Yandere's Journal

Yandere's Journal


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25 entries this month

00:54 Sep 30 2023
Times Read: 188

I come home to this happening on my roof xD
I didn't see them at first. I walked into my garage, started making ammo like I often do, and I could hear someone emoting because the emotes have little sound effects so I could hear them, but I couldn't see them. I walk outside, and they're both perched up on my roof, a guy and a girl. The girl looks like she's crashed, her character is just standing there, but the gut is vigorously emoting at her over and over xD And he was like level 900 so I'm sure he was just fucking around. After watching them a few minutes he finally realizes I'm down there staring at him xD So he comes down, and starts vigorously emoting at me. I waved, and ran away💀
That was the second wacky occurrence at my base. The first was earlier. I usually put stuff out, meds, mods, ammo, food, junk, whatever people can use, and I just leave it out for free for people to take. When I told Cheshire this he called me one of "those players." What's wrong with being one of those? I prefer to help people rather than troll them. Plus, inventory space is limited, there's only so much I can sell, why not give it away? But I came home to two guys taking everything, which was fine, that's what it's for. But after they got done they noticed I was home, and just started popping lunchboxes over and over. Lunchboxes give certain buffs for like an hour. So it was super nice of them to shower me with that xD Probably cause they got a bunch of stuff from me for free. It's nice when players help other players❤️




04:03 Sep 28 2023
Times Read: 212

The Wendigo Collosus plushie joins the squad.
I think I now have every boss fight plush... except the fucking wolf xD Of course, they can't just let me have it. The one I want the most, nope, can't have it. Sounds exactly like my life.
Elden Ring DLC is close to coming out, and Fallout 76 is getting a pretty big expansion come December. If I had to choose between Elden Ring and Fallout... Obviously, Elden Ring. As obsessed with Fallout as I am recently xD I got my ps5 to play Baldur's Gate... haven't even downloaded it yet. I can't take a break from Fallout til I get my wolf plush. And it's just relaxing to play especially since I'm now high enough level that I can competently take the lead in almost any event without dying. I still die occasionally... Sometimes a sentry bot gets you right in the face with a grenade, happens to everyone... I'm sure xD




07:45 Sep 27 2023
Times Read: 241

For real though xD
Any time I die... It's fire. I can withstand being punched, stabbed, shot, and blown up. But someone comes at me with a lit match, and it's all over. That or fucking face lasers. I've boosted my fire protection to 150, does absolutely nothing. Glad I'm not the only one💀
Kinda makes me wanna try a flamethrower though...




20:22 Sep 26 2023
Times Read: 276

This is a pretty accurate depiction of me in Demon's Souls xD Shrine of Storms in pitch black World Tendency... It's mostly because I use that particular level to do my grinding, and there are things in there that can absolutely one-hit kill you like the reapers or the face laser ghosts. Demon's Souls as a whole is not a difficult game, O don't know how people think it's the most difficult Souls game out there. Once you get a fully upgraded weapon you can pretty much walk straight through. Of course, Demon's Souls doesn't come with a proper great scythe in the base game. So I've got my Uchi.
I think they added a scythe as a pre-order bonus for the ps5. Obviously I missed out on that. And it's not like I need a scythe. I prefer it, but katana is a close second, I do use Rivers of Blood in Elden Ring. That's another thing I don't like about Demon's Souls though, bleed damage is more like poison here where it slows depletes health instead of taking off a good chunk of it all at once. So it's not as viable. But it's also not necessary since the game is pretty easy, and much shorter than any other souls game. It's interesting to me that on the World Tendency screen they left the fourth pillar in. If I were remaking this game, I probably would have made that entire level, and put it in finally... I think they said they originally left it out due to time constraints. But... I feel like they could've put it in this time. Why put it on the World Tendency screen though? Like I understand the broken pillar still being in world, but that seems weird.

I found this in 76 yesterday...
A lightweight missile launcher that locks onto targets. Yeah... I think I'm gonna work this into my build xD I love explosive damage❤️




01:53 Sep 26 2023
Times Read: 302

Made it to level 250💗
Still don't have my wolf plushie xD Pretty sure I'm going to get every other reward twice before they let me have it...
I did get the wolfie hood.
I do kinda like this look especially with the skull mask💀🐺
Takes away my trademark pigtails though.
Maybe I was the wolf, and Wolfie was the rabbit all along.




