Yandere's Journal

Yandere's Journal


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14 entries this month

20:36 Dec 29 2023
Times Read: 156

Gotta love it when you meet a guy in Fallout, and within like an hour of meeting then they're telling you, "I'm pretty good at the sex, I stay super hard after I cum."
Ok. Well. A dildo stays hard too, and doesn't annoy me with pointless chatter. So what's your point? A dildo also doesn't blow smoke up my ass. Well... ok, there are some, see, now we're getting into weird sex toy territory xD I think the weirdest thing I ever saw... I was looking at toys with Wolfie, and we found a dildo that is "alien" designed, and it like... could be used to inject you with like alien eggs, simulating being impregnated by an alien. It was fucking weird xD And Wolfie is just looking at me, "No, no, don't even, no." Come onnnn... you don't know if you won't like something til you try it xD It's funny that as weird, and dark as Wolfie thought he was, he was very basic Dom. He didn't have any crazy, outrageous kinks. He just wanted to tie women up, degrade, and beat the shit outta them. He wanted vontrol. Hot. But basic. He always said the most shameful fantasy he had was wanting to watch me get gangbanged. But who doesn't want to watch me get gangbanged? I'd watch that shit xD See, what you have to understand about that fantasy is it's all about the control... Having a sub who would eagerly embrace that happening to them just because it would please their Dom, for no other reason than to serve, to do as they are willed to do whether they really want it or not because their wants are nothing. That's what it's about. The sub's wants come after all the heat and darkness and pain. When your Dom is satisfied, it's calm, it's so quiet, and the way they look at you, you just know you've brought them all the peace in the world. You did that. This is why I could never understand bdsm without emotions attached. Getting through it all, and being like... well, I guess I'll go home now xD
But what makes me laugh about guys who are aggressively sexual in Fallout or any game... they don't even know what I look like. If they knew... I don't think they'd believe what they're talking to, and how shamelessly they're acting xD Or maybe it'd make it worse. But they only really have my voice, and my character to go off. And my character is a babe, obviously, she's Harley Quinn, but... they don't know that I'm actually a petite pigtailed blonde. And the voice. There are some guys who can pull off a pretty feminine voice. Like I was talking to a guy on Fallout who said he had met a girl online once, and they long-distance dated for a few months, and she never wanted to send him nudes. And of course I defended her because no one should feel pressured to do that shit, and if you're in a relationship where someone is pressuring you into that, ya know, leave. Like me personally, I don't mind taking pictures like that, I actually enjoy it, but I have to be in the mood for it. So I don't necessarily see that as a red flag. But he also told me her voice was much deeper than mine. Again, men can sound very feminine, women can sound very masculine, you can't judge a person by their voice. So then he tells me that he's at the airport getting ready to go see her, and she sends him a picture of her penis. Ok, you got me there xD Apparently she's going through transitioning, and hasn't had that particular surgery yet. And in a situation like that you should definitely be honest about it. I can understand being afraid to put yourself out like that because of how a lot of people unfortunately react... But still. You have to build things on honesty.
But that's what I mean, you don't know based on a voice who you're talking to, who you're being aggressively sexual to. And it's just kinda gross to throw yourself at anything suspectedly female you come across. I could totally be a dude. I'm not. But I could be😘❤️
I sold my spare Pink Asylum Uniform for 10,000 caps almost instantly. I think we could do 15,000 if I find another... I also found another yellow so we'll see what that goes for. Technically I think it's rarer than the pink, but the pink looks better so I set it at 8,000 simply for rarity. If you really wanna make good money, these uniforms are it. You just have to put in the time to find them, hope you get lucky. It surprises me how many people I meet who are higher levels, but broke as fuck. I consistently have at least 30,000, and that's spending thousands on lead daily. It makes me wonder how high maintenence power armor is, like to repair it. Because I generally don't need to buy anything ever other than lead, but I also don't use power armor or multiple weapons. I'm basic. But I'm also very good with money in game and IRL. I'd like to thank Harvest Moon for teaching me as a child how to manage my finances xD




