Yandere's Journal

Yandere's Journal


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22 entries this month

05:47 Oct 30 2023
Times Read: 239

Fun fact: If the nuke hits just right when you send it to summon Scorchbeast Queen, it can also possibly summon a Wendigo Collosus at the asylum. Which I didn't think you could see outside of Monagah. But there he was.
Also. Something spooky or maybe it's just the sounds in my own head... But I swear you hear footsteps when you're alone in the asylum. There are three specific areas to look for the colored uniforms, and obviously a few occasions with my Spotify turned off, I've heard footsteps around me while standing still looking at the map. You can see on the map of anyone is there, and I'll even walk around to check, and no body.
And the ambient sounds in Arktos Pharma are creepy as fuck. Especially when you're being chased down by an assaultron bitch...
Much as I love the old-timey music it gets very old after 600+ hours, and you kinda just wanna blast things in the face to metal.
I found another green and another brown uniform. I didn't get to play much today because my oldest sister dropped her kids off here for the night due to some problem at her house. So my oldest nephew took over my ps5. Which I'll allow since he's not here thar much, and he's been trying to get through Red Dead 2 for like a year. My ten year old niece, and I ended up watching scary movies. One about demons, and while we were watching it something moved the cabinet door in the dining room beside where I was sitting. My niece heard it too cause I looked over at her, and she's looking at me like 😨
Like it sounded like someone opened the cabinet door then let it fall shut. And then there was this faint smell like something was burning, bur it's 30 degrees out so that could've just come from outside. I got up to ask my nephew if he had been in the dining room, but he hadn't moved. Stuff like this doesn't really freak me out because it's been a consistent thing through my life. Strange noises, things touching me or talking to me in my sleep, grabbing my foot, rubbing my back, flipping my blanket. Wolfie told me once, "My love, I don't want to scare you, but there's something following you."
Oh yeah, that's just Dave, he does that xD
Hey, Dave is a perfectly respectable demon name, you don't know.
The interesting thing about the dining room is it used to be my brother's bedroom, and my brother is diagnosed schizophrenic, and when he lived there he wrote this number over, and over all over his walls. Which my mom covered with paint after they remodeled it into the dining room. But he always says he talks to God and demons and whatever. When I was little I have this very vivid memory of being visited by an angel. Which was more likely an alien xD
Yeah, you can tell mental illness runs rampant in this family... How Wolfie ever thought I could just ride off into the sunset without him, and live a normal life... Like we're not all fucked. We're not all as deep as he is. But we're all pretty fucked on some level. Some of us are just better at pretending.




02:48 Oct 29 2023
Times Read: 274

I can't believe I found...
The asylum uniform in FOREST🖤
Forest is the second rarest so I was super surprised when it popped up.
And here's the green.
Personally, I think the green looks better. But it's not about the color... It's about the prestige because of the rarity. So forest outranks green, but red will outrank them all. So I'm still missing blue, pink, yellow and red. But we're getting there. It's always kinda awkward bumping into another person in the asylum... Maybe they're just there exploring or maybe it's a race to the uniforms section. And I've got max+ agility so... good luck. That happened today with a girl, I actually heard her singing through her mic before I ever saw her. It's probably the part sociopath in me... But that would really only apply to women I feel threatened by which, let's be honest, is zero. But I can't stand the sound of other female voices. Which I know is awful, but the sound of other women is like nails on a chalkboard. It's not that I hate other women or anything, I have two older sisters. Maybe that's why xD But that's one reason Wolfie always thought I would be perfect for dominating other women because I could be brutally sadistic to other women with no remorse. I don't know why though. There's gotta be some psychological reason for my disdain... Not sure where it comes from. This is why it makes me laugh when Wolfie tells me I deserve to be with someone normal so I can have the normal life I deserve... Because obviously I'M so normal. The difference between us is that I maintain control over my ass much better than he does over his. I'm known for being extremely impulsive, but I do try to keep it under control, I am aware of it. He has explosive, uncontrollable emotional outbursts. Which is one reason he's always insisted on maximum control over everything around him. And maybe I do it to him, maybe I send him hurdling over the edge by trying to set him free... Maybe he needs the cage he puts himself in. He needs safe, stable, consistent, constant, steady, same. He needs to wake up, do the same thing, eat the same thing, go to bed at the same time. Which is really colorless. But if it keeps him sane...
I met a really friendly guy today. Ya know, maybe the way to my heart is walking up to me, and complimenting my gun xD Actually, he complimented my name first. Like I said I was going to, I changed my psn name again, and now it's LittleBitPsycho_. I had gone into Moonshine Jamboree, and he was there, and he came over to me, and said, "I like your name, I think that's probably true of all of us nowadays." And he has like this really super thick, deep Southern accent like he's from Georgia or West Virginia which is funny cause 76 takes place in West Virginia. But after that I noticed he kinda stuck beside me during the event, everytime I turned around he was like righr behind me. He actually died at one point xD And I went to revive him, but he clicked to respawn instead, and after that I noticed he had moved up onto the roof of the building that was behind me xD And of course, he was in power armor, but he was only leveled in the 100s. So after the event I go to my little pop-up tent to scrap some stuff, and he follows me, and we had a nice conversation about my gun, armor and mods because he said he was watching me kill Gulpers left and right xD Yup, Fixer will do that. He was super sweet though, thanked me for the conversation and everything. I was like... a whole conversation without a guy asking about my boobs, how did that happen xD
And here is the special edition Halloween outfit for this year.
Not something I'll probably ever wear. But I do like that it glows. You get this from doing Halloween challenges, mostly through trick-or-treating from other player's. The problem is that it's not always easy to find someone's candy bowl... Mine is fucking easy. It's right next to my front door with my clown minion often lurking menacingly in the background xD
I thought about putting my candy bowls on top of my dinos...




