Well, I was in the process of making another profile but I just didn't feel it. I prefer things in an orderly fashion and I hadn't really thought this new one out so I deleted it already.
I'm weird like that. I want things to be perfect, I'm a Capricorn and I know not everything is or will ever be perfect!!!
With that said, I like having my one and only profile, it's me, it's simple, and it's somewhat orderly.
I have been with it for almost 8 years now, but even I like change now and then so maybe I'll just change up my profile and call it good, won't change the name, Zoraya Aurora has been with me since my teens.
I'm rambling on, not that tons of people read my journal. I don't put anything in it that's really amusing anyway.
I don't do Drama, I don't have hangups other than my working out everyday, that's just who I am.
Wow, I feel like I'm venting when really I'm not, WTF...Rhetorical
I just have things on my mind, good things, bad things, some really bad things. I'm not always a goody goody, I have a dark side, a very deeply rooted dark side that I don't often show especially on here, maybe I should, it would scare off the admirers that I so greatly laugh at, yeah I laugh, come on, I'm 46 not 26, you really think I haven't heard all the pick up lines, GUYS you really need to be more creative. And i'm not saying that to be mean, I'm just giving advice when it comes to me, no where in my profile does it say I'm into BDSM, nor does it say I'm looking to "hook up."
I like my life the way it is, simple not complicated. I can come and go when I want with whomever I want, I don't have to answer to a husband or significant other. It makes things so much easier and although my life isn't drama free, I do have a teenaged daughter, things are less stressful.
I assume one day I'll want a companion but on my terms, I will compromise with the right guy but right now, so not looking!!
I enjoy my friendships on here, I enjoy my HOUSE, so when I'm on, it's to level up, favor up my House, and to chat with the few friends I have on here.
Now I don't want to scare everyone away, I like making new friends but that's just it, Friends not would be contenders for my heart, not looking at this time!!
So this is my randomness in a nutshell...carry on!!
So my oldest and dearest friend who lives in Montreal now has made plans for us to attend Motley Crue's farewell tour, July 2, in Grand Rapids.
See, we became friends when we were young, we brought Motley Crue into our friendship with their "Too Fast For Love" we used to sing the songs and eventually we started writing our own. Her brother is a kickass drummer for Tyfoid Mary. Their ex lead singer is now with Five Finger Death Punch and their song "Cold" was cowritten with my best friend's brother Dugan.
Anyway, since we brought them into our little circle when they first came on the scene, we're saying Farewell to them together and since we made these plans, a few of our other girlfriends have jumped in and said they want to go as well. I am going to have a very full house this summer and I am so excited to see my gal pals!!
I did the Total Body Circuit today and I have Cardio yet to do because I didn't do anything yesterday. Was busy with other things so I'm making up for missing my workout.
Feel the burn, feel the burn and oh it hurts so good!!!
Your Status: Elemental (Level 77)
You have completed 64% of the next level.
Pages Viewed Score (Pages: 90,985): 66 x .50 = 33.00
Time Spent Score (Time: 28.05 days): 72 x .50 = 36.00
Base Score: 69
[ Bonuses / Penalties ]
Ratings (Ratings: 5,263): 69 x 0.0132 = 0.91
Database (Submissions: 59): 69 x 0.0030 = 0.21
Forum (Posts: 23): 69 x 0.0006 = 0.04
Profile (Rating: 9.897): 69 x 0.0200 = 1.38
Journal (Read By: 95): 69 x 0.0095 = 0.66
Friend (Lists On: 211): 69 x 0.0088 = 0.61
Blocked (Lists On: 0): 69 x 0.0000 = 0.00
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Society 69 x 0.0100 = 0.69
Mark 69 x 0.0500 = 3.45
Mentor 69 x 0.0100 = 0.69
Referral (Points: 0): 69 x 0.0000 = 0.00
Total Bonuses / Penalties: 8.64
Total Score: 77.64
[ Bonus / Penalty Percentages ]
Ratings (Ratings: 5,263): 1.32%
Database (Submissions: 59): 0.30%
Forum (Posts: 23): 0.06%
Profile (Rating: 9.897): 2.00%
Journal (Read By: 95): 0.95%
Friend (Lists On: 211): 0.88%
Blocked (Lists On: 0): 0.00%
Overblock (Blocks: 0): 0.00%
Society 1.00%
Mark 5.00%
Mentor 1.00%
Referral (Points: 0): 0.00%
This cold weather can go away!!! We have more frigid temperatures heading our way, with???
This has been one of the worst winters I've ever experienced in Michigan. I don't recall it being this frigid in ages!!
Snow is one thing, it's Michigan, we get lots of snow but these below freezing temperatures are flipping outrageous and can go away!!!
I got some of the evidence the paranormal team sent me. My house was investigated last weekend.