06:38 Sep 25 2023
Times Read: 334

My oldest nephew decided he wanted to play Death Stranding...
Oh boy, here we go xD
I feel like... I somewhat can comprehensively put together what's happening in that game in my head. Sorta. But explaining it to someone else? Nah xD I also haven't played it in like 2+ years so I don't completely remember everything. Probably blocked out a lot of it due to temporary insanity. I loved it, but I also felt like at the time of completion that I'd never need to play it again. Kinda wanna play it again...




22:57 Sep 22 2023
Times Read: 362





20:21 Sep 21 2023
Times Read: 463

I forgot this whole boss fight is just playing hide and seek with this motherfucker xD
At what point, as a demon slayer, do you pack up, and just go home?
I'm thinking this would be it xD




09:06 Sep 21 2023
Times Read: 393

Oh the places you will go...
When you have a jetpack💗
Jetpack is the new marsupial, can't live without it.
It was also then that I found the elevator leading up there xD I leapt off a cliff, and barely maneuvered over. I like my way better.




21:48 Sep 18 2023
Times Read: 442

If I didn't know any better I'd think I was back in Bloodborne🖤
Tower Of Latria was always my favorite, and most feared place in Demon's Souls. It's funny how the things we fear the most can be the things chase.
Maybe that's just the masochist in me xD




00:50 Sep 16 2023
Times Read: 483

Had to pull old Flamestrike off the wall❤️
Yes, I named my fire sword after a dragon xD A beautiful red dragon who, while ancient, died protecting who she loved. Although that's not her proper dragon name, I think it's a badass name for a fire sword. I usually literally have her hanging on the wall in my base, but during mutation invasion there are events with enemies that can only be killed by melee weapons. So I like having her on my back just in case❤️




08:16 Sep 15 2023
Times Read: 502

I didn't get my wolfie plushie... But I did get the Titan and turtle Godzilla, aka the Ouga.
Trying to figure out where to put Mr. Titan because he's way too big for my bed xD
I also got the Blue Devil armor outfit.
And I actually really like it, I might wear it for awhile. One thing I've noticed is I never see anyone dress like me. It's either power bros or girls in dresses. To be fair, the options for female outfits kinda suck, and I come across a lot of them playing. I'm hoping they'll do something cool for Halloween season, I do have a skeleton mask, and costume I might run around in when it gets closer.




08:17 Sep 14 2023
Times Read: 542

Hopped on Fallout tonight after my niece went home. I love her to death, but I also love getting to do what I want, stay up as late as I want, and sleep in as late as I want xD I decided to rework my cards a bit...
Because I was dying very easily to stupid bullshit. Such as the Flatwoods Monster being able to kill me in one fucking hit. So I put in some more defensive perks, upgraded my armor to the best you can get that isn't power armor, modded it to the best it could be, and it's made a big difference. Went from like 50 defense to 300-400. That's just how I am, I don't usually pay defensive shit any mind. But I was tired of dying in events in embarrassingly easy ways xD Like getting punched once by a Cultist Sanctifier, and immediately keeling over. I do notice my PS5 crashing less than my PS4, but crashes still happening. That's just Fallout for you. And the load times are a lot better. They weren't terrible on the 4, but I do notice an improvement in that, and the graphics. I'd say it's worth the money. Wolfie always tried to convince me to switch to PC gaming with him. I wonder if he's gaming at all anymore. Knowing him, probably not. Which is really sad because it was something he genuinely loved doing, but felt bad doing it because, "It's a waste of time." I don't think doing anything that makes you happy is a waste especially when happiness is hard to come by.
I missed my chance to get the second pig plushie as Meat Week ended. But I can still get the wolf which is exponentially more important. Mutation Invasion is back which I'm not thrilled about. It just means that certain events have mutated enemies which have different abilities like cloaking, exploding on death, and the worst, those who can only be killed with melee. Of course I have my awesome exploding fire sword build, but having to go home, and change into everything before the event... Kind of annoying. I ended up on a really good server tonight though with people who consistently wanted to do events. I get wanting to play the game on your own, do your own thing, I also did that for the first 50 levels. And honestly you really aren't suited for most of the events below 50 anyway. Maybe even higher than that. I think about level 170s I started to feel good about my character, and now I'm really hitting my stride at 206. The good thing about events early though is access to good equipment rewards, and XP. You don't have to kill something to get the XP from it, if you hit it, then someone else kills it you still get XP from it. So something like Moonshine Jamboree is perfect for grinding up levels because you can sit somewhere high, take shots at the gulpers, and rake in the XP from whoever actually kills them. Same thing with Eviction Notice, but at the end of that one you'll also get like 50 legendary items. I usually walk away from Eviction Notice at about 700 pounds overweight with guns and armor to scrap, keep or sell.




