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4 entries this month

Question #1

23:08 Nov 30 2007
Times Read: 835

This is an answer to a question from a VR member asking about animal thought/consciousness.


The notion of animal consciousness has been an area of debate for years. If you see a dog eating its own waste you think "Stupid dog" but then you see a colony of ants building massive structures and it forces you to step back an wonder.

When dealing with these types of questions you first have to define what "thought/consciousness" is. The closest we can come to that at the moment is defining it by self awareness and its ability to learn.

While ants can build stuctures that ,proprotionatly would be miles tall to us, and have a social structure they are very dependent upon a stable environment and act on instinctual responses to pheromones.

A dog on the other hand not only can learn but can be highly adaptive. It is also a possiblity that dogs are very much self aware. The intellegence of certian primates and dolphin spieces has been well founded.

We have a basic definition but we still don't know how it works. I have purposed this model.

The universe is composed of possibly hundreds of dimensions each of them intertwind with each other. No D can exists alone without the D higher and lower to it, with the exception of the 1st D.

At the highest D is where we would find God and the enitirety of what is. God being the supreme being, the super consciousness if you will.

Now life was made from God thus has a part of God in us, the ability to think. Because the path down the dimensional chain becomes less complex the "god-thought" will also beome lesser in complexity/ability.

Therefore a being in 4D would have a higher consciousness than us and could be considered a "god" to us,the lesser 3D beings.

Once the god-thought has made to the 3D it has to merge with life. The physical brain can not directly create thought or store memory, it can however act like a radio transceiver/transmitter. Consciousness penetrates this world at the most basic energy level called "zero-point" it is then transformend into a series of boson (quantum partricles) which the human brain can pick up on.

So in a way the brain reads these "radio signals" and converts them into usable information we call perception and thought. These radio waves however have infinite frequenceis and all exist right above the vast, limitless zero-point field. Which is why thoughts "pop" into our heads. And this also provides a potential explination for psychic abilities and so on.

I hope I made sense lol :)




Conversation with VR member, #1

23:07 Nov 28 2007
Times Read: 843

The following is a conversation I had with a VR member. I have placed it in order of the questions asked but I have not corrected all the spelling/punctuation errors, so don't yell at me. If you have any questions or comments please let me know :)

Day One

Q: Member

I am interested in the House of Dalriada but I am unfamiliar with the email screen thing you provided for more information. Would you be able to give me information on it here, or do you have an alternative area that I can get information at?

A: Xzavier

The House of Dalriada is an educational programme governed by a private entity and is slowly being incorporated into The Omni Research Group, a think tank.

The House was founded by several individuals out of a desire to help those with special gifts and abilities. The name is derived from the ancient Scottish Kingdom of Dalrida, of which several of its founding members are descendent, including myself.

Today it functions as both a place of learning and counseling. We specialize in helping those with gifts increase their control and range and also help them cope with an indifferent world. We also offer ,to our full level students, courses in philosophy, politics, religion and physics.

There are many other aspects of the House


If I may, may I ask you what you believe happens when you die?


As a scientist I know there is life after death. Human thought cannot originate from the physical brain it is believed to come from a higher order of dimension. Thus a "super-consciosness" must exists and therfore an after life.

The question "What happens when we die?" is for the most part actually based upon what one believes in. Perception creates reality and so the saying goes "I think therefore I am". Even the Bible says thats "Heaven.. is within" and so hell must be within as well.

The sad thing is there is no simple answer. Why? Because the answer is unique per individual it is truly within you. As cliched as that may sound it is, nontheless, the truth.

I hope this helps.


A very interesting reply. Thank you :)

I believe that the "soul" of a being is eternal and that when the body wears down and dies it is reincarnated in a new form. On occasion the "soul" may remember certain parts of a past life, but for the most part the "soul" does not remember them all.


Reincarnation is something which we run across a lot. Personaly I think that total-reincarnation is not possible. But what is mistaken for that is actually a mixture of genetic memory and "bleed-through". Since the soul is enternal and we are all connected it is a near certianty that over time bits and pieces of our souls get their "wires-crossed" as it were and creat a bleed-through effect.

And since I am the prduct of my mother and father so my soul should have memories of their lives. I often cite the case of a 12 year old boy in London who's grandparents were still alive. This boy would at time shrek in horror and crawl under tables screamig 'The Nazis are bombing" . This case would suggest that the grandparents memories were pased onto the parents and then to the boy.


That makes a lot of sense. Thank you :) I will think on this matter a bit.

