got some new ringtones 4 my phone that i really enjoy. 4 my main ringtone i got shadow dancer by urn and 4 my coven ringtone i got bela lugosi's dead by bauhaus. My phone lets u put people in groups so i created on 4 my coven members where i can give them text alerts and receive calls.
Why do sanguine vampires drink blood? When i ask this u may simply state that they have to. That is not the case their are psychic vampires who feed off psychic energy.But, i beleive that sanguine vampires have an important physical need 2 drink blood.They will not die if they do not feed blood consumption is just a way 4 vampires 2 get extra energy in its physical form.I beleive that since blood flows through all parts of the body that it contains many energies.But, is feeding from a donor simply a taking relationship? that is not what i beleive. I beleive when the donor is emotionally connected to the vampire that they can emanate positive energies from their heart and mind that is deposited in the blood.When blood is tooken from a donor emotionally connected to the vampire, that they may emanate energies of pleasure that are deposited in the blood making it more potent.But another reason sanguine vampires may feed off blood is because they have not developed their psychic abilities therefore they can not feed off psychic energy and must feed off blood to obtain extra energy.
here is a journal post i made explaining that
It’s all about the iron cage
23:49:38 - May 14 2011
Times Read: 1179
Why do vampires drink blood…It’s all about the iron cage…why do vampires need more heme/iron than other people…the explanation is simple:
True vampires are Hu.mans who are being walked into/possessed/sharing a corporeal body with a demon/spirit/dimensional energy/energy alien who has a faster molecular spin than the spirit/soul that would normally animate a corporeal 3d body. I have seen this done with and without the consent of the human.
The more quickly the sub atomic molecules bounce off of each other the ‘hotter’ the energy. Everyone knows that you need oxygen to light a fire and without any oxygen you cannot get anything to even spark.
Now add to that the fact that it is the heme which transports oxygen in the blood and provides the energy necessary for the body to function properly nd for someone to feel good and have energy … therefore if there is an insufficient amount of oxygen the individual becomes anemic.
Now consider how much extra iron an individual would need to maintain both energies in a corporeal body designed to house only one soul with a minimal requirement for iron …
Iron, usually originates in the food supply as "heme," a cage of iron that transports oxygen in blood and comes mainly from meats.
Nostradamas Hister Prophecy
Bestes farouches de faim fleuues tranner;
Plus part du champ encontre Hister sera,
En cage de fer le grand fera treisner,
Quand rien enfant de Germain obseruera.
Beasts wild with hunger shall cross the rivers:
vampires hungry to feed shall cross the dimensional river of light
Most of the fighting shall be close by the Hister,
Most of their fighting shall take place by His sister
It shall result in the great one being dragged in an iron cage,
In the end His Sister will seal them in the iron/heme cage/human body
When Rin Germain child observes.
While the child of Rin/Catherine st germain observes
Iron, usually originates in the food supply as "heme," a cage of iron that transports oxygen in blood and comes mainly from meats.
Rin = short for Catherine ref to a germain bloodline child
can't watch fireworks that sucks! i'm just gonna go out back and sit on top of the shed and watch other peoples continous blasts. Hope they crazy 2 nite or i'm gonna be dissapointed! I am obsessed with the works!!!!!
I want the gothic demonia lace up platform boots from hot topic. but their online exclusive! can u order them from the store. i hope so. u probably can. it sucks i hate laces and the buckle platforms are outrageously high. guess i have 2 get the laces. oh well at least their platforms.
1. naraku
- evilness
-awesome red eyes
2. shesshomaru
- eyes
- his squeaky voiced companion
3. inuyasha
- sword
4. miroku
- wind tunnel
-attitude towards women
- compassion
5. kagome
6. evra von
7.larten crepsley
- attitude
Lately i've tooken a liking 2 the show inuyasha. im currently on episode 37.Inuyasha as a person er half demon is ok but, his voice is annoying he's somewhat rude and healways worries about kikyo! worry about kagome for once. it really annoys me that it takes for ever for them to realize they belong together. I like inuyasha because of the awesome action scenes, beautiful animation, and romance.The characters i love ( like inuyasha cause he looks cool) are miroku, kagome, shesshomaru,sango,and naraku. i like miroku cause he's a loyal friend(except when he's fliritng with kagome or sango ) also he is somewhat cute. Also i like how he's a priest but such a flirt. I like kagome well cause she's the main character. and it's funny when inuyasha worries about her or tries to kiss her and she freaks out. I like shesshomaru cause he's one hot demon.Except i don't like when he's really evil. I also like his sword cause it can heal.Just i'm wondering why he's a whole demon and inuyasha only half. I recently saw an episode that made me cry. shessomaru got knocked into the middle of nowhere cause after his and inuyasha's last battle inuyasha used wind scar. in other words he used the full power of the tatsaiga and knocked his bro somewhere. the wind scar would of killed shesshomaru except his sword gives life therefore it protected him.Well he laid in the same spot for a long time confused and injured.A little girl tried helping him by bringing food but he simply stated that he does not eat human food. The villagers beat her for stealing fish. shesshomaru asked her where she got her bruises therefore he does have a heart and he can show compassion. The girl got mangled to death by the wolf demon koga's wolves. What made me cry was that shesshomaru helped her by using her sword to revive her. it's what u call a miracle. it shows theirs a little good in everyone. even the evilest of demons. The only thing i don't like about shesshomaru is the thing he wears over his shoulder cause it looks plain stupid. I like sango cause she's a demon hunter and her eye shadow is awesome. I absolutely love naraku. probably because of his extreme evilness and he's just flat out sexy.Well except when he's in the stupid baboon suit. he has beautiful black hair and awesome clothes. But does he have compassion like shesshomaru? only time will tell.