There are four videos and tons of EVPs. Now I know there are skeptics and I get that but this is just some crazy stuff.
My house was built in 2001, I moved in August, 2002. The area is rich with all sorts of history from Native Americans, coal miners, and lumberjacks so yeah I guess I am Blessed or Cursed with these things.
Even when I'm home alone, I'm never alone, if that makes sense!!
That's just creepy!
Yes Em it is and they just sent me more video and EVPs, I think I see a move in my future, lol!!!
I am down 5 lbs and feeling great!!! I had also tried the Shakeology but that stuff did nothing for me, didn't like the taste.
I do like their multivitamin, it's a bit pricey but worth it for me.
Out of all the Alpha DVD's I love the Cardio and Lower Focus ones. They really made me sweat and work it.
It's a great investment and with only 25 minutes, I can get through my workout and feel like I've been working out for an hour. That's what I like the most.
The weather sucks!! It's too cold, it's snowing, the wind gusts are hellacious and I feel like I'm going to get blown away when out with the dogs. Absolutely crazy!!
I have a friend who is blaming this weather on HAARP. I'm not saying one way or the other but it needs to stop, it's crazy ass cold and that's what I don't like. I don't mind snow, I am from Michigan, we get snow but these frigid temps NAH, TAKE THEM AWAY!!
What else is on my mind? Hmmm exercising, yes it's always on my mind and I'm always doing something. Today I have a double day with Focus T25, Lower Focus and Cardio, YAY!!! I like it, don't even realize how fast 25 minutes flies by.
I think I'm going to box too. I've got the heavy bag, it's just so cold in the basement but I got a space heater and I'm going to turn that on and let that room get nice and warm and then go kick some bag butt, lol. It's a great way to get out frustrations and I have a few
Day 4 was Ab Intervals
OK day 4 kicked my ass but I got through the entire 25 minutes.
My glutes, abs, and legs are very sore today and I have two workouts to get through. Lower Focus and cardio. I'll manage, I'm driven!!
Having that AHA moment when everything falls into place and things are crystal clear. Love when a project comes together and these AHA moments happen.
Make my life so much easier!! Thank you for the clarity!! Project is done and turned in!!
Day 3 of Focus T25 and it was Total Body Circuit day and all I can say is that it kicked my ass!!
I'm so glad no one is around when I workout, the sweat, although great, I really don't want others seeing me like that, lol.
Well, if I'm at a gym that's different:-)
Off to make dinner while listening to In This Moment
-4 below tonight with wind chill advisory looking to feel like -10 below or -20 below depending on where you are in this state. With single digits the rest of the week. All I can say is I definitely have to layer up to go out this week. Hurry Up Spring!!!
I think I am seriously going to move to a place that has a warmer climate.
I left work today and enjoyed the sun's rays....your asshole friend from LA
Just rub it in, BRAT!!!!
It's flipping too cold to step outside, nope staying in all weekend
i live in Westchester New York,and it was just as cold here,in the digits,i was once going to move to Cape Cod,mass.but i also have second thoughts,Florida,or costa rica sounds alot better.lol.
I strive to be healthy and fit and so I got Shaun T's Focus T25 to help me on my personal quest.
I must tell you, it's kicking my ass but in a good way, I'm loving the results but Shakeology, honestly TASTES LIKE CRAP!!! Don't like it at all!!
Finished Cemetery Gates and am now diving into Politics, Prophecy, and the Supernatural: The Coming Great Deception and Luciferian EndGame by L. A. Marzulli.
Yes it is a conspiracy theory book but one I am looking forward to reading about, this one I will comment on as I go along and if anyone who reads this journal entry and has read the book, please feel free to add your thoughts, thanks in advance ~~ZA~~
I told you I would tell about the Slipknot story.
The little boy I was watching yesterday was going through a book that I was reading.
There were pictures of Corey Taylor and Paul Gray of Slipknot complete with their masks on. The little boy threw the book down and said "monsters"
I reassured him that they weren't monsters but people dressed up like how he would dress up for Halloween.
So he asks, "Are they just being silly?" I looked at him and said "yes in a way, I guess they are."
"Do they like kids?" he asked me, And I know Corey Taylor has children but I'm not sure about Paul Gray, I mean I never really followed the lives of musicians that much, so I told him about Corey having children because I just read that in Taylor's book that I read previously.
He was OK with it and he had to tell his mom about the monsters who weren't monsters but they were being silly and then he says, "That's bogus"
I looked at him and asked him where he learned that word, "I don't know but it's bogus"
I laughed
As I have written previously, I am reading Cemetery Gates about various musicians in the heavy metal scene.
I took this book with me when I left the house today because I had to take a friend somewhere and I was watching her 4 year old son while she did what she had to do.
