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Ab Actus

07:23 Sep 07 2006
Times Read: 786

Ab Actus, the philosophy of those belonging to the House of Dalriada

(Non-expanded version)

Cardinal Rules

1. Think not selfishly but humanely.

2. Respect all points of veiw no matter how much they may differ from you.

3. Conceive all possibilities.

4. Respect all living things

5. *Stricken*

6. Know when to admitt when you are wrong.

7. Do not let emotions cloud your judgment.

8. Do not judge a matter until you have all knowledge of it.

9. All are worthy of judgment therefore you shall be judged.

10. Strive to better yourself every single day.

11. Know yourself better than those around you

12. Never use your talents for evil.

13. Think before you speak.

14. Honour and duty before self.

15. The root of all suffering is selfinshness.

Ab Actus Article 2

1. Receive council form your peers and those wiser than you.

2. To be great you must be humbled.

3. Do not Judge.

4. Obey those above you.

5. Understand those below you.

6. Rember all things are possible.

7. Hear the words of nature.

8. Help those in need without hurting yourself.

9. Do not let anger overcome you, let it impower you to do what is right and best.

10. Knowledge without wisdom has no value.

11. Wealth without contentment is useless.

12. Understand that you know nothing completely.

13. Admitt your faults to yourself and overcome them.

14. Receive the intructions of wisdom, justice, judgment and equallity.

15. Use discretion in all things.

16. Do not put yourself above the welfare of others.

17. Ascertain the difference between the spoken and the unheard word.

18. In everything you do acknowledge the power of God.

19. Be aware of all that is around you and know all consiquences.

20. Plan before Acting.

21. Let not your words be light, let them carry weight and substance.

22. Feel deeply, think critically and speak diplomatically and so you shall avoid discord.

23. Expand your mind and embrase fact, do not fall prey to the imposter that is false perception.

24. Wisdom comes neither late nor early, it comes when you have gained it.

25. In this world, no day should pass without a revolution of the mind.

Ab Actus Article 3

1. Do not work for unesesary gain.

2. Let not your actions be in vain.

3. Do not allow fear to enter you.

4. Fear is only in your perception.

5. Do not atain for yourself but for others.

6. Do not let idol words come from your mouth.

7. Leave foolish things behind and learn the ways of wisdom and understanding.

8. Rember to have all knowledge is to have all wisdom.

9. Hate no one.

10. Truth shall last forever, lies shall die in blood.

11.Those that walk with the wise shall become wise.

12. Work and live, be lazy and beg.

13. A soft answer will turn away anger but a grievous word will incur wrath.

14. Disarm your opponet by using the methods of peace and logic.

15. Teach out of your heart.

16. Rebellion breeds destruction for yourself.

17. Jusifying the wicked will make you an abomination.

18. Understand all sides but know that there is only one truth.

19. Those with knowledge speak little, but the fooish speak excessively.

20. Speak from your soul with wisdom and logic, not from your selfish mind.

21. It is honourable to end a fight, foolish to revel in it.

22. As children are known by their works so also let your works speak of you.

23. Listen to all sides.

24. Forgive others and yourself.

25. Fear leads to anger, anger lead to hate and hate leads to suffering.

26. Keep your mind at peace.

27. Age without wisdom is nothing.

28. The question is not what others can do for me but what I can do for humanity.

29. Personal ambition is good for your spirit but do not let it damage the lives of others.

30. Do not regret the past but ask what can you do with the time you have now.

31. Remember yesterday, live today and plan for the morning.

32. Let not death sadden you, for it is only a part of life.

33. Death is only a door to a better realm.

34. Share your knowledge freely.

35. Ask not for reward.

36. Material wealth is fleeting, wisdom shall last you all of your life and beyond.

37. Sublety is often more effective than brute force.

38. Keep yourself from temptation and you shall keep yourself from harm.

39. Learn patience and it shall free you from the bonds of time.

40. Always turn the other cheek, but remeber you are limited in them.

41. Recognizing your anger is the first step in overcoming it.



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