the love of my life i really want to be his wife i know i would strive to make that dream come to life i love him so very much not just his hugs and kisses i miss his touch and teases i want to see him so bad i dont know why hes so far away its hard but i know ill get through it and hopefully graduate then i can spend the rest of my life being his wife and a drop the bomb on being a great mom or hopefully use elastic's with the practice of making it come true .
anywayz i really miss my boyfriend and love him so thats all i can say for today lol cya bye :)
i really really so on on the really's i miss my loved ones such as my boyfriend and my friend laura and margaret aka katie and jennifer and paulo and chelsea and christie and amber and diana and definetly not jeff and definetly not alex and not really christina and not so much morgan and nancy cant think of anyone else :) theres the thoughts 4 today also jacob and also alysha almost 4got them :)
yea its beeen really great on my vacation i have been seein my sis and holdin my nephew and tryin on my dress its been alright i guess but i wanta get home i miss my friends and my boyfriend well talking 2 him he himself is in the navy so i probably wont see him til christmas or 2007-08 alright thats my thoughts so far :)
HAPPY HALLOWEEN everyone my friend motley_kiss_crue on here actually came over and watched scary movies and ate candy and stuff and my mom stayed home and my boyfriend didnt really show up but when i go do what i gotta do 4 about a week he said ill see him when i get back 4 about a week or so i guess that works its better then not at all lol well yea and o ya i dont have a gf so girls im girl wise single but not really lookin sorry im satisfied with just my man sorry lol well alright dont know what else 2 say c ya o HAPPY HALLOWEEN !!!!!!!