The book was on the dash and he asked if he could look at while his mom did some shopping. I stayed out in the car with him. I said he could look at the book as it has pictures of various musicians.
He came across Peter Steele and asked who he was and I told him, "Peter Steele" He then asks, "Is he living in this world?" First, what an interesting question so I answered him, "No, he's in Heaven." I told him Heaven because Peter Steele in his later years went back to his roots of being a Roman Catholic so yes I believe he is in Heaven. It's what he believed in so I chose to say heaven.
"So he's with God and Jesus" I was asked, "Yes" I replied.
"Well why is he there?" This 4 year old is very smart!!
"He had a heart attack and he died" I replied.
"Oh, is he happy now because that picture, he seems sad." I'm amazed at this 4 year old by now, we had a longer conversation about Slipknot but I'll write about that later..
Anyway, a car pulls up next to us and its window is duct taped and the little boy looks and says, "That car has a boo boo."
"It sure does" I replied back at him.
"Maybe it had a heart attack." He said.
My heart just went out to him, such a sweet kid. I then explained that only people and other animals can have heart attacks.
Had to share this one!!
Cemetery Gates: Saints and Survivors of the Heavy-Metal Scene by Mick O'Shea 2013.
As I have just picked this up, I haven't had time to start it yet but going to when I can, looking forward to reading about Peter Steele as he is featured in the Saints section. I'll write more as I get into the book!!!
I should have had oodles of children but it wasn't meant to be. I was however BLESSED with one and I am very appreciative for that. I love being a mom.
Bri is now 18 and this is her senior year and then she's off to college. It's crazy to think that I'm going to have a house to myself and will probably suffer from empty nest syndrome, hahahaha.
It's exam week for her and she's got the flu. It sucks but it's that time of year where other kids go to school not caring that they're sick or people in the grocery store, I mean you get this bug from any where.
So like a good mom, it's time to make some homemade chicken noodle soup, push some fluids, and make sure she's on the mend…
Well, I've actually reached another goal of mine and now only have 30-40 lbs to go. I am very happy about this.
I have ordered Shaun T's Focus T25. I was going to order Insanity but I was actually told to go with the Focus first.
My friend has the P90X so we're going to swap when done.
I'm excited to kick into high gear not that I haven't been doing so but it's great to mix it up.
If anyone else has or is doing the Focus T25 let me know how it's working for you, thanks in advance!!
Started Corey Taylor's paranormal book, I just got into it, I'll post the title of it when I get home, it escapes me but so far so good.
It's called "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Heaven" Or how I made peace with the paranormal and stigmatized zealots and cynics in the process.
He does go on a rant about being atheist but so far I like it
Corey Taylor rants a lot and goes off track quite a bit, it's still a good read though
That is all, I am very amused today, feeling a bit mischievous.
"Evil laughter"
Have a great evening Children of the Night!!!
I came across my poetry book today so I have added more poems in the poetry section of my journal.
There are literally thousands of poems, thoughts, ideas in this book. It's always good to go through them once in a while and get a good laugh or take me back to a painful time. I write a lot when I'm hurt, don't know why but that's when the best I have to offer comes out.
Some poems are very dark in nature, but they're from the heart, they express a time when I'm happy or really hurting inside. I notice I write a lot of vampire stuff, go figure, lol. I also write about love because yes I do think love exists and at one point in time I have felt love's elation. I hope to do so again:-)
I read tarot for friends, family, strangers. I don't charge, I never will.
They are just a guide and I always tell people that if you truly don't want to know an answer to a question then don't ask it.
I had did a reading last night for a friend of mine, the cards really laid it all out there. I'm amazed sometimes at the readings. I mean I ask the question, I shuffle the cards and lay them out. I don't know what's going to unfold and it's really cool how they relate to the question.
It has taken lots of years and practice but I love Tarot cards. I started collecting them and my favorite deck is by Ian Daniels, just love the vampire artwork!!
I was on my Facebook page and I have some paranormal groups on my page as I love all things paranormal and do some investigating as a hobby, it's by no way a means to make a living.
I came across a couple that are auctioning a SKYPE session on Ebay, seriously, WTF????
I, in no way, agree with this. I realize that we all need to make money but I just find this unprofessional!!
I want to support the paranormal community but then I see this sort of thing, I'm not talking a few dollars either, I just went on Ebay and saw that's it's over $100.
I'm into the paranormal too,what's your favorite subject?
I am starting to research elementals. I find them fascinating and wondering if they are really out there. As a witch, I want to believe that anything is possible and since I have woods around me, I am going to go exploring when the weather allows me to.
I also like ghosts. I grew up in a haunted house and was always wondering why things happened so I started looking for answers.
What is your favorite?
