful thing. I am not a complete hippy though as I still embrace the dark roots of my nature. Only a few people are actually worthy of my love. Most of my love goes out to the animals and plants. They have not corrupted me so they deserve all of my love. Today was pretty bland though. While i'm in school my days seem pretty blurred together with the same repetitive routines. I look forward to a change in pace if it is to come, even a little one. I always appreciated the little things...



08:37 Oct 06 2016

He is lucky to have you.


Today's thoughts

02:30 Oct 05 2016
Times Read: 324

It seems that the chill of autumn has set in as it was quite chilly today. For once I found myself intentionally sitting in the sharp rays of the sun with my hood up and my jacket zipped up to the edge of my neck. Heat was a welcome friend today. As I sat outside waiting for the bus though I drank in the emerging beauty of autumn. From the top of that hill where the bus stop to my college is one can get a magnificent view of the horizon dotted with the indigo mountains and green, orange, gold, and red patchwork quilts of leaves. I don't like to be cold at all, but this sting of autmun air reminds me to pay homage to this season and those who came before. Have you ever really stared at a leaf? Its truly amazing to know that they are so brave in their autumn adventure as they let go from their trees. The leaves can teach us that sometimes we have to let go so we can change and become something else. Sometimes we have to let go for the good of others. This is the season of sacrifice and so I am trying to be as the trees. One thing that stood out to me today is that for cultural anthropology we attended a lecture that was discussing the recent saying of "Black Lives Matter" of course people raised their voices saying "All Lives Matter".It was beautiful to see my college discussing such a thing, but I still felt a bit disgusted inside as I knew this was just a human application. With the current state of inustrialism in this country I don't think anyone can truly say that. For if all lives matter why is man so seperated from nature? Why is nature not our brothers, sisters, and teachers anymore but something to be tamed and conquered? They are right when they say all lives matter though because every being is intricately woven into this web of life. I hope that one day people use this term correctly and realize that even that spider on their windowsill that they deem disgusting and worthy of being smashed plays an important role. When people realize this they will stop searching to fill a non existent void within themselves for the very essence of life will fill you daily. Simply looking and appreciating the small things has filled me. The fruits of beauty and knowledge have filled me. Magic does exist and it is in everything. I am quite content with the harmonious struggle of the natural world, the applications of love, and the sweat from my brow. The need for miracles in our lives become void because life itself is not only a game, but a miracle in itself. Magic lies in the wind as it dances through the leaves. Magic lies in those rustling leaves as they whisper ancient lore. Magic lies in the whistling stream as it relates to us the wonders of that kingdom. Magic lies within all of nature as it teaches us how to unite with it again. I have seen and felt these things. Some may say i'm crazy, but i'm okay with that if it means I am united with nature and in a state of utter bliss. I would rather feel such a magnificent joy in my heart then see life as completely and materialistic. Fall has come and brought its lessons and magics with it. Open your heart to this and it will whisper to you its secrets as it has whispered to my own heart. Do not fear letting go. I always feared letting go, but now with time I have learned letting go brings you even more magnificent riches. As the leaves fall to the ground to prepare for the long sleep don't be afraid to jump in them to hear that lovely crunch either for this is another gift. So many people grow up and lose the appreciation for such simple things. That crunch is such a wonderful gift though, as is the beautiful colors of the leaves, and the nutrients the leaves give to the flesh of earth mother. This is a season ripe with gifts to our world so lets all try to be attuned to the season and make sacrifices for our mother and our brothers and sisters. Maybe then everyone would be more content and less inclined to chase empty things and rush by life.




Daily Ramblings

04:14 Oct 04 2016
Times Read: 337

it's kind of quiet tonight. People seem to be busy with things. I'm noting that i'm having another shift in my demeanor as of late. Recently I had gone through a dark period of desiring to have little to no contact with anyone save my boyfriend and a few close friends. This is a normal occurence for me though. Sometimes I just opt to disappear for awhile. For awhile i've been bitter and unenchanted with life. With school and work constantly trailing me i've become rather exhausted. As of late though i've either been lingering on the past or longing for something to fill a gap. My bitterness seems to be ebbing slightly. I've suddenely gained a longing to heal the broken hearts of others. I wish I could. I can't mend everyone's wounds though, although I seem to try. Being a manipulative being by nature though sometimes I wonder if I cause more tragedy than joy. I tried to bleed for others, but usually I just end up in a putrid pool of my own blood. It is okay though. Perhaps it is because we are shifting into fall, the season of sacrifice, and my natural tendency at trying to fix others is being amplified. With the uniting with my boyfriend in January though it seems I have taken on the fall and become more like the trees. I wish I could be like the trees in other areas of my life. I am trying though. I filled the emptiness in his heart so I long to fill the emptiness of others. Silly really that someone so engulfed by the darkness still is enchanted by the notions of peace, sacrifice, and love. Although I identify as the dark aspects of nature and the masculine energies of nature, perhaps I flow as both the dark and the light. Not the light of angels or of sunlight, but the light of the trees and the glow in crystals. Even though those things have a bit of savagery in them too. Also I am not the dark of perversion and lust, but the dark of the natural beauty of death, predation, and the flames that lick the forests to bring life anew from the ashes. Perhaps soon I will understand why I shifted to rekindling old connections and such.



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