I really don't get my husband sometimes. I don't see how a person who was abused by their father for years and then not be on speaking terms for 3 years can be best friends with the man. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think it's really fucked up. I'm sorry but if that was me, I wouldn't give two shits if he was alive or dead, AND I hold grudges. I feel like me and my daughter are always put on the back burner whenever he is around his dad. It pisses me off, we've gotten into a few fights over it. I understand he's Amber's grandfather and he should be able to see her but I just think it's bullshit how Ed (my husband) can sit there and act all buddy buddy with him. It makes me ill. Sure let's be all fake to an asshole who would beat the shit out of him with cue stick and try to poison him and the rest of the family by putting raw meat in the water system and let's be fucking best friend's with someone who dragged his mother with a fucking pickup truck. But yet that's fucking okay. I don't get it. He treats the person who treated him like shit like his fucking best friend but me, his fucking wife who would go to the ends of the earth and back for him who has never done anything but take care of him the way a wife is supposed to and I get the fucking shit treatment. If this is going to continue, then I'm gonna tell you right now I'll be done. I'VE HAD IT WITH SELFISH MEN! THEY ARE FUCKING USELESS PIECES OF SHIT EXISTENCES WHO HAVE NOTHING BETTER TO DO THEN MAKE OTHER PEOPLE'S LIVES MISERABLE AND TAKE UP SPACE!
Well just got back from taking my lil girl to the doctors. Turns out she has a virus, but I'm still not convinced that everything is okay. This fucking quack acted like he got his medical degree out of a fuckin Cracker Jack box. I KNOW when my kid is not feeling well and I'm not crazy when I know what the fuck I'm talking about and this doctor made me feel like I was. If Amber is still not eating by tomorrow morning, I am taking her to the Hospital. I'm going to get a second opinion and not let some asinine quack tell me otherwise. I know damn right well something is wrong with her. She has a rash all over her body, shes not going to the bathroom, not eating, not drinking, WTF?! and this bastard is going to dismiss it all like I'm over exaggerating. That pissed me off more than anything. I KNOW I am not fucking crazy and I have every right to be concerned with my child's health. FUCK YOU SALISBURY PEDIATRICS!!!
Well today both me and my daughter are sick. I have to take Amber to the doctors today. She's been running between 99-101.9 degree fever, Has not been eating or drinking within the past 24 hours. I am also worried that she hasn't been going to the bathroom. All her diapers are bone dry, she's not urinating. Hopefully the doctor can put her on something so that she doesn't dehydrate. She has not been feeling well the past 3 days. I feel like shit too but I've been taking stuff for it. I hope my daughter is gonna be okay :(
Hope you are both well soon hun and all goes ok at the doctors *Hugs*
Well ... tomorrow is my 21st birthday ...woop de fuckin doo. Every year it has been a disaster. So I'm expecting that this year as well. I would prefer if it wasn't even acknowledged.
23:54 Aug 28 2010
Damn thats seriously fucked up..but I think you and I def have that in common..the whole grudge thing..Its hard for me to really forgive people that screw me over..Im the type that just walks away from a person like that and never looks back!