06:49 Oct 27 2023
Times Read: 309

Is it time to play Baldur's Gate yet?
Hmm... maybe after Halloween xD I think I can pry myself away from Fallout then. Take a little break to play something else before the new content comes out. I've finished the current Scoreboard so now I'm only really trying to get all the Halloween shit before I take a break. I found another green asylum dress today so that makes 2 green to about 20 brown. The funny thing is, blue is supposed to be more common than green, but I haven't seen any blue. I'd like to have every color to change my outfit every day of the week. Though red really suits my Harley look best.
I love it when I'm in am event, and some big guy in power armor thinks he needs to protect me xD I was in Moonshine Jamboree earlier, and a lot of people prefer to be on the rooftops shooting the giant lizards from above. I like to be right up in their faces because it's super chaotic and bloody and everything is exploding right in your face. Hey, what can I say... I'm a girl who likes a good explosion in the face❤️
I do take some damage, but it's generally pretty minimal unless an angler gets on me. But I was down there, doing my thing, and this Bumblebee lookin motherfucker in yellow power armor keeps bodyblocking me every time I moved. It took me a minute to realize he was trying to stand between me, and the lizards, and that's really nice... but completely unnecessary. Because then I have to try to shoot around him. Trying to protect me is sweet, but blocking my kills is just gonna get you shot in the ass❤️




07:43 Oct 26 2023
Times Read: 347

Entitled fucking people... I show up to fight Scorchbeast Queen cause when someone summons her the server publicly sends out a message to go help fight her. And like I've said, she's not super difficult, if you're decent level with decent armor she probably won't easily kill you. In my armor ar level 365 she barely scrapes me. So she dies pretty quickly, and this guy just starts going off about how HE summoned her so HE could farm the Halloween Scorched, but everyone showed up, and killed her too fucking fast. Basically being a huge whiney pussy. How dare anyone come to HIS fight. You know what solves that? Go on a private server, asshole. Then it's just you and her. Like you're really going to come on a public server, and whine like a child over not getting enough treat bags? Sorry, didn't know that pumpkin rack or princess backpack meant so much to you. Holy fuck do people like that need to step outside once in awhile. I get it, the Halloween Scorched event is only a week long so it's limited time to get everything from the treat bags, but acting like a two year old in front of like 20 people... It ain't worth it. And after Halloween the holiday Scorched event starts so I'd like to just skip ahead to March now. I really wanted to kill him... but I technically didn't. I started shooting him then a few other people started shooting him, but I did not fire the killing shot xD That's the important part. I did not become Wanted so technically, I'm innocent😈
It does work, btw. Because after that I headed for a missile silo, and launched a nuke to start her fight on a different server because fuck no was I not helping that jackass. And a lot of lower levels showed up on that one so it took about 20 minutes to wear her down, and I got like 15 bags from it. Because during her fight she summons a lot of Scorched creatures to help her, some of which do end up being the Halloween variety. But if I really wanted to drag the fight out the whole 30 minutes... I'd do it privately. Which you have to be in Fallout 1st to have your own server, but this guy was like leveled in the 800s, I'd be willing to bet he is. You definitely don't need to be in Fallout 1st to enjoy the game, it just gives you some nice bonuses. Like a survival tent with a workbench you can pop up anywhere or a bottomless scrap chest. It's worth it if you play a lot, and at level 800... you do xD Maybe too much.




00:48 Oct 26 2023
Times Read: 394

I found the green💚
Not even really looking, I had gone into my own private server to hunt spooky Scorched because you tend to get a lot more of them spawned in private so I wandered into the asylum, and green was sitting right there. I still prefer my red outfit, but ya know, I am trying to collect them all. I've sold two of the browns I've found for 250 each. I know it says people are willing to pay up to 1000... But I don't think anyone actually would, I've found several brown, they're not uncommon, maybe even more common than the clean white version although I do have several of those too, and those I usually set out for free.
I also found a plan for the Princess Backpack in one of my treat bags.
Pink + unicorns + rainbows, obviously I'm gonna use it💗
I'm also finding these animal gas masks.
So there is cool stuff you can find. Cool enough to fight over? Not really when you can just hop into a private server xD




