Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ]
10 entries this month
01:13 Jul 29 2008
Times Read: 581
I've not done any entries in here for a while. I honestly couldn't be bothered to. Why, I don't know. I try to write about things that will interest people and therefore encourage them to make comments, but that doesn't seem to work. Oh well.
Desperately trying to think up an intelligent idea for a forum thread. And as per usual, I'm drawing a blank.
Fun Time: No one has guessed who I am on here. (My main account) So I'll leave that for now. Instead....how old do you think I am? Aaaaany guesses! :) Give a LabRat a giggle,wontcha?
Do comments! I dare yah!
*It's unseasonably hot, I'm bored, what more do you people want???* ;)
Oky Doky
21:55 Jul 23 2008
Times Read: 617
Ok everyone, I want you to guess who I am on here. On my main profile. Here are some clues:
~I've been here for four years.
~ I'm a girl (duh.....but just incase lol)
~I'm a level 24.
~I'm in a Coven.
~ I love NCIS and CSI.
Ok, lets see how you do with that. You have....oh.......half an hour to place your guesses (in journal comments) and then I'll see which name comes out the most, and tell you if it's right or wrong. :)
Let the games begin!!!!!!!
23:06 Jul 17 2008
Times Read: 632
Hahahaha. :) This is too funny!!!
Time Spent:
6.66 hours
22:31 Jul 17 2008
Times Read: 634
Just rated about three quarters of the VDB. Damn this feels good!
18:12 Jul 17 2008
Times Read: 637
Ah, finally got the nav box fixed! Thank-you Lady Chordewa! :)
Now, just have to decide what else to put in it, and the rest of my profile. I'm quite stuck. Any ideas? :)
I'll need to re-do the music player tomorrow. I'm planning on putting alot of Abby-esque songs into it. :)
And, anyone guessed who I am yet? Guess, it'll be fun!
Navigation Box
12:39 Jul 16 2008
Times Read: 656
Is not working. *sigh* I don't know what could be the matter with it. Could someone kindly help me? :)
For reference, I used the first nav box code from the Guardians of Darkness profile help page.
The Admins
01:21 Jul 16 2008
Times Read: 681
...Are brilliant. Honestly. As my new friend told me, my profile had been suspended. So, I politely messaged a sentoran, who told me the problem, enabling me to fix it. Thank-you for helping me Bones. :)
You know, we would have much less drama if people just sat back, cooled off, and thought rationally about why their profile has been suspended etc etc. And then enquired nicely about why it has been suspended. No mess, no fuss.
But then again, this is VR, and there is ALWAYS a Drama-Llama lurking! ;)
23:45 Jul 15 2008
Times Read: 684
22:44 Jul 15 2008
Times Read: 709
I'll probably end up putting this in my profile, but I wanted to write it out in here first.
I see so many things on profiles that are annoying, or that people are afraid or unwilling to say what they really feel about a profile for fear of downrating or general nastiness.
I want to create a feeling of open-ness and honesty for my profile. That is what allows people to get on better, for true friendships to flourish.
Rate it what you honestly think it deserves. Low or High, it doesn't matter to me. In the past (on my main account) I got really quite annoyed with rating, and if I received a low rate. But rating isn't the be all and end all of life here on VR is it? I mean, a 1 will hardly render you incapable of functioning through-out the rest of the day. ;)
Be true to who you are. Don't compromise any feelings you might have about it on my account. (pun not intended!)
And now I'm off to get my page views up, and do various other things that need to be done around here. And watching Reaper with a couple of beers, of course!
Anyone guessed who I am yet? this is so much fun! If you think you know who I am, leave it in a journal comment. Or anything else you want to say. :) I think my messages for the day are close to being up now, so this is the only way I can still talk.
Ciao! XxLabRatxX
20:57 Jul 15 2008
Times Read: 726
Well, well. This brings back memories. I never thought I'd get to my a *first* journal entry again.
I wonder if anyone will guess who I am on here? As is stated in my profile, this is a second account. I don't know if I'll seem different to the *me* people are used to talking to here on VR.
Well, off I go to create more HTML and think of what I want to put into my profile.
Ciao! XxLabRatxX
16:03 Aug 01 2008
I mean.. like there's no credit given to the one person who did ascertain who you are! Cheek!
23:01 Aug 02 2008
Apart from you hunny ;) *hug* But then I didn't want people trying to get you to tell them who I am. ;)
17:27 Aug 03 2008
..other than saying, "you're a cutie-pie, what would I say?"