04:28 Sep 14 2023
Times Read: 580

That sounds about right xD Especially with Elden Ring being at least twice the size of any of the others. It's a bit depressing that I haven't spent nearly as much time on DS2, I think after Demon's Souls I might run through that a bit. I didn't include Demon's Souls because on the PS5 version I've only got 9 hours in so far, no idea how much I'd played on my PS3.
I genuinely forgot how annoying Demon's Souls mechanics cam be. Makes you appreciate how far the games have come. For whatever reason I distinctly remember more skeleton assholes at the beginning of Shrine of Storns... Maybe I'm just traumatized, and it was never really that bad xD I'm not looking forward to the tentacle-faced Mindflayer bitches in Latria.




07:18 Sep 12 2023
Times Read: 618

Apparently there's ANOTHER pig plushie I don't have in 76💀
I finally got the bandolier pig, now I gotta grind out the other one for my collection❤️
I also got a super cute wolfie Keychain for my backpack.
You can be rewarded with a blue wolf(called the Blue Devil) plush in one of the events. I neeeeed it so bad😣
There's also a pink two-headed cow plush, and I'd like the Blue Devil curtain door. Cause right now the curtain door I have up has a fuckin godzilla turtle on it xD




06:30 Sep 12 2023
Times Read: 639

And we're back where it all began...
I first played Demon's Souls in 2012 before I ever knew Dark Souls existed. It's amazing seeing it remastered so beautifully, really doing it justice. The ps5 in general is completely blowing me away. I can't believe I convinced myself for so long to put this off.
So here's our girl.
I'm really most happy that they tried to put more story into the game. Demon's Souls lore is... complicated. With pieces of information that you're not really entirely sure why it's there. That's any Souls game, but it's particularly apparent in Demon's Souls how sloppy the story is. So far doing better though. I wouldn't be surprised to see a Demon's Souls 2 released at some point with them putting this one out again. Bloodborne was originally supposed to be Demon's Souls 2, and I'm kinda curious why they pivoted so hard away from that suddenly. Not that I'm disappointed by any means, Bloodborne is by far mine, and most Souls fans favorite of FromSoftware games. Much as I love Elden Ring and Dark Souls, Bloodborne just tops them slightly, it is the perfect game. I definitely wouldn't be shocked to see a sequel to that. And with Armored Core on 6 games now, I also wouldn't be surprised to see a Dark Souls 4. I know they kinda said they were done with Dark Souls. But... I don't believe it. I think there's much more in all of these games to do. I can understand why they'd give up on Dark Souls since 2 was so awful to most people. I still like 2, I still think it's a good game, just confusing, but that's nothing new for these games. I'm usually not a fan of remakes because I think it's kind of a cop-out instead of just making a new game we'll redo an old one. But Demon's Souls definitely needed it. I forgot that you use grass for healing xD So healing is limited to what you can buy... Yep, totally never annoyed me with that. Definitely way cooler than a refillable flask. I'm also missing my Elden Ring jump button xD I did land a successful parry, and riposte at the tutorial. I CAN do it, I choose not to xD You can waste time setting that up perfectly or you can just stabby stab them quickly. I also forgot about the bullshit health cap when you die. I think that's probably why most people say Demon's Souls is the most difficult. I never personally felt that way, but I'm not sure which I'd say is most difficult... I can pretty much sprint through Dark Souls and Bloodborne. Elden Ring is the longest, but is it really all that difficult? I love seeing how every game after was inspired by this, I can see Dark Souls, Bloodborne and Elden Ring everywhere in this game. I cam see why they made some of the obvious mechanical improvements they did. The animated npcs though... It's just wrong xD And fucking creepy.