08:13 Oct 25 2023
Times Read: 419

My base now has dinos...
Cause dinos❤️
I got the yellow from being a part of Fallout 1st, and the red came in a spooky treat bag from the Scorched Halloween event. Of course, people are going fucking crazy because it's something temporary... I'm just not willing to fight over treat bags thar literally almost always have a box of candy, and a piece of gum in them xD Yeah, sometimes they have cool stuff in them, but usually not, and dealing with people... Playing any game online really shows you the best, and worst of people. Some people are really friendly and helpful and want to have fun, and some only care as far as what they can get out of anything. Those kinda people make me long to go back to my solitary journey in Elden Ring... I'd rather fight Malenia than deal with your selfish bitch ass.
I did get a huge kick outta a boss fight today though. There were several of us waiting to go into the Wendigo Collosus. You have to wait for the mine to open which takes a few minutes. So there's this guy standing there, big power armor guy, and he, and this girl are on their mics talking publicly. And he's telling her he doesn't get to be on very often cause he's in the military, bur he's super good at Fallout, blah blah blah, me only half paying attention while I slip on my stealth armor, and pop some lunch boxes. The mine opens, everybody jumps in, and within a couple minutes this guy is already down xD And it was kinda surprising because he was leveled in the 400s, higher than me. So I do my thing, I jump over immediately, hit him with a stimpack, revive him. Couple minutes later he's down again. And again. And again... And every time I was right on his ass xD Nope, get back up, no dying today, comw on I thought you were good. He was gonna have to leave the game to get away from me xD Which I dunno why he was constantly dying. Like I said, leveled in the 400s and in power armor and the Wendigo Collosus isn't like... super difficult, he's just extremely tanky. But a lot of people, mostly in power armor, were going down constantly. Then there's me standing there in basically nothing but a leather catsuit just jabbing him with needles. I like being the unofficial sorta battlefield medic. Someone goes down, I try my best to get to them even when stupidly diving right into a group if enemies. Even though dying is pretty meaningless, you'll respawn right away. Still, I feel bad when anyone dies on my watch. You're not allowed to die until I say you are, we are not venturing to Valhalla today, get your ass back up and fight❤️
But every fucking time I turned around in that boss fight, someone was down. I guess it isn't the Wendigo Collosus himself as much as the like 20 wendigos he summons thay drop right on top of you. That's why I usually go around, and kill them while they're attacking people. I wouldn't recommend getting right in his face since he spits acid and screams. Now Scorchbeast Queen I will get right in her fucking face like a psycho xD It feels good being able to kill a Scorchbeast with minimal effort. I remember the early levels when they'd completely destroy me. Now I can take one down in seconds. It's kinda beautiful❤️




07:47 Oct 24 2023
Times Read: 451

When probably just joking shifts your alignment towards evil xD
I can spare a few points in that direction🖤
It's not like I forced him into it, the cage was always an option.
Like when you warn an NPC several times if they don't give you back something THEY stole you'll kill them, and then, after several minutes of her telling you she knows you're too good of a person to kill her over some trinket, you finally kill them, and the game is like, "Tsk, tsk, that's another point into evil, young lady."




09:25 Oct 22 2023
Times Read: 477

I now own 4 asylum uniforms... in brown xD I can't seem to find any other colors. I was reading a guide on how to find them all, and they said they hopped through about 3000 servers to find them all... Ya know, I don't need them that bad. I'll usually hop through a few when I first get on, but then an event will come up that I like, like Project Paradise or Radiation Rumble, and then I'll get distracted with actually playing. I almost got into it with a guy over Eviction Notice. There were several of us there fighting off the mutant hordes, and here comes this level 1000 asshole hurling mini nukes at every group as soon as they spawn, instantly killing everything, pretty much purposely making it so the rest of us were basically just standing there. Then after it was done he said, "Boy, that was rough," obviously sarcastically. So why are you here, motherfucker? Why are using that weapon? Why aren't you charging at them with a fucking butter knife? It takes absolutely no skill to survive huddled on top of a building in power armor, throwing bombs at enemies a mile away the instant they spawn. See, sword or gun, I like being down in the pit, face-to-face, splattered with the blood and guts of my enemies while also within easy reach of helping or healing anyone who needs it. I'm that kinda crazy that runs straight into a group of enemies to pull your ass out when you go down even if I barely make it back out with you. That's what I like. I used to huddle on top of buildings... at maybe level fucking 50. It sure is impressive though... what a huge fucking pussy you are.
See, this is exactly why I shouldn't have a mic xD
I had a really good run of Eviction Notice a few servers before that. I ended up with only two other people, one leveled in the 90s, one in the 100s. Not great odds. They teamed up, and took one side while I took the other, and we actually held out until about the last minute. I'm not really sure what happened, but the super Mutants got through on their side, and before I could get to them, we failed the event. But ya know, that was a lot more enjoyable, even ultimately failing, than the other. I'd rather struggle, and fail than just kinda stand around, and be handed a win by one person. I also ended up in a boss fight against the Wendigo Collosus with several lower levels, I was the highest there so I was pretty sure we were fucked xD Just because I don't have the major firepower you need for that particular boss. That's the kinda thing you bring your mini nukes to. That's really the only place they're appropriate, against the bosses. Otherwise it's like bringing a grenade launcher to fight a pack of ghouls, it's just annoying overkill. The game just doesn't support these larger weapons just like it doesn't melee. It has all this variety, but it doesn't hold up with it.




