I sit here alone in the darkness
A knife cutting through my skull
Such a pounding have I received
Eyes flicker with light
Sounds and smells corrupt
The very fiber of my being calls for aid
Curling up on the floor a tear breaks forth
My teeth grind together, anything to stop the pain
The feel of a train going passed my ears
Waves of despair course my mind
Getting up I stumble and fall
Wishing for the end of all
Climbing upon my bed I lay and wait
The final push, my body convulses with pain
I scream for comfort yet there is none to come
Alone I lay in the darkness
As I toss and turn from the reeling within
My soul begins to die
An explosion of pain like lightening through the brain I weep
Crying with no ease in sight
I think to myself if only I could die
With what strength I have left I shove my head into the wall
For a moment the pain is relieved
Like a flood it comes again, my eyes grow dark and void
Minutes seem like hours and hours like an eternity
No man should suffer from this.
Xzavier McInnes
J.B.R2322 #"5b"
21:35 Feb 27 2008
18:33 Mar 09 2008
oh my....
this makes me hurt too.
but very well done
23:57 Mar 01 2010
that poem show meaning and i like it