08:15 Sep 11 2023
Times Read: 667

The first thing my ps5 did when I turned it on was ask me if I wanted to download Elden Ring onto it❤️
Demon's Souls is FREE to play on ps5 right now with membership. So I don't even have to pay the $70 for that. The Saints Row redo is also available. I love the old Saints Row games so much that the newer one... I dunno if I'll like it. But I'll give it a try while it's available this month.
I'm already ecstatic with having bought this xD Almost everything I want is free, and Elden Ring is already, ready to go. I'm transferring my data from my ps4 which is supposed to take another... 30 hours or so. So I decided to start up a third Elden Ring character, a mage this time, to kinda poke around there for a bit. So there's this.
She really is just there, the maiden. Varre tells you you're maidenless, and she's literally in the starting room, dead. Why? By who? Supposedly Varre. Something curious to me as well... Melina says something about, "Violate the Golden Order." The Golden Order is like... the main religion I guess across the Lands Between. But what if it was an actual order? Like a law set down by the Greater Will. Which I suppose their beliefs would be. That sounds more to me like something you'd violate. I'm really not suited for caster build xD But there are a lot of awesome spells I want to try out. Although once Demon's Souls gets downloaded I'll probably go straight to that...
The amount of bloodstains in the first boss arena though xD
Who is a 4 hit boss max. I guess if you've never played a Souls game maybe you could die... A lot of them look like they're trying to block. I can tell you this in my extensive Souls experience. Never blocked, only parried a single time in any game xD Unnecessary. The very first time I played Demon's Souls back in... 2012, I think, I followed the prompt to learn to parry, did it once, never used it again. But I'm also dex so I'm very dodge heavy, I feel like parrying is more for heavy builds. Or fucking skeletons xD




08:08 Sep 11 2023
Times Read: 668





20:08 Sep 10 2023
Times Read: 709

Happy birthday to me💗
Because no body could possibly love me more than I love myself xD
Even though my birthday isn't for a couple more weeks.
It's not really that though. I've put off buying one for a couple reasons. I wanted to wait til they were starting to phase the ps4 out, and that's happening. It's only a matter of time before FromSoftware releases a game that I can't play on ps4. Demon's Souls doesn't really count since it's a remaster or whatever, I can still play that on my ps3. I dunno about Armored Core. I've never played one before so it feels silly to jump in at 6. But knowing FS games the way I do... Generally they make games you don't necessarily have to have played the prequels to, to understand the current game. I always think back on how I played Mass Effect 2 before 1, and thoroughly enjoyed it, 2 is probably still my favorite of the 4. But going straight to 6? I also never played Sekiro so it's not like I absolutely need to play every FS game. I do like robots...
And... Wolfie always told me we'd get me one after we moved. Even though he insisted we get gaming PCs instead. But I still wanted this. But I didn't want to get one just to have to drag it across a fucking ocean especially back when we were getting ready to move to Russia right before everything blew up in our faces. And I gave up a lot getting ready to move just to have it not happen. So I feel like I'm owed this. And I don't need justification anyway xD I've been gaming for 30 years, I deserve this. Now the question is... do I wanna play Baldur's Gate or Demon's Souls? I already know I enjoy Demon's Souls. I think I'll enjoy BG, but I'm so picky about rpgs. Or maybe I'll just go back to Fallout xD I've heard the load times are 100% better. I wanted the digital version because owning actually game disks is for scrubs, I haven't bought an actual game disk in like... a few years. Why spend $100 more for a game drive when you've got unlimited wifi? I also made really good sales this weekend so everything just added up to the perfect time💗
The last few months have been difficult. This is for me, just me, to me, from myself :3
And I really wanted to get it in person so I'm glad I did. Because when I looked them up they were selling used online for what you can buy them new in person. It cost the same as when I bought my ps4 back in 2015. It's kinda ridiculous that they're still selling ps4s for like $300, I'd think it would be much less by now especially since they're already talking about the ps6. It also cost about what I paid for my Switch last year. The Switch was a really good investment, the kids use it constantly when they're here. I heard you could use ps4 controllers on ps5 so maybe we'll find something coop on there. Although I was thinking about giving the 4 to my brother so his kids could have it. I've still got my 2 and 3 xD
It really annoys me though when I talk about how Wolfie, and I were planning on moving, and it just suddenly ended. For whatever reason people think I'm a fucking idiot who fell for some online scammer. Wolfie, and I weren't an online romance. Our relationship was long distance for the majority, but there were a lot of reasons for that. Wolfie is 100% real, everything I've said about him is real. Never once in seven years asked me for money. In fact, he gave me money without hesitation, and refused any time I offered to give it back. Never allowed me to pay for anything between us, and I always offered because that's how I was raised, didn't let me. Never took anything from me, never asked me for anything. The only thing he could have possibly been using me for... free therapy? Like xD I get that there are a lot of reasons for people to be ridiculously suspicious of others. But. Wolfie wasn't a scammer. He wasn't a catfish. Yes I know him irl. He's absolutely real. He's not a bad person. He's not a villain. He's not some monster. He's just very sick. Physically and psychologically. Which I always knew from the start. And I hope he's getting help. I hope he's getting his shit together. I hope he's figuring himself out. Sometimes that's what people need, time alone to figure shit out. I'm doing the same. If you think I'm an idiot, well, you probably don't exist to me anyway. I'll always defend him, that's just who I am. I don't know what's going to happen or where I'm going in life. But it's somewhere. Maybe eventually headed in the same direction with him. Maybe not. But I'm optimistic. I'm hopeful. Things will be good, someday.