09:42 Oct 20 2023
Times Read: 522

When I go into an event in Fallout, and I hear music approaching, and this guy in like full Ranger armor walks up to me with this song blaring through his mic...

He says nothing, he starts dancing next to me...
And this is all I can hear for about ten minutes until the event is over xD
You know what, it is catchy, I'll give him that❤️
People in Fallout are just an entirely different sort. I think that's why it feels like home xD
See if I were a guy trying to get my attention, that's what I would do, get a ps5, and approach me on Fallout.
Maybe not with that song... buy hey, he was memorable xD




06:36 Oct 19 2023
Times Read: 538




01:31 Oct 19 2023
Times Read: 562

Some progress on the asylum uniform.
I managed to find the brown version. Which is the least rare of the colored versions. Just to put this inti perspective...
Red Asylum dress is said to be the most sought after clothing item in the game. So finding it... I mean, that brown could've just as easily been a red, so it is possible, they are out there. I don't mind running through the asylum anyway cause it's a pretty good spot to scav even if you don't find any of them. I know now every spawn point so it's just a matter of running through and checking. I'm gonna get it xD I am nothing if not persistent. And ya know, after playing for like 600+ hours, and running outta story a long time ago, you kinda gotta create your own quests, and make your own fun between events.
I did get lucky today though...
I finally got my Joker bear❤️
There's a quarter machine at the grocery store with these, and I've been trying all month to get him. The others are cute, but let's be real... there's only one I really care about❤️




09:53 Oct 18 2023
Times Read: 573

If only I could've taken Fluffy home with me...
Several server hops, no red asylum uniform.
But I do like this combo.
The red asylum hat with the amusement park worker's uniform. It goes pretty perfect together like a demented candy striper. I'll still keep looking for the uniform, but I'm happy alternating between this, and my glam red dress look. A lot of people have been curious about my collar, it's funny how even long term players don't know about certain items. I did run into a guy wearing it though today, that and the wolf mask.
I also discovered an asshole bigger than the grenade launcher asshole... The mini nuke douche. Someone who comes into an event, and starts hurling mini nukes the entire time with zero regard for anyone else. If you want to just kill shit yourself, why play with other people? Why not just make a private game? Maybe I'm getting cynical, but these people are absolutely trolls who only want to ruin the game for as many people as possible. By keeping everyone else from getting kills, getting XP, leveling, and having fun. Showing up to an event with one of these assholes means standing around for 10 minutes with nothing to do because they vaporize everything immediately. I've learned to just leave the server when one of these pops in, not even gonna waste my time. I'm up to level 342 now, and I'd consider myself generally pretty overpowered, but I'm not doing shit like that. I could make 500 mini nukes, and just bomb the shit outta everything everywhere I go. But what's the point? I don't get it. I'd rather other player's have fun with me, not despite me. I'd rather help people.
Speaking of mental health. My neighbor killed himself a few days ago. He was around my age so... it's shocking to everyone. I don't personally blame anyone for wanting to get off of this Hell of a planet. But you can't say that to people because then you're "insensitive." Sometimes you just can't see a way out. Someone asked me, "What if it was Wolfie?" It could've been. He could be gone, completely gone, and I wouldn't know because he hasn't bothered to let me know anything. But if that's what he needs, him getting better is more important than how I feel. Which I'm 100% genuine about. However I feel in this situation is insignificant in the face if him finding healing. Cheshire tells me Wolfie shouldn't be in a relationship. And as hard as that is to accept, he's right. He shouldn't be with anyone in the state he was in. You can't be what another person needs if you're not even what you need. I thought I could heal him or hold him together or something, but he was always falling apart. He needs to get himself together. Maybe he'll never be in a place where he can be in a relationship, and I understand that. I have to leave it alone. It's not like I've given up on him. I know Wolfie. He'll get through this, and he'll be back. Til then I have to keep going on my own.