Another question: atoms are made of quarks and quarks are made of vibrating strands of energy. I have heard that it is thought that these vibrating strands of energy may be made up of fire. Do you think this is so?


Fire is the conversion of matter to heat energy. Most of what is burned is converted into other substances what small bit does get turned into energy is just plain energy, so no.

As for the strings there is much debate on if theyre strings, smaller particles etc. I am of the persuasion that quarks are made up of small bits of quasi-matter built up of multipul 1D waves of energy in a 4D framework thus creating a 3D object like a proton or you and me. These 1D waves are different from strings in that they are constantly being created and destroyed and form a rather literal 4D fabric of space-time instead of the more commonly understood 3D fabric. (You know with the "ball" in the middle causeing the others to fall around its "gravity"


Wormholes - Do you think that it is possible to travel through time if you were able to travel through a wormhole?


There are 3 problems with wormholes.

The most obvious is, where would it come out? Without proper knowledge, if it were possible to travel through one, you could end up in an area thousands of light-years from the nearest anything or you could end up inside a star,which of course would be bad lol.

The second is a wormhole is actually very delicate, if you bumped the edge (going the speed of light) you would atually 'pop" it thus you would die.

And the third- Time in our diminsion is linear, which means it moves in a straight line. You can only go with the present or sligtly in the future. To travel into the past you would have to find wormwhole which passed into the 4th diminsion or higher. In the 4D time is non-linear and is basically meaningless. You would have to find someway to exist in that space without being torn to pieces.


It would be very bad indeed to end up inside a star.

Do you think that war is human nature/instinct?

Sorry if I am asking to many questions


You can never ask to many questions :)

I think war is both instinct and nature.
As terrible as war is it does have have many benifits for humanity in the form of population control, medical advances and helping liberate oppressed peoples.

And it is our nature, we are a very agressive species so war comes naturaly. As Gen. Robert E Lee once said "It is well war is so terrible, lest we grow to fond of it." It is a way to assert dominance and to strengthen ourselves.

Confilct wil always be with us, the day we have no conflict is the day we stop being individuals. The question is how will we resolve them. In the words of President Regan "Peace is not the absence of conflict it is the ability to handle conflict through peaceful means"


Do you think that there will ever be a day that humanity starts resolving all conflicts through peaceful measures?

Do you think that humanity will start a nuclear war?


I would hope we can see our way to such a future the problem is however in the masses. You and I could resolve a problem peacfully through deplomacy. Groups of people are much more apt to go to war. I use the example of 9/11. As absolutly terrible as it was (I had very dear friends at the Pentegon) in the grand schem of things it was a relativly small event. Take for expample some of the days in WWII when more than 10,000 people would die a day. We (America) felt deeply attacked and we reacted emotionaly now we are on the verge of war with Iran which would lead us down a path we could not stop nor turn away from.

Only through a shift of humanities mind will we learn to react with reason as opposed to emotion.

As for a nuclear war it is the most plausable end to humanity. The course of events after an attack on Iran by the US would most assuradly go nuclear. China receives most of their oil from Iran and Russian is in alliance with them.

The scary thing is China would not have to launch 1 single missle to disable the US. China owns so much of the American debt that they could, in a single day, cripple our economy. In fact the only way can continue to function as a nation (on present course) is by brrowing over a BILLION dollars a MONTH from China.


Do you think that there is a reason/purpose for humanity?


As odd at it sounds the reason for humanity is for humanity itself.

If one believes that we are nothing more than the creation of random chance then there is nothing to stop us from comitting the most aweful of acts, as a group. "If we are animals, why not act like them?"

In order to have a true moral and ethical guide we must understand that we were created from a higher being. The existance of the universe itself proves that we were created and did not just climb out of some primordial soup due to chance and chaos.

Each experiance we go through is completly unique every joy and every pian is the only time that exact thing will happen. There is a train of thought which goes "God made man so God could experiance humanity" I tend to think this is somewhat accurate.

Many ask "Why does God allow bad things to happen?" the answer is simple, without bad there is nothing to determine good. Why do I have a nervous system disorder? Why not...you follow me?

If God is everything and knows everything then everything must happen. Humanity is here to be human.

Our goals should be to better ourselves and help others but in the long run that is not the only reason.


Do you believe that humanity evolved from apes?

Some people say that "without humanity there is no God" referring that God only exists because we believe he does. Do you believe this?

A teacher of mine says that God does not interfere in human life because there are so many people on earth and that our life is short that it has no impact on an immortal being. he says that God does not notice that, say 6million people, were murdered in a single act.