19:28 Dec 28 2023
Times Read: 194

I love it. Like it was made for me🐇❤️
I hate doing One Violent Night with low level fucks who don't know what they're doing, and they want to do all the shooting, but simultaneously can't protect you xD So in One Violent Night you're tasked with luring out a wendigo by making a bunch of noise via playing music. There are various instruments around for this purpose. The noise also lures out a fuckibg army of feral ghouls. So basically, some people need to play, some people need to shoot, protecting the people who are playing. And the new guys never want to be the ones playing. But they can't protect you for shit.
I was cracking up at this guy yesterday, a level 24, he was in there with me, and a couple other higher levels. And I like to keep it somewhat fair, because if I'm doing the shooting, I obliterate everything before it even gets close to anyone. If I'm protecting you, you won't be touched. But I choose to do the instruments pretty often just to give other people the opportunity to shoot shit. So I was already doing my thing on the cello. But this level 24 asks if the other higher levels could also do instruments so he could have all the kills for the XP. And very politely, a level 800 tells him to join his team, it'll help him level up. And dumbass 24 is outraged, "I am the LONE WANDERER, I do not need help." And I'm just like... You're literally begging for it though. You're asking other people to hand you kills. If you wanna do it on your own then get good, and do it, ya little bitch, don't ask other people not to kill shit just so you can kill it. Don't show up to events with that energy. I don't think people realize that you can play Fallout 76 100% solo, you can have your own world, you just pay the $13 Fallout 1st membership price to do it. But if you don't want to play with other people, and you want to do your own thing, that's the way to go. Coming into an open public server, asking for help, then being little bitch offended when people offer, fuck off, dude. The 76 community is really amazing in general, there are so many people who will help you. I was reading something recently though about how higher levels should help the newbies by not helping them because the struggle early on makes you a better player. And I can see that mentality. I never went searching for help from other players when I was new. I didn't even really start going to events til I was level 50. But I also wouldn't have taken help if offered because I actually do like doing it on my own. I was a Fallout veteran way before 76, I'd already played 3, New Vegas, and 4 many, many times. The interesting thing is that my playstyle is completely different in 76. In any other Fallout I fall back on the shotgun and sniper rifle. In 76 I own neither. They're too slow to be viable. You need speed in 76. Unless you're literally going to sit on rooftops, and actually snipe people from a mile away. That doesn't work in events. Things die too quickly for you to take your time being stealthy, you have to be fast. If you solo the game then I could see doing stealth, but when it's you trying to outgun other players, it just doesn't work. I also feel like shotguns are nerfed to shit. You should be able to one-one most enemies in the face. I've tried with a variety of shotguns, they all suck. Before 76, you never would've caught me dead with an automatic weapon because it feels lazy, but it's necessary here. Same thing with melee, it's painful watching people try to do melee because you just can't compete with people gunning shit down with automatics.
So anyway, I'm with this level 24 through several events. Eventually we end up on Guided Meditation, just me and him. And with this event you have protect 4 speakers across a pretty wide area from ghoul army onslaught. It ends up, that of course, he decides to protect one speaker, I'll take the other 3. And since I'm level 487 at this point, I don't mind doing most of the work, I can handle it. But as soon as he starts getting attacked he's just screaming in his mic for help xD "Guys, I need help, somebody needs to help me!" Ok, Mr. Lone Wanderer... Hey, dumbfuck. Who the fuck is "guys"? It's just me, and you here, buddy. And I'm already doing 75% of the event by myself. But yes, let me stop, run over, and save your ass every 2 minutes. I mean, they're just GHOULS, dude. If he hadn't been fucking rude to the team leader before I definitely would've dropped him a Marsupial serum, and a spare Fixer. But he's the Lone Wanderer xD




