08:19 Sep 11 2009
Times Read: 1,140
Forgive me if this stinks but it was the very first story I ever wrote. I was around 11 (note the story date was set in the future) and had to read it aloud in class, as I recall they actually loved it.
A Walk in the Woods
About 12:00 noon on Prince Edward Island May 20, 2001, I was hiking through the woods with a gentle breeze caressing my body and softly moving the slender branches of the tall trees. As I went deeper into the woods I stopped at a cleared rocky cliff with the deep coloured trees below I looked up at the clear blue sky, the wind gently blowing my face and whispering in my ear. I turned around, the wind drawing me deeper into the darkened forest.
I then noticed a huge old barn. In my curious state of mind, knowing I shouldn't but I did, I slowly crept inside the decrepit structure. It was very dark and musty inside with tall grey walls and broken iron locks on the doors, I desperately wanted to know what was inside.
As I walked through the lower level of the barn I saw nothing. As I started to leave I saw a ladder with a broken step but nothing that couldn't be scaled. I went up the ladder and in the top level I saw a few large rolls of carpet, which was odd but understandable, and nothing else. I went back down the ladder and got close to the solid doors. As my hand reached for the handle I felt a cold breeze as if someone were behind me. I turned around and looked but saw nothing. I slowly turned back around and as I did the doors slammed shut!
I was very startled by this and went again to try to open it. It would not budge. I began to hear the wind blowing harder and knew that a storm was about to come.
I started to panic and went to the back door but it wouldn't open either. I went back up the ladder but midway up I felt the same cold breeze I had felt the first time I tried to leave. I ran up the ladder to try getting out via the hay loft but, there was no loft. The wind picked up and it started to rain. I felt as if a number of people were behind me, watching. I started to look around but there was nothing to help me.
After a few moments I began to feel drops of liquid on my hand, thinking it was rain I wiped it off on my pants. Then I heard a constant dripping sound and looked down at my hand. What I saw horrified me, it was blood! For a brief moment I was petrified, I then looked up and saw a number of slaughtering tools hanging above me. I noticed a few shadows up around the ceiling they looked like small beings, ghosts perhaps.
The wind and rain began to get louder. There was a crack in the wall next to me and I looked out only to see the clouds which were almost completely black. The dripping of the blood increased and so did the number of shadows. They began emitting a sound almost as if they were talking to each other. I ran toward the carpet pile to try and climb up to get out through a hole in the roof. About twenty feet from the carpet one of the shadows pushed me down and some of the slaughtering tools fell around me.
As I got up the creatures closed in around me, I froze with fear. The barn started to creak and rock from the wind, still they got closer! The closer they came the louder the sound grew. It sounded like the screams of a thousand people.
The storm grew louder and whistling sound began to be heard almost like a train. The barn began to rock with the wind and then the roof came off. I was able to get near a wall, the creatures once again approaching, I saw a funnel shaped object coming near and that time everything went dark.
As I woke up I found myself on the ground with ruble all around me. The creatures were still there. They formed a circle around me and began to chant. One of them picked up a broken tree branch and started swinging it at me, and then....
I woke up and my god my god I pee'd my pants!
The End.
Not to bad for my first bit of writing ever and as an eleven year old.
I think so at least :)
11:55 Sep 11 2009
That was good x man. ! Heehe let's write a story about the evil troll who kidnaps the rachy err a princess lol and the knight saves her lol. Hugs
13:17 Sep 11 2009
Very good indeed...makes you feel as you were really there.
13:29 Sep 11 2009
not bad for a kid.
17:19 Oct 10 2009
Pretty damn good for an 11 year old. Hell, most adults can't write like this.
18:29 Apr 10 2010
You pee'd your pants how manly X-Man
17:10 Apr 18 2010
A cliff hanger, drive-by spooking, at age 11!
21:44 Dec 08 2019
mate that's good cheers