The demographics of this place has changed sooo much and as a result, well, I'm miss the good ole days.
Just because you survived the Holocaust (as all Jews who lived in Europe & over 66yrs old today did) does NOT make you a saint.
George Soros, holocaust posterchild or not is a very bad person and has been responsible for the destruction of several national economies and continues to promote the end of capitalism, American strength and western civilization as we know it.
Facts don't lie. Just because you disagree with them doesn't make em wrong.
I drag my arse unwillingly to the seder tonight.
Not a jew, my man is.
If our cells didn't die and all kept reproducing (and we could keep living) then in 75-80 years or so we would each weigh 50 million metric TONS!
20:01 Apr 18 2011
hmmm...the same could be said about any community though?
It's probably a good thing in one sense - too much sameness makes things stagnent.
20:04 Apr 18 2011
I wouldn't say ti's a good thing, and yes, I do miss the good old days here.
20:04 Apr 18 2011
True but an influx of Canadians would ruin any culture :P lol
And in a sense that's what I'm talking about here.
20:04 Apr 18 2011
(gah...typo elves!!)
20:22 Apr 18 2011
LOL Canadians...point noted haha
21:32 Apr 18 2011
Pffffft, you can only WISH that this Canadian would influx your demographics.
Pffft, pffft, I am so appalled.
21:56 Apr 18 2011
Canadians and Australians...pffft