20:48 Dec 26 2023
Times Read: 255

It's a bunny backpack💗




03:50 Dec 26 2023
Times Read: 248

Ohhh, you think you're funny, Fallout, giving me pink then immediately giving me another pink...
It's all luck.
I'm wondering how much the pink would sell for. I sell the blue regularly for 3,000 so I'm thinking around 10,000. But the caps limit is 40,000, and I'm at 33. I really don't need the money, I'm just curious who's crazy enough to pay for it. I wouldn't pay that much, but I also am determined to find them all myself. Buying them is so unsatisfying. And I've heard that selling things for actual money can get you banned. I never understood the people who buy shit like that. Remarkably, the point of a game is to play it yourself, hard to believe I know.
I met a guy in game who explained to me another way to get banned is that there's a way to glitch sets of power armor so they stack over you, essentially making you invincible. He said it's popular among bloodied builds. If you have to cheat to make yourself, and your character viable... You're not. If you can't survive bloodied build how it's intended, don't do it. Cause it's kinda the point, you're sacrificing your health for power. Glitching yourself into 20 sets of power armor just makes you a pussy.
I've actually had Elden Ring buzzing around in my brain lately, especially when I'm falling asleep xD For some reason that's what I think about, Wolfie and Elden Ring lore. Specifically the Elden Lord thing, the fact that Marika and Radagon are two entities in one body, well what about Dragon Lord Placidusax having once had five heads... Was it possibly more an amalgamation of more than one dragon? Because when you fight it, it only has two heads left. But it looks like it once had five. And I guess I always just assumed it was because it's the Dragon LORD, obviously it's going to be more powerful, and look possibly a bit different from other dragons. But what if it's more than one soul rolling around in there? And then there are specifically Dragon siblings. If I remember correctly the undead dragon is the brother to the four winged lightening Dragon? A big theme in Elden Ring is things starting as one, separating, then yearning to converge again which is the whole plot of the Three Fingers, burn the fucking world, bring everything together again in fire. But what if dragons originally started out multi-headed, and then split into separates. Then there's the huge Dragon in Caelid, and I'm pretty sure that one is bigger than Placidusax, what's it's deal? Dragons are insanely interesting in Elden Ring. And I'm not just saying that because I am one xD I thought 2023 was going to be best year, year of the rabbit, year of the bunny. But I'm not a rabbit. I actually have never really gotten along well with rabbits in the zodiac... I am a bunny, but in zodiac terms, I'm a dragon. So go 2024, we need some Dragon magic. I do need to replay through Elden Ring again though for a 4th time. Look, you can play a FromSoftware game 10+ times, and still miss shit. But I'm waiting for the DLC before I go back in. I keep telling myself I'm going to play Baldur's Gate 3 xD But then I keep putting it off. I don't know why.




22:17 Dec 24 2023
Times Read: 281

And just like that...
We got pink💗
I was excited when I saw it. So now we officially have every color except red. And we will find red. I do not give up xD It will be mine. Although I do really love my current outfit. I also got the Super Mutant Behemoth plushie in a Christmas present from the holiday Scorched event.
I haven't really been dedicated to hunting them like I hunted the Halloween Scorched. Mostly because I liked decorating my camp for Halloween, I absolutely do not care about decorating for Christmas. And I've heard that the drop rates on decorations are ridiculously low anyway. And it kind of annoys me that they wait the week before Christmas to start this... So you have a week to grind out these decorations, and use them. It's just... dumb. I think it would be better to run it like month long, give people the opportunity to get these things, and use them. Because I feel like fucking Fasnacht Day runs forever xD A week of that is even too much, 20 people showing up to do the jobs of 3, basically standing around simulator💀
I had an interesting encounter with someone at my camp, a level 24. They walked into my bedroom, saw me there, very slowly backed out, and ran away xD Come back, I have snacks...
No, I literally have tea and cookies set out at my camp.
Have a snack, take whatever you need, don't annoy me, and I promise I won't kill you xD
That's just who I am~♡




