Some people on here have really sexy voices ;)
LDK is such a sweet chick :P She's even giving me a wonderful gift for my bday (even though that was some time ago haha). Point is I don't often have something worth talking about that makes me happy and this is one of those times.
Apart from giving me stuff (which is always nice) she's always been willing to listen to me, let me vent, talk about things I wouldn't dream of putting in here and then of course the occasional bit of X-porn haha.
Ending remark, she be great and I'm really glad we're friends.
That she is, glad you have her as a friend, she's the best :)
No comment. :P
You're a great friend X.
What's the difference between a stalker and a wife? A stalker will let you diddle other people. :P
Well, that and you don't have to give your stalker half of everything you own when you finally get him/her away from you...
Hahah good point birra and plus she doesn't take ur name. So hmm what's better. A stalker or a wife ?
"I want your wee wee in my bum bum"
"There's nothing wrong with a little baby juice in your poop chute"
You freak you
OOOhh yeah talk dirty to me!
Just wait! Just you wait!
dude!....comments like that are gonna lead people to think your gay lol
To everyone.
I know there are several people right now waiting on me to help them, do some sort of work/project, answer some questions etc and usually I try to do what I'm asked within 24hrs. However, between things going on at home and my condition it's been hard to concentrate or find proper inspiration. So if you're waiting on me to do something please forgive me and keep up your patience. I'll get to everything in due time.
Talk about a complement
"...I always try to catch you on when I have questions. You are better than the net on that."
Thanks :)
I'm gonna take a wild guess and say, disco?
Mighty nice of them to say huh?
Isn't that nice of them? Sometimes i wonder myself if you aren't a walking well of information cuz....
Boy Butter Lubes
"Try squeezing a little Boy Butter into your tight agenda today!"
You sick freak!!!!
How the hell are ya buddy??
I suppose you're writing commercials now.
Can cougars buy that stuff? :P
You just made me lose my cordial.... priceless. lmao
08:22 Feb 28 2010
Oh so ur the heavy breather that hangs up when I pick up the phone huh ? Now I thought we had an arrangement...? All 3 of us are in tn. I won't share the oleman with ya no matter...(ponders) well depends on what ya have to put on the table lol