05:00 Oct 17 2023
Times Read: 625

I do like the Witch look, but this is much more me...
The choker is actually a Prisoner's Collar xD And it flashes red❤️
So I found out about thay because I was looking for the best outfits for women in Fallout 76. And... a lot of awful suggestions on Reddit. But one guy said something like, "Just put them all in the slave collar."
Ok, first of all... That's the kinda attitude that no woman will EVER respect or sub for. Obviously, not the type of guy who probably gives a fuck, but I'm guessing he's not popular with the ladies, sub or not. But... I actually love the collar xD So I had to find it, and there are a whole bunch of them in the prison, and it fits my Harley look so perfectly. Then I found the red sequin dress which also perfectly suits Harley so I'm feeling very me aesthetically in the game now❤️
And I'm far from the only woman who is unhappy with the very limited options for female outfits. So you'd think they'd add some better stuff in over the years...
This is what we're currently looking for.
Sadly, the red has a 0.1 spawn rate. So... even if you server hop, you probably won't find it, and odds are that if it was there at one point someone else probably took it. Because there are demented people out there who hunt these things then sell them for real money on Ebay... I probably wouldn't even wear it if I did find it because about 98% of female characters you come across have some varient of it on. So definitely not paying $30 for it. I wish they had varients of outfits for different genders so wearing certain armor didn't make you look so much like a fucking dude. I was kinda shocked to find the red dress because they seem to want to completely strip the game of sexuality, which I totally understand because there are likely younger people playing it, but it'd be nice to have some more defining outfits. Just me though, I always like to look cute in games xD
I was thinking about taking a break from Fallout. Like maybe not playing in November, and picking it back up in December when all the new content comes out. Maybe...
I just get really frustrated with idiots xD Most people you meet in 76 are decent. Some are kinda kooky. I ran into this one guy who came into an event with music blaring over his mic, some song about having a boner in class, and how to get rid of it which he replayed for the whole like ten minutes everyone was there xD Hey, I started dancing with him, honestly pretty catchy. Then another guy came up to me, emoted that he had a present for me, and gave me a Blight Soup... Which is actually a pretty helpful item you rely on your crit meter a lot, which I do. So I'd say most people are benevolent to harmless. But then you get those few douchebags that just want to make everyone miserable. I've learned that when it comes to events, especially those wherein a ton of people show up, you just have to be fucking ruthless to get your kills in. I've been straight up camping spawn points in some of them because otherwise someone with a one-hit weapon will stand right in front of you, and kill everything before you even try. I could rework my equipment, and my build to maximize everything, but I don't need something that kills everything in one hit. That's boring. That's why I love my sword so much. The damage on it is fine, it's not like spectacular, but it's fun to use, and often explodes things when it hits them so it's just like fire, and blood, and explosions and chaos. That's a better time to me personally than a fucking gatling plasma gunning things down from a mile away. That's so... safe. Especially the idiots who do it in power armor... Why are you wearing heavy armor if nothing can get close enough to hit you? Kinda pointless. These are the same idiots who, in Moonshine Jamboree, will be standing on the rooftops, shooting down at the big lizards while I'm actually on the ground full on face-tanking them. I enjoy doing the things in events that no one else wants to. Like Raduation Rumble. It has two parts, protect the scavengers, and get irradiated ore from down in the tunnels. No body, but me ever wants to go into the tunnels. One reason being that they have extremely high levels of radiation that can kill you in seconds, and all the enemies spawn down there. Usually they'll leave you alone in their quest for the top or fight amongst each other. But occasionally a glowing Deathclaw might try to rip your face off. So I understand the hesitation. But it's also fun. And if you die, big deal, you respawn. Ever since I redid my build to include more defensive perks, I've been dying so much less xD One of my favorite events now is Project Paradise, and people never show up for it so I've straight up soloed it, and it's definitely one of the most difficult events. The area is full of face-laser robot bitches... But I've discovered that if you shoot them in the head enough it'll blow their laser out so they can't use it. I'm still working on getting my weapon legendary modded to fucking godly. I need quad for 400% ammo capacity, and explosive for explosive bullets. I haven't managed to get them together yet... Quad is fucking necessary on an automatic rifle that only holds 20 bullets, takes it up to 80. And explosive would just be nice. Because explosive❤️




09:56 Oct 15 2023
Times Read: 652

I never played Lords of the Fallen when it originally came out... Despite it being claimed as "Soulslike." There's a big difference between a Souls game, and a Soulslike. Code Vein is a good example. But Code Vein is also enough of it's own thing to be a good game. Is it as good as a Souls game? Hell no. But it's good in it's own right. I've heard a lot of bad things about Lords of the Fallen. Generic being a big one. Honestly, I can't imagine a full, large open world rpg being better than Elden Ring. I looked into Lies of P a bit because supposedly it's a lot like Bloodborne. Immediately it made me scoff. Only Bloodborne is Bloodborne. Saying that any game is like it seems like a bad move... like you're setting it up for failure. You need much more than Victorian Era aesthetic, blood, and moonlight to be what Bloodborne is. It's like saying Diablo is like Dark Souls. Maybe very loosely compared... I dunno, Diablo is fine. It's alright. It takes absolutely no skill to play though. The "boss" fights are laughable. The characters have zero personality or inspired design. The npcs aren't memorable. The story is decent, it's actually interesting. But the gameplay? It's just too simple. And it's not a particularly beautiful game. It's just alright. I know I'm way too picky about games, it's just difficult to settle for less when I've had better. You need to have something that makes you great. Look at Mass Effect. Mediocre gameplay, but phenomenal characters, and storyline. Fallout is a tricky one... In any other Fallout, the story, gameplay, characters, all amazing. But in 76 the main story is severely lacking, and there really aren't any super likable characters. So what makes it so addictive? I'm not really sure. But I love playing it. I've been busy all weekend so I haven't had a chance to play since Thursday... And I've been dreadfully anti-social this week. I told Cheshire, I feel like I'm constantly full of complete emptiness or aching grief, and I just don't know what to do with it. He tells me to talk to him... But it doesn't make it stop. I ask him, will it ever stop? He didn't have an answer. Gaming is a good distraction though.
We got to talking about my mental health history, the symptoms of borderline personality disorder, and then Harry Potter houses xD Because my oldest niece was there, and she wanted to know what house Cheshire is. Apparently, he's a Slytherin, whatever that's worth. Every time I take the test I end up Gryffindor. But am I really brave, loyal and confident or am I just wreckless, impulsive and self-destructive?