06:56 Dec 24 2023
Times Read: 303

I'm not sure I can respect a person with the opinion that Final Fantasy 10 is the best in the series.
Like... why though?
It's ok. It's eh, it's just ok.
But then again I never cared for 7 either.
I tried playing Disney Dreamlight Valley recently. For about 30 minutes. Before the boredom almost literally put me to sleep.
I just don't with Disney. And I grew up in that golden age. Same thing with Harry Potter. I don't understand the obsession. Cheshire made me take the stupid House test weeks ago. Because he's Slytherin. Fucking everybody says they're Slytherin, so edgy. Mine comes up Gryffindor every time. And that's about the extent anyone can get me to care about Harry Potter xD




05:31 Dec 21 2023
Times Read: 362

I didn't notice it before, but it looks like they balanced some things in Fallout. Assaultrons, laser turrets, and fire in general no longer instantly kill me. Normally I'd say, this sucks because it decreases the difficulty of the game. But when you're almost level 500, and you've got 400+ energy damage resistance, and it instantly kills you like you're level 1 walking around with no armor... That's annoying. And it's been an issue as long as the year I've been playing. It used to be if you got caught out by a laser turret or an assaultron, you were instafucked which is particularly annoying if you're doing silo runs. That's when I noticed it, I was going through Bravo to pop Scorchbeast Queen for the holiday gifts, and I noticed not only are there seemingly less turrets around, but they're only doing a fraction of the damage they used to. I dunno if they nerfed them or just made the armor actually finally work as intended. I'm going to say probably the later since I'm also withstanding face lasers from the assaultron bitches. Still dangerous, but less so. The fire thing is what I'm happiest about because when you're almost level 500, and you die to a Mr. Handy sneaking up on you, and flamethrowing your ass... It's unpleasant. When you have top of the line armor, thay shouldn't fucking happen. I'm also noticing events seem a bit more difficult. Namely, Moonshine Jamboree, I feel like there are definitely more enemies coming at me now. Which is something I've complained about a lot, events are fun, but they need to be more difficult so maybe we're starting to see that. Much as I dislike the fact that Bethesda sold out to Microsoft, they have always genuinely seemed to care about their games, and their fanbases, years later and they're still putting all this work into 76. But I also feel like it's their way if putting off Fallout 5. Putting out updates for a game that's already out there is probably a lot easier than working on a full new game. And if Fallout 5 is Xbox exclusive, I just won't play it. It's not like it's fucking Dark Souls. I love Fallout, but I could live without it. And there are a lot of people who kinda dedicate themselves to one game, like 3 or New Vegas, and they don't really play the others because they feel like they already have the perfect game. What's my perfect game? Elden Ring is damn close. I'd probably still fall back to Bloodborne though. Bloodborne is just... Bloodborne❤️




09:44 Dec 19 2023
Times Read: 417

So Fallout dude from last night, I actually spent quite a bit of time with him on a psn party while playing Fallout. He had a couple other people come in, and out, but it was mostly just me and him. Come to find out, he's one of those douchebags that enjoys killing other players, he loves pvp. And... I'm not saying pvp is all bad because obviously it's in the game for a reason. But senselessly killing other players for absolutely no reason, I don't like that. Which I made pretty clear to him. I also made it very clear to stop picking fights with other people in my camp xD Because I swear, every guy who came in with a mic, he's talking shit to. He tells me, "It's a dominance thing." No... I don't think ruthlessly killing lower levels shows any kind of dominance. It's actually rather pathetic. If you were killing people to take their stuff, at least that's a reason, but killing just to boost your ego... It's pretty weak. It gets better though. As we know, men tend to fall into me pretty easily. As in, almost every guy I meet, and have an actual conversation with, they end up feeling super connected to me. Maybe a succubus thing. Make you feel at ease, make you feel open, make you feel like you want to give me absolutely everything while I sip on your energy. That's one reason I think losing Wolfie is so hard. Obviously I loved him more than anything, still do, but also, Wolfie was a fountain of endless energy, and even without meaning to, I ingested a lot of it, and having cut myself off from men so completely... It's difficult not having any of it. Do I want it from other men? No. Because even the most from other men is nothing compared to even a small amount from Wolfie... But it's hard living without it. Especially when most guys are just so easy. By the end of the night, this guy declared to me that he was going to scrap his pvp weapons and armor, he was done with the whole douchebag pvp thing because "somebody" doesn't like it.
Ya know... if I have to tell you that something is wrong, and you stop doing it because I think it's wrong, it doesn't mean you stopped doing it because YOU think it's wrong. And that's an important distinction. And honestly, giving up something you enjoy because a hot girl bats her eyelashes at you, pretty weak willed. That is in no way being dominant.
He also, in this span of several hours playing together, gave me a ring. And then a wedding ring xD Which I didn't even know existed in game. He told me not to be freaked out when he gave them to me. Didn't freak me out... I wouldn't say my reaction was necessarily good xD It was kinda like, ok, well anyway...
I mean, dude doesn't even Dark Souls. So like I said, ANYWAY xD
I believe his exact words were, "I played it, I got to the first boss, I immediately died, I gave up."
Come on, how can anyone be expected to have any respect for a person like that?