I dont not believe in direct darwinian evolution I believe in intellegent design, that is to say there was a mix of God and nature in creating humans. Evolution as classicaly defined simply doesnt work.

When we think of God and we compare ourselves to him we often think "How could something so large notice something so small?" In the Book of Job in the Bible God states that we, humans, are "gods".
Why must we be so small? Just because there are trillions of stars does not mean that we are not important. Did you know that the human eye is more complecated than a star and the human mind is the single most complecated thing in the entire universe?

God exists because all things exist, we are not all things therefore God would still be even if we were not here.
We are a part of God and God is a part of us but we are not God. It's like you and your parents are part of each other but you are not each other.

In Christianity and other religions God made man out of a desire to experiance and to have company, I would say that not only would God notice 6 million lives being lost but he would also notice your every thought.

When you look at it, it takes no real care or knowledge for stars and galaxies to form and function, once they start they just keep going until they die. But we humans take much more effort. We cannot function without a carfully orchestrated system.



Do you think that cloning would work. If it did would the creature being cloned be the same as the clone or would they be different or just be part of each other?

Do you think that there is other life out in the universe somewhere?


Cloning works, the problem lies within the ethics of it. In order to clone a viable embryo you have end up destorying upwards of a 100 other embryos. Which raises the question when does life begin?

Science is somewhat divided on the question of life however, life at conception, is the majority. I happen to think this as well.

As for, will the clonned person be the same as the "parent"? Yes and no. The clone will be geneticly identical but it is a seperate person and must grow up just like any other child. Therefore it would be an individual. You cannot clone an "adult" it has to grow.

Now "Are we alone?" Sceintifically its plausable but we have no real proof. The universe is made up of over 100,000 trillion stars even if 1 percent of those had life you would have billions of aliens. The chances of intellegent life is much smaller. It is far more likely that if we find life it will be little more than some form of bacteria than Yoda.

The next issue is, if theres intellegent life could we/they have contact? The universe is MASSIVE at leat 90 Billion light years from one side to the next. But let us say there is an alien race on the other side of the Milky Way. The Milky Way is 100,000ly across and we are about 30,000ly in from the edge which means that if this race lived on the other side, going the spead of light, it would still take 70,000 years for them to reach us.

And going light-speed is a whole other ballgame.

I would like to think there is life out there, I have seen some pretty strange things but theres just no real way of knowing at the moment.


It is hard to find someone willing to answer the many questions that I have. Thank you for all of the time you have spent answering my questions :) I am very grateful.

do you think it will be possible to ever know everything there is to know?

why are there so many ways to take life, but so few ways to give life?

do you think that dinosaurs evolved into birds?


Its my pleasure to answer the questions of such an inquisitive mind.

To know and to understand everything is to be at the apex of perfection and to have total power. The only way to achieve this is to be God, the supreme of all beings. As we go through life we learn more and when we die we shall ascend to ever higher and higher relms, thus learning even more. We shall never know everything but knowledge in and of itself should not be our desire for knowledge without wisdom is nothing. To gain wisdom is the highest goal we should ever strive for.

Life comes from one place, God that ultimate consciousness if you remember. Life is the greatest gift and as such must be at highest risk. In our quest to better ourselves many times we lose focus and become single minded, which is why wars begin. The taking of life however does have a double edge. You see with each life that is taken we can find a new way to save it and with each life which is save we find a new way to take it. During WWII Hitler had organized immense exprimental projects to further his terrible war. But because of that and from the suffering of so many we have Radiation therapy for cancer, MRI's to detect tumors and other problems, we have gone to the moon and even the cmputers we are useing can have parts traced back to that dark age. Life is a catch 22 as is all things. Without the ability to take life, we would have no reason to give life.

National Geographic made the dino-to-bird theory popular and main stream the problem with it is the fossiles they found we faked or mislabled. Several months later NG printed a retraction if memory serves me right. Evolutionists are quick to ignore their own mistakes to further their theory. This is why evolution is more like a religion than a science. Yes adaptation happens and things change but when you get down to the genetic level you find that genetic variation almost always damages the animal. As I said earlier there must be an outside force in order for any type of evolution to occur. It is my opinion that in our haste to learn everything we have lost sight of wisdom and reason. Take this thought with you, why did it take hundreds of millions of years for a fish to grow legs and crawl on land but only a few tens of millions for a multi-ton dinosaur to turn into that small bird in the tree? It just doesnt make sense.