07:56 Oct 11 2023
Times Read: 798

I've decided I like this outfit, Witch Dress + Skull Mask. All spooky for Halloween🖤
Mutation Invasion IS back. I'm happy, but also already incredibly frustrated. Uranium Fever is... the absolute worst when it comes to people being huge dickheads. Not only will they walk in front of you while you're shooting something, they'll walk in front of you, stop, and stand there, thereby completely blocking you while they shoot what you were shooting. Because ya know, they're obviously entitled to it, how dare I try to kill something instead of them. I try to remind myself there are probably a lot of kids playing this game. But from the people I've spoken to on mic... Yeah, that's not true, the majority are adults. Speaking of mics, I found out that the ps5 controller has one built into it. Because I've been feeling antisocial the last few days I've had my headset unplugged, but I noticed that it was still picking up that I was making sounds. Turns out there's a mic right in the ps5 controller. Which is kinda awesome. I still prefer my headset, and when you use the mic in your controller the voice comes out of your controller so it's kinda harder to hear. But still. Makes sense to just put it there, makes it easier to team up. I was wondering why there was a button there to mute your mic when I got the controller since headsets tend to have their own control for that, seemed a bit unnecessary. But turns out you could be broadcasting to anyone if you don't mute it xD I'm curious how many other people don't know it's there. There was a guy earlier who came into my camp, and usually people don't seem to notice I'm there, and I love listening to them while they go through my stuff xD And once again, this guy was talking about, "I dunno why this person is giving away free stuff." Is it honestly that bizarre? Is that the state of this planet? Immediate suspicion when someone does anything to help. Before I was doing it to clear up inventory space. Now I'm doing it because... I dunno, why not? Why not try to help people? Especially if you have an abundance of stuff you won't use, why sit on it? Why does it bother people so much? He did give me some stuff in return though when he noticed me watching him, dropped a present on the ground for me with some stuff in it. Stuff that I'll probably turn around, and give out xD That's just me. One thing I give away often is Stimpacks, basically the main healing item. During mutation invasion you get a TON of stims from rewards, and they are heavy, I've got like 500 pounds of them consistently taking up my inventory. Why not give a few away? And if it bothers you that much, don't take anything. Won't hurt my feelings. It's sad because the lower levels who haplessly wander into my camp usually don't take anything.
Yep, Uranium Fever is definitely my least favorite event. People lose all fucking courtesy. Makes me want to go around killing every other player I can just because I can because none of ya'll have any fucking humanity anyway. Entering my villain Era over a fucking game xD I literally left the fucking server this last round because everywhere I went, someone would run up, and stand in front of me. I'm not doing it anymore. Same thing with people who use fucking grenade launchers, just gonna server hop. You don't need a fucking grenade launcher against a pack of fucking ferals, you're deliberately trying to keep other people from getting any XP by one-hit killing these weak-ass enemies. I see what you're doing, asshole. Fucking annoying. That's one thing I hate about new content coming out, there tends to be a sudden flood of higher level people on, and they really all just need their own server to annoy each other on. Because how do you expect newer players to have any fun at all when some higher level fucko comes along, and takes all the XP before they even have a chance to aim? This is why I originally stopped played back in like March, and stayed away for a few months, these types of people who just make the game not fun. And it's not all their fault. Like I've said, they need to balance these events, make them much more difficult to support the amount of players who show up. I'm kind of dreading the amounts of people there are going to be when the latest expansion/season comes out in December...




