This book of Shadows belongs to Horned Siberian Wolf, protector of Wolves and of Cats, healer of the weak, lover of the hated, who shall always worship;
1. Horus
2. Lilith
3. Hecate
4. Bestat
5. Diana
6. Mary
7. Leto
8. Lara
9. Amon-Ra
10. Osiris
11. Isis
12. YHWH
13. Jesus
14. Anubis
15. Aries
16. Mars
17. Lucifer
18. Maat
19. Thoth
20. Aprodite
21. Venus
22. Mercury
23. Morgain Lafey
24. Leo
25. Virgo
May these Great Gpdesses and Gods protect me, and keep me safe from harm. I beseech thee, protect me! So mote it be!