How did God come to exist? Has he always existed? How do we know that God is male?


Ah you found the question I don't have a full answer to lol.

The best way I can address this is to try and explain the idea of non-linear time.

In our universe time is linear, always flowing at a relativly constant rate. An hour is always an hour and a year is always a year. However before the creation of the universe time did not exsist in the form we percieve today.

Once you remove space from space-time (the current foundational state of the universe) you remove the need for time to be linear. So before the big bang a year could be a second and a second could be a billion years. Time while existant was somewhat irrelevant.

God has always existed because he has existed for all of linear-time, and he existed for all of non-linear time because time before the big bang didn't really count.

We think of God as male because it helps to place human limits and understanding on him to help us as limited beings understand the infinite. The reason why God is "male" is simply because males are dominant. In reality God more than likely has no sex.


With the big bang, how did all of that material get packed into the small area that it occupied?

Do you think that there is an edge to the universe? If so, what is beyond the edge?

I have heard that the objects in space (stars, galaxy, planets, ect) do not move, but that space itself is moving, how does space move?


The short answer is, we dont know. I take the position that the universe came to exisance from the thought of God. A thought as we know changes reality so the act of God thinking about the universe could, in theory, have created it.

The main contending theory is that our universe is in a constant cycle of expansion and contraction. The problem with that is at one point we have to address where it all came from. Plus the end of our universe is actually just ending.

The universe is infinite so there cannot be a center or edge, there is an edge to the observable universe but matter exists within infinite space. As for whats beyond the edge of matter, probably nothing but a constant stream of zero-point energy.

Space moves because space is not "empty" it is an actual fabric of 4D space-time. Space is made up of a sea of energy. It is expanding due to the aftermath of the big bang. Think of the universe as being a type of jell-o with matter being small pieces of fruit inside. As the jell-o warms up it expands just like most everything does when heated.

Even the space between you and your computer is expanding. And eventually (100 trillion trillion times the current age of the universe, give or take) the universe would have expanded so much that atoms, electrons every bit of matter will "rip" apart. This is called the "Big Rip" Theory, the end of the universe.


Does God govern everything we do? Does he control everything and have a certain path set for us all to follow? Or does he allow us to decide?


God set in motion all things but he does not "govern" persay. Only if something truly begins to go wrong will he change things, or if we try to follow the right path he will answer prayers etc. There was a line on the show "Futurama" in which "God" said, "If you do to much they will begin to depend to much on you and if you do to little they will lose faith. When youve done things right people wont know if youve done anything at all." I think thats a fairly good way of explaining the actions of God.

God has set a path for each of us however we have the choice to either follow it or make our own path. The ultimate love of God is allowing us to make our own choices, right or wrong. With out the gift of free will we would have no real reason to exist.

God has placed what is right and what is wrong but he only judges us by what we know of right and wrong.


Do you think that humanity is starting to lose faith in God?

With the big bang theory will it all one day retract back into the small area that it occupied?

with the big rip theory what will happen to the atoms that are ripped apart? Will they dissapear or will they just float around in the ripped shreds?


think humanity is loseing faith in a real God and creating one which serves only selfish desires. I have seen the move towards general spirituality where people believe in a god but wont commit to any particular god or idea. This lack of descission is very bad and their reasons for being just "spiritual" is they dont want to be held accountable for their actions.

Even if there is no God we must have the idea of God or else we lose one of the main drives to do good.

The Big Bang is what created the universe and it will end in the Big Rip, so no we will not retract.

What happens to all the atoms is they will be torn into nothing but energy. Matter is super compressed energy once it "rips" all that will be left is that energy, decompressed. In the very end, if we could see it, the universe would be a cold, dark, silent place with only the faint signature of energy. That state shall exist forever.


If reincarnation was what happened after death, what would happen to the souls once the big rip happened?


In your question, reincarnation is irrelevant for the answer is the same for any life after death scenario.

Once we die and our soul is released from this body it will acsend either to the 4th D or we shall go straight to God ,at which point it is no longer under the control of this universe.
Even though all matter will cease to exist the diminsions still will.

And from the 4th D whenever "death" occurs there we shall go to the 5th and so on until we are one with God.

The question of how we get to God either directly or through moving up the diminsional ladder is up for debate.


With all of the different religions that are in the world, do you think that they all worship the same God? Just practice their faith in a different way?


Absolutly. The term God (big G) is symbolic of the "I am that I am" the highest God the most supreme of all. A god is a lesser part of the God, and there are many gods, inlcuding people.