20:46 Oct 10 2023
Times Read: 834

Fallout 76 got a massive update today, over 100GB... And from what I'm reading a good chunk of it is Halloween related so I'm excited for that🎃
I found a plan for a Witch dress, and hat so I think I'll probably wear that til Halloween is over. I love my wolf set, and technically it could be considered a costume... But I love the dress, it looks exactly like something I'd actually wear. There's also a cute skeleton outfit, but I've seen a lot of people wearing it, never see any witches. The outfits for women... Everything is like ankle length xD Which I get, the game has like old 50s vibes, and do you really want a bunch of characters running around in lingerie or mini skirts? This ain't Saints Row xD I meant to play the new Saints Row, and never got around to it. I've meant to play a lot of stuff since I got my ps5, but I'm so stuck on Fallout. No regrets though. I recently figured out how to play, and control Spotify on my ps5 from my phone even in games... The wonders of technology xD I love the Fallout soundtrack, but after almost 600 hours... it gets a little old💀
I feel like I remember there being nightgowns, and stuff in Fallout 4, and I can understand, having been sexually harassed in game, perhaps why they took those out xD Like unless you choose to wear an ankle length dress or nothing, but a harness, you straight up look like a dude as a woman. Although, I recently found something interesting... I was poking around, scavving in the local asylum, and I came across a red asylum uniform hat. So... there's a red asylum dress out there. Seems hard to find though. I went across several servers, never found one, only the white varient. But it's out there, and I gotta have it... Apparently there are several rare colors, but I'd really like the red❤️
I also read in the update notes that they were balancing out mutation invasion, whatever that means. I hope we'll get another week or two of MI again soon because I personally have grown to love it. It can be a bit hit or miss when... usually for a normal event you might get 5-8 people showing up. For an MI event you'll easily get 15+. And these events just don't work well for that many people, you end up kinda fighting each other for kills because there just aren't enough enemies. I wish for the MI events they'd make enemies substantially more difficult, and put more of them in the area. I've seen even Eviction Notice, which is usually a fucking fight even with like 10 people, become completely boring when you've got 15+ people there. Now MI events are supposed to be more difficult because thet have the added enemy mutations like cloaking or exploding or reflecting damage or my favorite, can only be killed by melee. But they're still basic easy enemies. I dunno, maybe it's the masochistic Dark Souls whore in me, but for fuck's sake crank up that difficulty xD
And I'm gonna complain again about level balancing. There should honestly be a cap on levels or server separation. Because it really pisses me off when some level 1000+ comes in, one shots everything, and basically makes it so no one else gets to do anything. Those are the same level 1000+ assholes who will regularly go into my camp, and take everything I have set out for free for themselves. Like... what the fuck do you need this stuff for? Maybe leave it for a lower level or someone else just starting out. It especially makes me irate when someone will do it multiple times. I wish blocking a person made it so they couldn't use your vending machine. If you really need something, cool, take it, but coming back twice, and emptying everything... You're fucking greedy, you're lucky if I don't hunt you down, you're probably some pussy in pacifist mode anyway. Stuff like that or the complete lack of courtesy from other players. Like if I show up first at an event, pick my spot, and am very obviously standing there, and some jackass in power armor comes, and stands right in front of me, blocking me from being able to kill anything. So I accidentally aim up, and shoot them in the face, and suddenly I'm the bad guy xD




05:16 Oct 09 2023
Times Read: 858

I signed up for Fallout 1st on my PS5. It's basically just an added membership for Fallout 76. Totally not necessary, I got to level 300+ without it, but... I decided to give it a try since I've actually been playing with people, and making friends. It gives you access to more items, and gives you separate specific Scrap and Ammo chests so you have a much, much bigger inventory. It's worth it for that alone because I'm constantly scavving, and never have enough space xD Especially in larger events where I get a ton of stuff. Like in a good run of Eviction Notice you can get like 50+ legendary items, but there's nowhere to cash them in nearby so if you can't fit them into your stash box you'll have to carry them to nearest train station which isn't super far, I've made that run several times xD Which you can't even run cause you'll be carrying like 700lbs of shit. I think now that I have Fallout 1st I have access to the mobile camp which is a secondary smaller camp that you can pop up wherever so that'll be somewhat helpful, maybe. I'm in a mood tonight to go it alone, not really feeling being on my headset playing with people. I get like that. I'm either hyper-social or completely anti-social. Maybe it's because Cheshire rubbed me a little wrong last night. Which sounds so dirty xD No, we were talking about his guitar collection, and I was teasing him, telling him so that's why he's single, and he said to me something about, "A guitar not getting mad when he picks up another one when she's not playing right."
And look, I can take a fucking joke, but sweetheart, no xD No, no, no~♡
To be fair, before he told me he did say that what he was about to say would get him bitchslapped in person. He's not wrong.
So when he apologized I told him perhaps if he thinks I'm angry he should just "go pick up another one." See, Apollo was an asshole too, maybe I'm on the right track...
I'm not seriously upset over it though.
But I haven't really talked to anyone all day. I miss Wolfie. And I haven't felt very good today. I can always tell when I'm unwell because suddenly I'll be freezing cold, seeking high temperatures. Yesterday I took the kids to the park, and the weather was perfect, but I was bundled up in a big oversized hoodie. I just wanna lay around, and play Fallout, and sleep🖤




05:37 Oct 07 2023
Times Read: 885

I hopped on Fallout earlier to play a bit before all my nieces, and nephews over. One of the buddies I made was on, and he sees me, invites me to team up, all good. This is the guy who tracked me down after going into my camp, and taking a bunch of the free stuff I had in my machine. He gives good vibes, he's the only one to actually come find me, and offer to give me anything in return. Not that I've let him, I've got enough of my own, and I like to provide for others, I'd never accept anything from anyone. Maybe it's the alpha in me, I'm the provider, and the protector, don't fuck with my people, my people are mine xD Anyway, after we team up he sends me an invite to a party on my ps5 so I go in, there are a couple other people there, and they're all talking about gaming, and Fallout, and modding their equipment, and how excited they are about the new update coming December, and I'm just like... this is where I belong💗
They call me Moon. Because my name on there is MoonBunni. So I have a nickname and everything now :3 I heard about there being an explosive legendary mod for my gun... So I'm definitely going to have to look into that. The problem with legendary mods is that they're random, you just kinda have to hope you get the best ones together. You can keep remodding stuff to try, and get exactly what you want, but it might never come up. So I'll probably end up making another version of my weapon, and test on it to see if I can get explosive, and quad because quad quadruples your ammo capacity. I have quad on my current gun, but not explosive so we'll see what we can do. I've also been looking into a Bloodied build which us basically an extremely low health, but high damage build. There's also a certain mod you cam get, Unyielding I believe, which increases your main stats the lower health you are. It can be a bit dangerous since you'll be working very low health/high radiation, but it's meant to be used as more of a distance build where you don't get right into the faces of everything. I'm at the point with my character where I can easily face-tank most enemies, even bears and Deathclaws, even without power armor. But my damage isn't going to get any better so I'm looking for ways to maximize. I do good damage now, but... it could be better.