02:37 Sep 07 2023
Times Read: 738

After being stood up more than once on my Xbox I came back where I belong to my lovin Playstation, and my level 198. There is one thing my Xbox character had that my PS character didn't... which is a little plush pig you get from an event. I have a whole plushie collection going on.
So I'm trying to get it here when the event pops up. I'm also experimenting with laser rifles since they seemed to work pretty well on my other character, and having two automatic rifles is better than one❤️




01:13 Sep 06 2023
Times Read: 773

I need it.




08:58 Sep 05 2023
Times Read: 811

I downloaded Fallout 76 on my Xbox because somebody *coughcough* wanted to play with me, but hasn't shown up given multiple opportunities to do so.
I know it's hard to believe that all these men willingly run from my attention... Must be me. Nahhh, it's definitely not me, I'm spectacular. I dunno, Wolfie always said that guys found me intimidating. I'm like the chillest-ass person ever, especially if we're gaming. Gaming is the way to my heart. And good pizza. And cute shoes :3
I'm literally a 5ft tall pigtailed blonde. How bad could I be?
I'm already level 15. I ran into two really nice guys who event hopped with me, and kept things from murdering my face off. I'm not bad, I'm just underleveled xD I forgot how brutal it is to be under level 50. You can't really get mutations at low levels because there's no good way to get rid of radiation without Radaway or fulp decontam. There are perks that help with this in later levels, a really good legendary perk that helps past level 50. Til then I'm stuck with baby jumps. And it sucks doing events without marsupial. It's kinda nice though, I'm trying new things. I've been running an automatic laser rifle which I love, but the ammo consumption is crazy, and it takes copper to make more which is apparently very scarce when you're actually looking for it. My 198 character has so much copper I give it away in my vending machine. Now it's the hardest thing to find when I need it most. I just need a decent gun til I can get my hands on my 45 rifle which is waiting for me when I feel comfortable fighting the Imposter Sheepsquatch xD So... gonna be awhile. Maybe I'll stick with laser weapons, I never really used them besides the Gauss Rifle. Like I've said, in any other Fallout game I'm solid shotgun build, but the shotgun doesn't hold up in 76, it's really bad.




17:34 Sep 04 2023
Times Read: 841

Fuckin Randall Flagg ass motherfucker.
Just walking along, unnerving the Hell outta everybody....
He told me he'd been gone a long time, and asked if there was anything interesting he should see.
I sent him after the Sheepsquatch. Good luck, buddy♡




08:30 Sep 02 2023
Times Read: 882

Well... there's that😐
I'm considering whether it's time to buy a PS5 yet. I've put it off, but I see them around regularly now, and I'm always tempted, and I want to play Baldur's Gate 3... Where exactly is Baldur's Gate on the map? Like close to Neverwinter or Waterdeep or Icewind Dale? I don't think I've read a Forgotten Realms book in 15 years. I used to read nonstop... Now it just puts me to sleep. You know what I'd love more than anything? A good Ravenloft open world RPG game. That's like my heart's desire. Being able to stroll up to Strahd von Zarovich... That was my vampire crush as a teenager, fuck Edward Cullen xD I always did like 'em tall, dark, serious and brooding apparently. Which is funny... cause that's the exact opposite of me.
Or imagine meeting Lord Soth... Makes me all tingly xD
But I'd also like to play the Demon's Souls remake. So... it might be time. My PS4 is eight years old this year, and still working perfectly. But... a shiny new PS5...
Besides. It hasn't exactly been a stellar year. Everything with Wolfie... I deserve something nice.