Just because we have differing terms desnt mean the general ideas and fundamentals arent the same.

The real truth comes from what we as individuals know. What we fully believe, and that is the key, true faith.

Day Two



I thought of another question during philosophy today.
we are going over Aquinas and his 5 ways to prove God's existence. He says that something is moving and that everything is put into motion by something else but the antecedent movers cannot reach back infinitely. Therfore there must be a first mover (which is God).

So with the big bang theory, everything was packed into a small area. When it expanded and space began to expand galaxies, stars, planets, and ect began to form. Because of this the earth began revolving around the sun. And since it revolved around the sun life as we know it was able to form. So, if God started the big bang he was the one who started the movement and eventually created life. what do you think of this idea?


Yes God is the grand mover. Even our best science cannot determine what made the big bang, bang or how it got to that state. However using science we can deduce that there must have been a higher influance.

Humans were created in both the image and likeness of God thus he places special attention on us. Remember we were cfreated so he (God) could experiance.


It seems as if a lot of people do not believe in the big bang theory. we were working on this project in philosophy and the group I was in did not like my idea much. None of them believed that the big bang was how the universe began.


I think many people misunderstand the Big Bang with evolution however they are 2 seperate things. We know the universe is expanding which means it had to start from somewhere. A simple google search will give you all the proof you need, should you ever wish to prove it to them.

Also the Big Bang does not remove God from the equation. If you take the Biblical story of Creation you will read that God spoke the universe into existance. The act of speaking is taking a small amount of air and letting it flow out of your mouth, a "big bang". Many stories of creation from around the world can be interpreted in such a way which will support the big bang.

Of course the term "big bang" is a bit of a misnomer as it was neither big nor loud. It wasn't big because the size of the singularity was many times smaller than an atom and it wasn't loud because there was no air to carry the sound.





13:53 Nov 23 2007
Times Read: 852

I have delt with depression for many, many years. Recently however it has gotten much worse. You see I have both migraines and Autonomic Neuropathy which has increased over the past year. So not only does it cause a great deal of pain and decreases fine motor fuunctions it also makes it difficult for me to keep a steady job. While I do make some residual income from various projects I still do need a "9-5" job.

I was able to find a Dr. that is very proactive and has placed me on several medications which help with psin management, somewhat. And he is also sending me for many tests to try and find the root cause. However that could take some time, if its possible at all.

Three months ago I bought a new condo but a month after that I was forced to resign from my federal contractors job. So between regular bills and med bills I have eaten through nearly all my savings and other stored resources.

So now I sit at my computer wasteing my days and searching all over to try and find a job. These things combined with personal problems have begun to take a toll on my already precarious emotional state.

Over the past month or so I have givin major thought to committing suicide 3 times. Each time I was able to have friends and family talk me out of it but every now and then I still get those thoughts.

It has been suggested that I go to a professional for help. I see little need for this as I did minor in psych and have delt with very similar situations with others in the past.

But sometimes between my health, employement, personal isues and my sense of relative failure it feels at times I just can't go on.

I'm not really sure about the purpose of this entry other than to write down whats going on in my little world. And since I'm a relativly open book I see no reason why I should'nt post these thoughts here.

Oh well my faith and personal resolve will see me through.



13:43 Jan 22 2012

its great that you had friends and family to talk you out of it. but although they did for your own good and in the best and positive way, their way. they dont really know what you are really going through. its normal to have those thoughts of suicide. I would say you had your own reasons. when health is in deep shit enough to throw your job in jeopardy and made you resign or who knows what else made you resign dealing with money and throw away your dream or your ideal life you wanted makes you go complete nuts and throw you over the edge.

Professional help i only have a good psychiatrist and apart the pills he send me on i see no much help and i keep my mouth shut about suicide thoughts.

I talked to my friend sharon, she tried to help me but although she gone through some shit herself in same way i did it was no help. cause she had her way of going through it like : live with it. but my thoughts about it say no.

I keep at my own pace.

take your own pace when you think of suicide. problems when it clashes money and health and being jobless drives to insanity and even worst.


A whole lot of nothing

15:12 Nov 15 2007
Times Read: 858

Well it's 9am CST and Ive been up since noon yesterday. I've updated my pro here, myspace, facebook and a few other places. Plus I wrote an article on why Pat Robertson's going to hell, go check it out on my myspace lol.

I have been dealing with insomnia for over a month now and it's starting to get to me. Tonight I even took several extra of my pain pills to try and get tired, guess what....not working :(

Anyway just thought I'd vent for a sec.




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