05:34 Dec 18 2023
Times Read: 456

I met a guy in Fallout tonight who added me to his friends list, and he asks me, "Do you have the Red Asylum Uniform? I've got 9,000 caps."
That's a fucking funny joke xD I was tempted to shoot him in the face for even asking. I didn't... But I thought about it. Like, really, you're just asking people if they've got the rarest, most sought after clothing item in the game, and you're offering a whole 9,000 caps? Oh, honey... I don't think there is a price high enough for that stupid outfit. Most people would say 75,000-100,000, but if I ever find it, it's priceless. I personally don't understand the mentality of trying to buy it off of someone. The point is to put in the effort to find it yourself. I'd say he's hunting it for someone else. Even if I had it, 9,000 caps comes nowhere close, it's almost insulting... especially since he was only leveled in the 100s. Like, dude, I know what that dress is worth, who do you think you're fooling? Everyone knows what that dress is worth. I've been finding a lot of blues lately, and blues tend to sell almost immediately for 3,000. I don't even pick up brown or green anymore.




07:36 Dec 06 2023
Times Read: 504





02:11 Dec 06 2023
Times Read: 536

Am I really willing to spend ALL my atoms on plushies...
You should know the answer to that. I didn't even know there was a bunny plushie.
Yes, I put it beside the wolfie plushie. Shut up.
My doggie also needed some new toys.
Therefore, justified xD
But since I renewed my Fallout 1st membership, it brought my atoms up to 2500. So I also bought the snowman that makes it perpetually snow around my camp.
Yes, robo doggo is named Artorias❤️
You can take the girl outta Dark Souls...
It looks like the Atlantic City stuff is an expedition. Which kinda sucks. Because it means it's not something added to the main map, it's a new area you leave the main map to go to. Honestly, I haven't done the previous expeditions... I just sorta forget they're there. I think adding like a new portion to the map would've been much better. Expeditions are more of a single player thing, in my opinion. Which is fine. But I would've rather they added like a bunch of new events instead. They did put actual donation boxes outside of the train stations, they caught on to that at least.




08:03 Dec 04 2023
Times Read: 572

Manus does not belong on the "Souls Series Hardest Bosses" list.
Neither does Kalameet.
Or the Four Kings.
Or Ornstein and Smough.
They just don't.
Sister Friede.
Orphan of Kos.
Nameless King.
Maybe Artorias, depends on whether you can stagger him easily or not. And Gael, he can be pretty tough. I'm tempted to say Radagon/Elden Beast. They're not difficult by themselves, but one after the other, and the Elden Beast being a teleporting bitch when it's getting it's ass kicked...
Elden Ring dlc is still aways off. Which I'm actually not bummed about cause the new season of Fallout 76 comes out tomorrow❤️
I was worried they might come out around the same time, and if I had to choose between Elden Ring and Fallout... In that instance it'd be, Fallout who? I love Fallout, but Fallout is not Elden Ring or Dark Souls or Bloodborne. I know what butters my bread. Fallout is like bread, and bread is good. But Elden Ring is bread with butter and orange marmalade.
Or maybe I'm just hungry.




