Aaaaah yesterday was a looong day. My sister's here to visit, and so we decided to go get piercings. First, we needed another 40 bucks to get our tongues pierced. I originally wanted to get my nose, but my sis talked my into my tongue. anyway, I went up there with her and my boyfriend the first time to get hers done. I'm not 18, so I needed my mom to sign for me, and she wasn't there so I couldnt get it done right then. I watched my sisters get hers pierced so I wouldnt be so nervous about mine. So, then my boyfriend dropped us off at home, then I got another 40 bucks outta my mom and she finally agreed to take me up there. (She left right after she signed) So I got mine done, as the needle went through I was staring at this picture of a penis on the wall. It was all tattoed, and pierced heh it was so funny lookin. That was quite strange. Anyway, it didnt hurt while the needle went through, the aftermath of the piercing is much worse. I can't eat certain things at the moment, as it's very hard to swallow and chew. So I've been eating ice cream an grapes. And I got a big ass cookie cake for my birthday and Im not gonna be able to eat it now :( Oh well, I guess that little phrase "you can't have your cake and eat it too" makes a lotta sense to me now!!! haha.