08:20 Oct 05 2023
Times Read: 901

Made it to level 300.
Got my wolfie plushie💙




09:49 Oct 04 2023
Times Read: 934

Made another new friend tonight in Fallout ^^
I ran into this guy through several events so eventually he caught me at my camp, and after exchanging emotes xD He invited me to his team. I dunno if he could hear me or not through my headset, I had said hello to him, and laughed or something, and that's when he invited me, and friended me on my ps5. Hasn't been creepy so far, but there's still time💀His name ended with 76 so I'm gonna guess he's probably in his 40s. There was another guy on our team whose name ended in 86. So we had 88, 86, and 76 lol I think it surprises people when I talk, and I'm actually female. When 86 walked into my base he actually had his mic on... and was talking out loud. He took some of the free stuff I had out, and said, "I dunno why you're giving out free stuff, but thank you."
And much to his surprise, I responded, "You're welcome!"
I don't know why people think it's so crazy that I give free stuff away... I'm literally not going to use it. I've got almost 30,000 in caps so I don't need to sell it. It's just taking up inventory space which I desperately need because I've got about 500 pounds of stims in my inventory. I just don't need all the copper, leather, aluminum, rubber, oil, etc. I actually enjoy wandering around scavving so that's part of why I'm constantly overburdened with stuff. That, and the fact that I do almost every event that comes up. I made it to level 298 tonight... So I'm thinking 300 tomorrow❤️




01:11 Oct 03 2023
Times Read: 977

Well. I met my first fucking creep on voice chat in Fallout xD
I was near my base, doing my thing, and this guy walks up to me. And he tries to teamup with me so I ask, out loud, hey, you wanna team up? And he turns his mic on, and he asks me where I got my outfit, specifically my wolf mask. So I explain the event he can get it from, all very casual and friendly, he starts talking to me about vikings, and wolves, tells me he's part Norwegian, whatever. I ask him of he speaks the language, and he tells me no because he has Autism. And ya know, I tell him no big deal, trying to be friendly. But the whole time he's like right up on my character... So I foolishly ask him what he's looking at. He tells me he's trying to see the color of my characters eyes, and then his exact words, "They don't let you put breast size on these characters..."
My response to that: Yeah, that's a real shame xD As I immediately leave the server.
Look... I know I'm gonna meet some creeps. I'm not offended by this. And if he really is disabled, I'm not gonna make fun of him. But... This is a prefect example of how to get a female to never speak to you again xD Like five minutes into a conversation, never seen me, know nothing about me aside from the fact that I do have a female voice, "So how big are your boobs?" And plenty of guys who aren't disabled behave this way... I'm not mad at him or anything, he tried xD I'm not gonna be mad trying to pick up ladies in a video game because honestly knowing you both enjoy gaming is a good thing to have in common. But this guy, very clearly has had zero female interaction in his life. The worst part, there was someone else there listening to us. She didn't have a mic, but she was in the background working on her equipment through the, I dunno, five minute conversation it took for him to escalate there. So she possibly heard everything, and if I heard that I would've cringed so bad xD
Like I said, I ain't mad, it's actually really funny to me. It's like I told Cheshire though, I could be 12 years old, 500 pounds, and have a mustache, you don't even fucking know what you're hitting on. As it so happens, my character is modeled after me, blonde hair, brown eyes, small, short, pigtails, which you can't even see the hair because I have the wolf mask on. I was actually about to take the mask off my character so he could see, I was in my inventory doing it right as he dropped that bomb xD That's all I fucking need was for him to see my pigtails💀




10:28 Oct 01 2023
Times Read: 1,007

Me + my two oldest nieces + a headset + Fallout 76 = wacky adventures xD A lot of running around the world trying to get people to heart emote at us. Only one other person we ran into had a mic, and he tracked me down because he had taken a bunch of the free stuff from my camp that I constantly have laid out so he came, and found me to ask me if I wanted anything in return for it all. He seemed to think I didn't understand that I could be selling or trading it all xD Nah, I know. I just like to give shit away. I don't understand higher levels who need so much stuff, but I run a pretty basic build on lead/steel so I guess if you have a higher maintenance weapon, and use power armor, you probably need more stuff for it. Then there was another guy who staked our my camp for like two hours. When we first saw him we said hi to him, and got him to emote and whatever, and then I left to do some events. But every time I came back he was still there xD Like he'd go to the events too, but then he'd come back to my camp with me like a lil lost puppy. I told him, get a headset, add me, we'll team up. My nieces had a lot of fun though. Way too much trolling people. I feel bad for all the people who had to listen to our random bullshit tonight, like talking about my love life xD To be fair, you have the option to turn off other people's mics so...



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