10:40 Dec 03 2023
Times Read: 632

This is painfully true xD
I noticed, I have stuff for free in my camp, but very rarely do the lower levels they're intended for actually take anything. Which I get, because even at level 444, I still feel uncomfortable just barging into somebody's camp. I don't think I even really interacted with anyone til I was at least level 50, I actively avoided people til then because I foolishly thought this was like other Fallout games, and 50 would be an impressive level... I had a real bitch in one of my games today. We were in Campfire Tales, and I was standing at the very top of one of the buildings, mostly because there were like ten fucking people there so I was just getting out of the way cause I'm not going to fight you over doing dumb shit in that event I've done 1000 times... But this level 900 absolute whore apparently decides that I was in her spot because she basically came, and did her best to edge out in front of me. She was super generic in the Nukagirl costume, like, fuck off. Level 900, and I bet you still don't have the Red Asylum Uniform. People like that, who actively try to make other people not have fun... Like, there are three other buildings to stand on, you're just trying to annoy me.
Wait a minute... why are people living in the Mire. What am I missing. I don't wanna live in the Mire, it's fucking dark there🤔
I was telling Cheshire, I had an intense dream where a name was burned into my mind. Allaine. Which... I guess is a river in France. Probably not going to be in France anytime soon. But you never know.




07:18 Dec 02 2023
Times Read: 677

Never seen this guy before. Caught him outside of Flatwoods while I was hunting brahmain. Bought a couple Disease Cures from him... cause you definitely wanna get medication from back alley merchants xD
Some guy scared the Hell outta me. I was at my base, in my inventory, and suddenly I hear, "Little bit psycho!" Usually I hear when people are walking around me, but I was really in my music... It didn't help that when I put my pipboy away he was right in my face xD Super nice guy though. He wanted to offer me money for the stuff I was giving away for free. And to ask me if I knew I was giving stuff away for free... Cause ya know, I'm only level 442, I definitely wouldn't purposely be doing that. But hey, his heart was in the right place. And I think some people just enjoy to roleplay the barter stuff. He said he was looking for me everywhere. I'm just like... I'm generally either in an event or at my house, not hard to find me xD I actually saw him at a few events beforehand so I dunno why he didn't talk to me then, maybe didn't want to turn his mic on in front of everyone. He offered me caps, but like I've said, the caps limit is 40,000, I'm at 32,000, I really don't need the money. The majority of money I spend goes towards lead for ammo. If someone offered me like 5,000 lead, I'd take that. But I just like giving shit away, it feels good to help. Sometimes I'll come home to a bag full of ammo or item plans, most of which gets recycled into my vending machine, and distributed among the community. But it's still nice to find. Until the higher level assholes come along, and take absolutely everything. I dunno, I guess I just have too much pride to go looting, but I'll get level 900+ idiots who do it. And I try not to mind because maybe their build is higher maintenance, maybe they really do need it. But... I don't need it at my lowly level 400, why the fuck do you need it, 900? It especially bugs me when people do it multiple times in one session. Cause usually when I get cleaned out, I go refill. I have my base right next to the starting area now hoping lower levels might find some help there if they need it. So I like to keep it stocked. And when some high level douchebags tries to hit me up more than once... that's grounds for me hunting them down, and killing them. Which isn't hard, A LOT of higher levels run bloodied build which makes you a glass canon. You do a ton of damage, but you have extremely low health. I watched a level 800 get killed by two ghouls right in front of me. They smacked him twice, and he was down, and they're some of the weakest enemies xD Personally I don't think being able to kill anything within a couple hits is worth living like that, being able to die via molerat bite... But a lotta people do it. So it's not hard hunting them down. I shouldn't have to. Just don't be a douche, it's not that hard.



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