03:43 Sep 01 2023
Times Read: 705

Ran straight into an Albino Deathclaw booking it across Cranberry Marsh towards Watoga. She doesn't look like much, but she will fuck you up if she sees you. A glowing Deathclaw can kill me, at level 195, in two hits. I'm kind of a glass cannon, my damage is great, my defense is very, very bad. That's mostly because I try not to get up-close to enemies so I don't need bulky armor weighing me down. But when something does manage to get ahold of me, it kills me very quickly xD Usually embarrassingly so. I was running Eviction Notice with one guy, no one else showed up, and he was a big boy in power armor, but we got fucked pretty good trying to take on all those Super Mutants. I mean, we held out nearly to the end, but they eventually overwhelmed us, and after I took a grenade to the face it was all over. Good times.
I've been watching a lot of unused Dark Souls content videos. It's amazing to me how much they left out of Dark Souls 2, and seeing it all really puts together the pieces of the story. Unfortunately, I feel like Dark Souls 2 fell victim to being released way too early because... that's what people do, they bitch about a game taking too long to come out, personally I would prefer they take longer, and release a game that's ready rather than put it out there before it's ready, and it turns out... well, how DS2 turned out, with a lot of people hating it. It's not a bad game, but the overarching story is really fucking confusing. One of the big things that's shoved in your face immediately from the first cinematic: time travel. Your character does some time travel bullshit, and the opening makes it seem REALLY important. But then... it's not really addressed much in the rest of the game xD One of the biggest, in my opinion anyway, elements of the story isn't even in the game anymore, and that is the fact that your character met the Emerald Herald when she was a kid. You, and the Emerald Herald have this mysterious connection through the game that's never explained because they took it out of the fucking game. Left in the game is her giving you a feather towards the end when you get to the area with all the dragons which is another thing not really explained well, her connection to the dragons. I think she says she's "born of dragons" and she's got different color eyes so I think the implication is that she's got mixed blood in her, dragon blood maybe, but it's never fully explained. And that's normal for any Souls game, but I think DS2 is definitely the most confusing because of all the stuff they took out last minute. Like I look at Elden Ring... And it is a game that was perfect the day it came out. Sure, they've patched some things, they've made some balances, but overall it was a ready product when it hit the market, and that's probably mostly due to them taking more time on it. I remember the rumors that Elden Ring was canceled multiple times because it was taking forever to develop. But I'm glad it took so long because it never had the unfinishedness that it easily could've had if they'd released it too early. And that's how I feel about Elden Ring DLC, please, take their fucking time with it, make it beautiful and perfect. I saw there might be some stuff about Godwyn in there which makes me very excited. Godwyn is a fascinating character that there's so little information about. I guess that's kind of most Souls characters though, very little is 100% defined, you kinda have to come to your own conclusions about what happened. I just wanna know if Marika was involved in the plot to assassinate Godwyn. I don't think they'll ever lay down exactly how that night went down, but it's probably the most intriguing mystery to me.
I swear if I see another fucking video on Pumpkin Panic, "WHAT IF STARDEW VALLEY WAS A HORROR GAME?!?!?" So annoying... In Pumpkin Panic you planet crops, harvest them, and sell them. And in Stardew Valley you also do this... but also much more. I don't think Pumpkin Panic is really a fair comparison. Harvest Moon is a fair comparison. Nothing against Pumpkin Panic, it's super cute, but the overwhelming amount of gamers comparing it to Stardew... shut the fuck up. It's very marginally similar. It's not the same thing. This is what I can't stand about streamers. I feel like most people who game for profit aren't genuine with their reactions to games. And it's incredibly cringey. Especially people who play horror games, and scream nonstop... It's not that scary, definitely not scary enough for a grown-ass man to scream like a little girl. I get it, people watch that shit for the reaction, but it's pretty hollow when you know it's obviously fake. Seeing real horror across someone's face is much more entertaining.



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