The Universe is made up of processes as opposed to things. We know that matter is made up of highly condensed energy and that energy is made up of fields.
As field reacts with field they create these masses of energy which intern gives rise to particles, atoms and the whole of creation.
Th Universe is positively buzzing with activities. Take a dead leaf for example. Its looks to be nothing more that a bit of decaying bio-matter but now look at it on the quantum level. You will find a vast network of tiny particles buzzing back and forth, you can almost hear the sounds of the basic universe. Billions of particles moving in a near infinite array of patterns and if you look even further you will find billions more energy fields making a spiders web of creation.
The leaf you hold stays solid in your hand and yet the energy fields only last for mere moments. By the time they are created they simply fall apart and then rebuild. Thus all things from the atom, to you and to the stars only exist for trillionths of a second.
We have the illusion of a stable and solid world only because by the time it takes the light of observation to reach our eyes the universe has recreated itself. You see things happen at such a remarkably fast rate, in the quantum, that even light speed seems to be of average pace.
Let me give you a word that you'll need to understand if you hope to know the universe, Entropy. Basically, entropy is the lack of order, the higher or lower the entropy the more or less order a system has. A more scientific understanding of entropy is the amount of unavailability of a systems energy to do work.
Entropy works on two fronts, the apparent and the quantum. All things in nature go from a state of relative low entropy to a state of higher entropy. Take a tree, while it's alive it has low entropy and an amount of high order. Now take a dead tree, its leaves and branches have fallen off and bacteria have begun to eat away at it, our tree now has a higher entropy and less order; the past two examples are an example of apparent entropy. Once the bacteria have consumed the tree and all that is left are mounds of dirt, over time, the dirt will break down into particles and over eons will be converted into random energy. That is quantum entropy.
The certainty of an object existing is only found when we observe said object.
Until observation there is only a 50/50 chance of it really existing. If I observe a wooded area I may presume that a deer lives there but I have no real knowledge of it. Now let me go into the wooded area and I will observe no deer, therefore my assumption was wrong and my observation gives me the truth of nothingness.
For each possibility there are only 2 options, yes or no, 1 or 0, a 50/50 chance nothing more or less. The plausibility of something however may be a 10% chance or a 24% chance and so on. All things are possible but only some are plausible.
An object doesn't truly exist until it is observed.
Even though our "solid" existence is an illusion what makes us up is very real, even if its only for a moment. These energy fields and lower are, one might say, our connection with the mind of God.
Being that the universe flows from God we may be, as a friend put it, "the will of God manifest in 3 dimensions."
Very nice!
As first glance it seems that you contradicted yourself. Please correct me if I am wrong in this thought. You stated that the energy fields that hold Creation together are constantly being rebuilt, and so everything only exists for a fraction of a second at a time.
Then in this entry you stated that time, on the quantom level, exists in the past, present, and future simultatiously.
Taking both of these ideals into account, the contradiction seems to be that if on the quantom level time is all; then the energy fields would not cease to exist and then be rebuilt. They would be constant. Thus is it logical to think that when we we see the energy fields and webs die and come forth again, it is only our perception of time that would cause this? Given that time works differently on the molecular, atomic, and quantom levels. of course.