I have two jobs: Marketing Manager for a film company and I love that job. I do most of my work online, they are in another state, sometimes I drive to where they are but I don't really have to, I just do it because I love to travel.
My second job is in retail and it sucks so I just put my two weeks notice in. I didn't need the job but I love everything Halloween and party themed but the hours at this store weren't really worth me going in so needless to say, I am moving on.
Due to the weather here in Michigan, the roof caved in at a retail store in my area so now my friend is out of work indefinitely and was asking about whether or not she would be compensated for time not working due to the inclement weather and the caving in of the roof of her employment, i would think they would get something, I mean it's not their fault the roof caved in. If anyone has any thoughts to this or knows, could you shoot me a message so that I can let her know, I'm not up on the legalities of such a thing.
Here's to hoping the filming of The Dawson Wars gets back on track, bosses are worried that there isn't enough funding for this film…ACK!!!!
I'll keep my fingers crossed for your friend and that funding continues for the film!
Thanks NG.
My bosses are doing a crowd funding in March, so they told me tonight.
As for my friend, well she is doing research and going to talk with her manager so I hope that these people get something because it looks like the building is going to have some serious work done to it. I mean the entire roof collapsed, they showed it tonight on the news, thankfully no one was there when it happened.
I thank you for your prayers, it means a great deal to me!!!
I started my collection years ago and have been doing readings for about 10 years, on and off.
I find that I am enjoying the readings more and more and if I am not physically drained, sick, or just plain tired, I can and will do multiple readings at any given time.
The readings are not set in stone, they are a guide. I find that the cards can be very accurate. If you truly do not wish to know something, then don't ask.
I had done a reading recently and the cards said I would meet a mentor or a guide and that he will leave as quickly as he came, this came to fruition not of my own accord but he did steer me in a direction I did not know about on my own and now I am learning more and as my path was becoming stagnate, it is renewed with vigor, I am excited once again!!
Things happen for a reason, I don't believe in coincidences, I lay the cards out and I read the story they convey. Some of it good, some bad but the cards are a guide, the path I take is never etched in stone, it's constantly changing but when certain cards keep showing up, then it's like an AHA moment for me, tried and true, just love when it happens.
I currently use Ian Daniels' vampire tarot cards, just love them but I also have a Russian tarot deck, and a Rider-Waite deck, as well as a couple of others but found that Ian Daniels' deck is really beautiful and one I always grab first.
I am reading The Forgotten Soldier by Guy Sajer.
This book is a first hand account of a German soldier who is giving his story of what it was like in Russia.
It was written in 1967, the year I was born. My mother has been telling me for ages to read this book and I am finally.
I find myself lucky to hear stories of both sides. I had family that fought on the American side and family that fought on Germany's side.
I've lost two uncles in that war on both sides. One was lost in a plane crash (American) and one was lost in Russia (Germany)
I want to state here as well, that I am very proud of my Opa (grandfather) because he hated Hitler. He spoke out against him and the Gestapo were looking for my Opa. Each time my Opa was forewarned so he wasn't home. Then one night in the middle of that night, his dear friend who was the head of the Nazi party in their village, ran to my Opa and told him he must leave that they were coming for him and that this was it. My Opa again left.
My Opa was a soldier and was caught in Norway by the Allies. They treated him well and liked him a lot because he didn't like Hitler. Many Germans didn't like what was going on, what Hitler did, but it was survival, speaking out got you killed!!!
We have his POW papers but they are in French, I think my Opa was amazing, sadly, I never got to meet him, he died before I was born but my aunt and mom have told me numerous stories regarding him.
CAPRICORN - The Passionate Lover (December 22 to January 19) Love to bust. Nice. Sassy. Intelligent. Sexy. Grouchy at times and annoying to some. Lazy and love to take it easy, but when they find a job or something they like to do they put their all into it. Proud, understanding and sweet. Irresistible. Loves being in long relationships. Great talker. Always gets what he or she wants. Cool. Loves to win against other signs in sports, especially Gemini's. Likes to cook but would rather go out To eat at good restaurants. Extremely fun. Loves to joke.
The New Moon is great for ritual and spell work. New beginnings, getting rid of unwanted garbage, boy do I need to do that.
It's going to be a great night, have things ready for this epic night. Out with the old in with the new.
I feel better today, not hurting, not caring, back to my good self. Don't understand why some men do the things they do but not all of them are bad and I know that.
Some women are the same way, so to the men that have women deceive you in the same way I was deceived, I sincerely apologize and hope that 2014 will be better for you.
"I'm gonna harden my heart, I'm gonna swallow my tears, I'm gonna turn and leave you hear" Great song by Quarterflash!! It works here…
Much love to all of you in the New Year, as for me, I'm going to be traveling most of this year so I won't have time for such nonsense of the heart, I say that now, lol….